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Hot6iX GSL Code S Season 2 Grand Finals
Code S Grand Finals TL Meetup
Saturday, May 19 9:10pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
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Leadership Competition

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+ Show Spoiler [Overall Results] +

P3psi is your Code S Season 2 Grand Finals TL meetup leader champion!!!
Part 1: Meeting the Group
So we begin the finals off in Seoul, South Korea. I leave Pohang in the morning with my parents, head to KyungJu Train Station, and arrive at Seoul Train Station. After saying farewell to my parents from there, I head to JangHanPeyong to pick up my grandma's cell phone and buy some materials.
After picking up some poster boards and magic markers, I head over to Gwangnaru.
I arrive at 3:11 predicting that I would be the only one there. BUT LO AND BEHOLD! 7 - 8 other ppl were already there. Oo
Now we're all waiting for P3psi to arrive so we can all leave, but u guys should know from the overall results section that I won the first round. I arrived there first, and held up the sign saying Code S Grand Finals TL meetup for the peeps to recognize.
3:35, P3psi arrives. OFF TO THE FINALS WE GO!!!
Round 1 winner: SeeKeR
Part 2: The road to the Finals
So we're all heading to Ax-Korea Hall now. First thing we notice is that there are signs on the ground directing us to the Finals location. (TY GOM :D)
When we get there, we see a bunch of people already lined up even though the finals doesn't start for another hour and forty five minutes.
Now here's where shit gets awesome. The people who emailed GOMtv and reserved seats, got priority

And when we went up to the table to get to our seats, we were given a kick ass GOMtv card and I got to meet snowbird :D
Here are pics of the outside of the place:
+ Show Spoiler +
Round 2 winner: P3psi
Part 3: Ax-Korea Hall
Moving on...... we find our seats in the hall. In just a short amount of time, the seats become completely filled. The atmosphere is so awesome and intense. I can't help but rapidly take pictures and record videos. (I don't know how to upload my videos T-T)
The Korean loud ass announcer guy starts hyping up the crowd. Then he finally announces for our 2 epic finalists to come on out!
Both players are introduced, then respectively head to their own booths. HERE WE FUCKING GO!!!!!!
I won't talk about the games since this is the TL meetup recap and not the games recap. But I will say the crowd went FUCKING WILD during game 5 and game 7. It was amazing......
After game 3, I headed to the bathroom and met..... KHALDOR!!!!! And Khaldor was so freaking cool it was unbelievable.... He invited me to go upstairs with him and I followed without another word Oo (btw, I saw July again, tried to take a picture, but he walked away.... T-T)
During the games, I took pictures of Khaldor and snowbird who was with us :D
After the games, Khaldor turns to me and asks me if I want to go get some pictures with Tastosis. I WAS ECSTATIC!!! I was able to talk with Nick and Dan FINALLY!!!! And get their pics and autographs Oo (Got Khaldor's autograph too. Double f*ing thumbs up!)
Pics Time!
+ Show Spoiler +
Round 3 winner: SeeKeR
Part 4: After the Finals
After the finals, I meet up with the group again and head outside of the hall. TIME FOR A MEMORABLE GROUP PICTURE!
We're all talking with each other excitedly, recapping what we just saw, and having the time of our lives. This was my final victory over P3psi. After this, P3psi pretty much made a comeback and won the whole thing.
Pics here:
+ Show Spoiler +
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9ioXF.jpg?1)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bfjl3.jpg?1)
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Round 4 winner: SeeKeR
Part 5: Deciding where to eat
Deciding where to eat became a bit of a hassle. None of us really knew where we wanted to go or what we wanted to eat.
We were negotiating where to go and eat, and unfortunately, I couldn't lead for this because I knew nothing about Gwangnaru or about any places to eat there.
P3psi steps it up, and says we should head to Yaletown in Shinchon to eat.
Round 5 winner: P3psi
Part 6: Subway to Yaletown
The way to Yaletown was completely led by P3psi. He knew the way and just took charge. He even counted heads and made sure we were all together. (I did this too but for some reason I kept either adding 1 or subtracting 1 :/)
Unfortunately, this is where we parted ways with Khaldor because he already made previous plans with his friends. Funny thing is, Khaldor got on the subway thinking he was going to part with us, and we did too. But P3psi came over to us at the last minute and told us we had to get on this train also. So.... yeah.... we got on.
Round 6 winner: P3psi
Part 7: Yaletown and Conclusion
An epic conclusion to an epic night. Yaletown is a place for foreigners, so we all went there and had an absolute blast. We ordered food, most of the guys got beer, and we just had the best of times talking about the 7 epic games we just saw.
Unfortunately, I had no idea that the subways in Korea don't run 24/7 so I had to bust out of there early. And even though I had to say farewell early, it was still one of the most memorable nights of my life.
Much thx and love to P3psi for getting us there

Round 7 winner: P3psi
Final Score:
SeeKeR 3 - 4 P3psi
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Part 8: More Pics and Final Words
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PXJ0x.jpg?1)
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Thank you to everyone who came out that night and made it memorable. I made tons of great friends that night and got A LOT of my dreams to come true. Love you guys. TL/SC2/GSL/GOMTV HWAITING!!!