This seems really interesting! As I just started studying game design I want to look into really good and immersive games, and this seems like a really good example - and it's text based! (which means in almost all cases that the gameplay is really good)
Will definitely try it out soon, thanks for sharing! 
*bookmarks links*
Text based MUD's have been around for a very long time. It was a big part of my early highschool days. Not only are there hundreds of different ones out there, but many styles... from hardcore pvp muds called godwars to long level grinders. I spent a lot of time building one a long time ago. It can be a difficult system to learn, but once you do, the possibilities really are only limited by the admin programmers and some imagination.
If your new to finding out what a MUD is all about, then you should be in for a treat if you have the patience to learn. I'd recommend branching out too, there are some really evolved and sophisticated play systems out there, far more complex for the end user to learn that any graphical game out there imo. A good starter and long lasting one is Aardwolf. But I prefer the pvp ones, those can get super intense even with a small population of players.
yup pk in this game is incredible, your heart will beat so fast you think its going to explode, you will want to live for it after your first taste of the hunt!!
No offense but how exactly does text get your heart pounding ? I just get bored trying to get into games like this none the less text based games, but GL and whatever floats your boat ^_^
i got beat down by a pumpkin Game is super fun though.
haha :D i managed to get my witch up and running , learnt the Bug Shield spell and can fly on broomstick
+ Show Spoiler + =======SKILLS=======Level/Bonus================================================ covert.............. 0 0 | | | enchanting.... 15 77 crafts.............. 0 - | | | evoking....... 15 77 faith............... 0 0 | | | healing....... 15 77 fighting............ 1 5 | | | scrying....... 15 77 magic............... 16 84 | | spiritual....... 16 84 | spells............ 26 120 | | | abjuring...... 15 79 | | offensive....... 10 52 | | | banishing..... 15 79 | | defensive....... 75 187 | | | conjuring..... 15 79 | | misc............ 10 52 | | | divining...... 15 79 | | special......... 10 52 | | | summoning..... 20 105 | methods........... 15 78 | items............. 13 68 | | elemental....... 10 52 | | held............ 23 112 | | mental.......... 19 100 | | | wand.......... 15 78 | | | animating..... 15 79 | | | rod........... 15 78 | | | channeling.... 25 118 | | | staff......... 15 78 | | | charming...... 20 105 | | | broom......... 48 165 | | | convoking..... 15 79 | | worn............ 10 52 | | | cursing....... 20 105 | | scroll.......... 10 52 | | physical........ 16 82 | | talisman........ 10 52 | | | binding....... 20 103 | points............ 13 68 | | | brewing....... 15 77 adventuring......... - - | | | chanting...... 20 103 | direction......... 26 119 | | | dancing....... 15 77 | health............ 25 118
You prepare to cast Mama Kolydina's Instant Infestation. You release your mind and let it float gently, until you touch upon a number of insect minds nearby. Carefully, you encourage them to fly in your direction. A cloud of insects cautiously approaches. You slowly crumble a cube of sugar into your hand and offer it up, in the hope of luring them closer. Slaine buries the corpse of an accountant deep within the ground. The insects begin to converge upon your sweet offering. You deftly flick the fine particles around yourself, making a sticky floating cloud of sugar-powder. The insects eagerly cluster around you, fighting for the sugar. When they are positioned to your liking, you begin to weave a web of force around yourself, making it difficult for them to fly away from you. You reinforce your web by prodding the minds of the insects, sternly warning them that if they don't stay where they are they'll get no more sugar. Without warning, the insects all converge on you at once! You scream!
oh well
you guys using screen readers? i wandered around morpork i think its name is for like 15 minutes now im totally lost, i figured i could just get outside the city gates and fight some monsters but i guess thats not the case. this city is huge T.T
haha, here is the map website http://daftjunk.com/dw/
you can go here and do a quest (make sure you have skills or items to do it if required) http://discworld.imaginary-realities.com/wiki/Morpork_quests
after you've done an easy quest for a bit of XP then i would go to a guild and "join" it in main room. warriors guild is simplest (AM Palace Guard , southeast of the Drum) and assassins guild is the nearest (5 east, ne, s from the Drum). thieves guild is very nearby too (east of drum) and really fun
the Drum is the pub you start out at, at the top of Short St. you can quickly get back there by typing "godmother help" then "nod godmother"
once you joined the guild type "cost primaries" in the main guild room and "advance fi to 5" then "advance fi.me to 10" . now you've unlocked the fighting.melee subskills and can pick one (like dagger for assassin) to further advance
you can buy some armour in the warriors guild or some other shop. you wont have much money (if any) but you can ask someone
you should exchange your "voucher" for a talker (chat channel). if you go about 8 south, 1 west from the drum you'll be in a room with Jorodin. type "exchange voucher for talker" and then type "one hi im new!" to chat on it. or just use the newbie channel ("newbie hi i need help")
no you're not supposed to use a screen reader unless you're blind lol :D
you can fight any npc in the city but will probably die (unless you run away). its best to do some quests, advance some defensive skills (like fighting.defence.dodging) and ask around if you can join a group or form one with someone ("group list" or ask on talker or type "qwho" and ask random people until you make a friend).
in the past i would do tons of quests (type "who taxi" and ask one for transport - itll be free for newbies and theyre helpful guys) , get my basic defense up (like my witches shield) then group up with someone. but you can do whatever you like really, the first time i played i just explored for ages (and ran away from lotsa shit)
its NIGHT atm so you'll want to get a light source from somewhere (torches, yellow-stone-ring for 8 bucks in a playershop maybe). just ask on newbie for help. "light torch" works btw
EDIT: actually the first thing you should advance is "adventuring.health" (max it to 25) so you have around 1300hp instead of 500
hey, just an update idk if anyone is curious
my friend brought his friend (a girl) and we have been grouping around the town of Sto Lat killing stuff and trying to save money
my friend got his hands on 3 of the top Heavy Swords (most of the weapons in this game are very similar in stats to one another to help with balance (no uber shit that can be made, or stolen) & variety (if u like a bastard sword more than a war sword u can use it), tho he got annoyed coz he has to stay in religious alignment to use 2 of them and needs a guild level of 100 to hold the other haha
i done a level 6 quest that involved pulling levers in the alchamists guild 70 times to find the right combination, whilst being blinded and gassed and hoping the npc there stays alive, eventually i got it and exploded the whole building and landed on top of the Tower of Art. i got a witch to fly to me and then portal me to a doctor to fix my legs but i couldnt speak the language to ask for help!!! i realised witches had recently gained a "splint" (fix legs) command but no1 online could do it. then i realised id luckily TMed the language enough to ask the doctor for help after all!
i advanced some dodging and almost have enough so my friend doesnt have to defend (try to parry when i get attcked) me (my insect shield is working weakly but very slow to recast)
im thinking about rearranging my stats to have 18 str (very unusual for any non-warrior), this will let me fully utilise dodge coz ill have a lower burden while carrying around my broomstick and a 5' 2handed sword
mm thats about it, havent died yet!
just an update
i made a wizard and went into the UU library to locate and learn the TPA (shield) spell. i couldnt find it by reading through the pages of the tome so called in help. eventually i realised i was already carrying another book and was reading that one by mistake! i went to a shop to buy a broomstick and then back up to the smithy to shovel some ashes out of the fire as they were a component of casting the TPA.
i made a Priest of Fish (there are several Gods in DW and you can become a Priest of them, each gives a couple of unique rituals - eg Gufnork the god of fluff is barely good in alignment and lets you cast the powerful Aegis shield spell). i learnt the Holy Weapon ritual and tried to get it to work on my groupmate. it would have been cool for me to buff him by turning his weapon magical. But it only works on a weapon i am holding so scratch that plan -_-
i made a Priest of Pishe (good aligned god of water and healing). i can cast some nice rituals like "cure light wounds", "minor shield" (which you can stack so it lasts hours), "warm" (surrounds me in a warm mist - its snowing at the moment so this is handy not to catch a cold), "parch" (dries me) and light (its always bloody dark this time of the year). i am now working towards getting the "soothe" ritual, this will allow me to take my warrior friend out of "berserk" safely without him getting a stat loss. and i am trying to get my bury ritual working so i can bury corpses of the people i kill whilst still staying in alignment to my god ~
i made a picture of my latest character
i made yet another character, this time a warrior called Shana she also has red hair and wields a custom katana in both hands to use sword (not hsword) and dodge. i rearranged with 14 int so i can get my special.weapon and tactics up fast and start using behead
i was going to become a follower (not a guild member) of the god Hat which would let me cast the rituals warm and dark sight , which would have been super cool (glowing eyes). but i decided that having cure light wounds is super useful as a newbie and i can use it easily during battle too (unlike healing tea) so i became a follower of Gufnork.
annoyingly i had somehow gone out of alignment so couldnt learn any rituals from Gufnork. i asked for help and some guys told me i could buy a relic at the temple of evil Sek, then shatter it to get a more good alignment. the shop was sold out but these nice guys portalled to me and gave me some relics anyway.
so next i went to the town of sto lat to test out my fighting. i can succesfully use the stab command with my gladius that i bought from the palace guard shop, i have aliased so that i automatically warcry when i attack, and i can cast cure light wounds easily in battle. i also bought a super effective raincoat that turned out to be really lightweight, yay