While there is much to be said about fanboys, their counterparts on TeamLiquid, the anti-fans, aren't discussed quite as much. The anti-fan is, of course, a necessary element in a sports scene. The anti-fan is fuel to the fire that rages around team sentiments and loyalties. Nothing gets a fanboy more excited than another person shooting down their beloved progamer. If you want to see just how many Jaedong fans there are on TL, just say something negative about him and watch the hate pour in.
While negative dispositions are generally looked down upon, they shouldn't necessarily be discouraged. While watching Proleague is fun, watching Proleague while trashtalking fans of your opposing team in mIRC is a blast. Tagging up your name, making claims of absurd gravity, these wars between fanboys are really just in good fun.
What are the things that make an anti-fan hate a progamer? Sometimes there is no reason, sometimes there are qualities a person have which you can't put your finger on. Boring play, bad attitude, looks, their rivalry with your favorite progamer, many things can contribute to this. I, of course, am a well-known Bisu anti-fan. I hate everything this man does.
But what is the difference between hate and love? Regardless of how I feel about him, the fact is, I care about Bisu a lot. I care when he wins and I care when he loses. As an anti-fan, I hate to see him win, I dislike his team, I dislike the way he carries himself, his perfect looks. Is there a hint of jealousy? Maybe. Bisu is a gorgeous man, he's extremely successful, and a fantastically skilled player. His 3-0 humiliation of my lord and liege sAviOr doesn't help either.
There is that invisible quality about him that attracts my negative sentiments. While I might talk alot of trash about Bisu, in all honesty I'd probably squeal like a korean schoolgirl (which I am at heart) and beg him for an autograph if our paths were to cross. StarCraft is a game and anti-fans are key players. As you delve further into the game, find a team you love, a player you worship, and hopefully a player you want nothing more for than retirement, your overall enjoyment of e-sports should improve.
The anti-fan is the unsung part of the machine that is the BroodWar scene.
Just a short fluffy piece.
I'm pretty bored these days :p
For someone who hates Bisu so much, I sure got a lot of pics of him on my harddrive : /
I feel the same way about Fantasy, ha ha
On November 23 2009 08:09 ForTheSwarm wrote: I feel the same way about Fantasy, ha ha
Fantasy and BoxeR are like the only players on SKT1 who I'll root for. I wish CJ would buy Fantasy, that would be so sick. We need a better terran these days anyway.
On November 23 2009 08:14 fanatacist wrote: Bisu ftw The anti-fans can remain as an unsung part of the scene.
i dont really like fantasy because of the fact you know that his ideas are mostly from boxer and oov. i also dont really think he has that potential to success like boxer and oov but thats just me
I always thought that anti-fans existed because fanboys were being overnostalgic and annoying as heck sometimes. And because fanboys get threatened when another player starts performing better than their own.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On November 23 2009 08:24 TwoStep wrote: I always thought that anti-fans existed because fanboys were being overnostalgic and annoying as heck sometimes. And because fanboys get threatened when another player starts performing better than their own. If you think antis are plentiful on Teamliquid, take a look at Korean netizens. Those motherfuckers are crazy MESSED UP. Jesus christ, they'll pick out every little fault of every player/celebrity in Korea. Forgot when, but when Boxer went to some tournament in China and lost, fans were like out for his head.
It's even worse when you're like a celeb in Korea. Fucked up people digging up your pasts, and criticizing like every move you make.
Huge fantasy anti-fan here mainly due to the Flash comparisons and skt1 fanboys.
Germany1908 Posts
I hate the fact that Flash wins everything even in practice but I don't hate him. I want Flash to win except against Bisu/Best/Stork. I'm very Protoss biased, I don't give a fuck about other matchups when it comes to watching VODS - only incredibly good games I guess. Anti fan... hmm... who do I hate... I guess I hate go.go? I guess I hate BackHo as well? But that's about it. And they're bad, so being an anti fan of them is quite easy...^^
The only other player I really dislike is BeSt.
Everyone hates go.go but I love him <3
Kim Chang Hee is my princess.
Not much to say, but your post remeinds me of a quote from the Simpsons.
Marge: "You know Homer, it's easy to criticize but..." Homer: "Fun, too!"
On November 23 2009 08:43 iNfeRnaL wrote: I hate the fact that Flash wins everything even in practice but I don't hate him. I want Flash to win except against Bisu/Best/Stork. I'm very Protoss biased, I don't give a fuck about other matchups when it comes to watching VODS - only incredibly good games I guess. Anti fan... hmm... who do I hate... I guess I hate go.go? I guess I hate BackHo as well? But that's about it. And they're bad, so being an anti fan of them is quite easy...^^ I'm like you too. I only watch protoss matchups + the very best of other mus. I will only cheer for a non-protoss as long as he isnt playing one of the dragons and he is either boxer, nada, or jaedong. I am only an anti-fan of savior. Watching him lose is so enjoyable.
There is a thin line between love and hate ... forgot where I read that.
I dislike bisu as well, but the man is handsome, gives good results and consistently gives decent interviews. His arrogance bothers me, but I definitely can't say that it's undeserved.
I'm an anti-fan of Jaedong because I'm sick of zerg and I have a friend who is a huge Jaedong fan (and pronounces it Jaidong wth) so I want him to lose.
Pang, thems is fightin words!!
Anyway, I dont know why but i dislike flash a lot... No real reason and im sure he is an ok guy but i just hate to see him win and love to see him lose. I think it might be because he is fabled for his timings and strats but I just dont like to watch him play, unless he is losing. After that destruction of Stork in GOM finals I just did not like the guy.
i inherently hate savior because i love firebathero. bisu also sucks.