So with my frustrations I finally decided a few days ago that I wanted to solve my problem of not having clean, non-pixelated, and large graphics from which to draw upon when incorporating LR threads or advertisements on leagues or what have you, and thusly I took many of the staple images from major organizations such as OGN, or SK Planet, or GOMTV and reverse engineered their logos so that I could have and use high resolution images however I wished, and not have low res pixilated meh. :/
Now this is all well and good for me, but what of other people who want to have access to this stuff? Well that's the reason for this blog. I figured more than just me could use this stuff to their benefit and decided to release what I have to the community so that anyone looking for a strong baseline could access it. Below I have compiled a number of important images and logos, as well as having the original .EPS files that I created hosted on my website so that you can download them (click on images to get high resolution versions on imgur). I'll break each organization down sectionally and provide what I felt were the most important images for each. And of course if you want to manipulate them yourselves, you have the EPS files. And off we go...
EPS: Blizzard_Entertainment_Logo.eps, sc2_raceicons.eps
+ Show Spoiler [sc2_raceicons] +
As I was working with the sc2 race icons recently and didn't couldn't find any vector graphics of them, so I made them. I should note that I have seen on DeviantArt these done fairly well, but they always lacked a level of detail, especially in the protoss and zerg icons. Also, now you can choose between the the terran icons with ease, whereas only one was really used before.
EPS: DreamHack_Digital.eps
I like Dreamhack because I googled "dreamhack logo eps" and immediately found their main logo in an eps I wish more organizations did this. Here is their press page with more entries as well: (currently unavailable, but I had the eps anyway)
PNG: Logo Packet: Complete
Like Dreamhack I like their MO. I couldn't find EPS files, but they had a page full of high resolution png files as part of their press materials. Again, other organizations please take note of this, it's very helpful:
Items: GOM TV logo, GSL lettering (long and short, long is Eurostile Demibold with an ~37° shear)
EPS: GOM TV_logo.eps, GSL_logo.eps, GSTL_logo.eps
+ Show Spoiler [gomtv_logo] +
+ Show Spoiler [gsl_logo] +
+ Show Spoiler [gstl_logo (longtime official is first,…] +
Items: MLG logo (not exact), MLG lettering and controller, MLG Icon (not square but can be converted easily)
EPS: MLG_all.eps, MLG_ico.eps
+ Show Spoiler [mlg_all] +
+ Show Spoiler [mlg_onecolor] +
I should briefly mention that MLG in their styleguide (found under branding) notes not to break apart any of their elements, so they very much frown upon the second image that I have here. I however disagree with this statement as they themselves break their own ruleset for 'one-color print applications', though all of the other guidelines of what not to do are mostly sound decisions.
Items: OGN logo, OGN separated 'lens flare', OSL logo (both old and new)
EPS: OGN_logo.eps, OSL_logo.eps
+ Show Spoiler [ongamenet_logo] +
+ Show Spoiler [osl_logo] +
Items: Proleague logo (season is BlissHeavy with an ~11° shear)
EPS: Proleauge_logo.eps
+ Show Spoiler [proleague_logo] +
SK Planet
Items: SK Planet logo
EPS: SKPlanet_logo.eps
+ Show Spoiler [skplanet_logo] +
EPS: WCG_logo.eps
WCG Doesn't supply an eps so that all vector programs can access it, but I have included an eps so those without illustrator can access it.
Items: Valve logo, Dota2 logo
EPS: Valve_logo.eps, Dota2_logo.eps
+ Show Spoiler [dota2_logo] +