Let's get into what's been going on in my life. Week 5 saw myself attempting to get through finals with the intent of completing my last full semester as an undergrad. Had a couple essays, couple tests, but after all was said and done, made it through. As most of us know, this is when the real stress begins since at that point everything is out of my hands. It was also at this point where I found some time to ladder. I was taking breaks here and there during finals week with the occasional SC2 game, but no time to sit down and write out a blog post.
Heading into Week 6, worked for most of the week, but much of it was spent hanging with friends, making last minute graduation preparations, things like that. I didn't really end up playing a single game, but was able to watch some streams and keep up on what's going on in the scene. One of the more interesting things I've come to find is that while my mechanics are lacking just because of sheer lack of games, my game sense is still relatively intact, perhaps even improved. Watching streams so frequently at work has taught me a lot about what to look for, so although I may have actually not played a game for an entire week, I don't feel as though I've gotten worse. While the proof is in the pudding (whenever I get a chance to play), I'll stick to this sentiment for now.
Finally, Week 7 saw no time for SC2 thanks to post graduation antics, as well as beginning my Maymester course. Now you may be thinking "But..but..graduation? Maymester? How does this work?" I don't know how true this is for other schools, but my school will allow us to take a couple classes during the summer sessions and still allow us to walk in May, though I'm considered an "August" graduation. For those who have never taken a Maymester, take an entire 14 week, 4 credit course during a normal semester, compress all the material into 3 weeks, and viola! Needless to say, I'm in class for roughly 3 hours a day, work the rest of the day after, then have homework to work on when I get home. Since I'm taking a history class, this means a stupid amount of reading every night, which I don't like to do in the first place (reading, in general).
So, as my goal below for this week states, I'm hoping to get some games in, but we'll see what happens. It's rather discouraging to play knowing I can't put a great deal of time into improving my play, which is why I'm shying away from playing right now. Once June comes around, I'll be back home with my parents, nothing to do when I get home from work, and nothing but Starcraft 2 to keep me occupied.
Goal for End of Season: Platinum, world rank above 5,000
Goal for This Week: Top 8 in my division with a new build order
Week 5, 6, & 7
Starting Points: 371
Division Rank: 36
Overall Record: 43-35
Starting Points: 371
Division Rank: 36
Overall Record: 43-35
Week 5 & 6 Record: 18-16
Race MU: 3-8 (P), 6-6(T), 8-2(Z)
Vs. Leagues: 5-3 (Gold), 13-12 (Plat), 0-1 (Diamond)
Ending Points: 371
Division Rank: 36
Platinum Region Rank: 6,539
Platinum Global Rank: 18,576
Division Rank: 36
Platinum Region Rank: 6,539
Platinum Global Rank: 18,576
Next Week's Goal: Play 20 games
Previous: Week 4 Weeks 8 & 9