Calgary25963 Posts
On January 12 2012 14:34 kazie wrote: im sorry if i was coming off as being elitist. i was just giving an idea about what i was currently looking for. i got the impression that people were talking about jobs i could work my way up from, and not something like a cashier or clerk that im trying to find right now. i know im an incredible failure. i'll be typing out my resume and go visit everything like chill said. my resume will be barren since i have no qualifications or work experience You've already failed. Good luck.
On January 12 2012 14:34 kazie wrote: im sorry if i was coming off as being elitist. i was just giving an idea about what i was currently looking for. i got the impression that people were talking about jobs i could work my way up from, and not something like a cashier or clerk that im trying to find right now. i know im an incredible failure. i'll be typing out my resume and go visit everything like chill said. my resume will be barren since i have no qualifications or work experience
look, the position you're in doesn't warrant you being elitist. it doesn't benefit me, your employer, and most importantly it doesn't benefit you. you're not entitled to a dime of a prestigious job until you earn it, through knowing the right people or through having the right qualifications. evidently you have neither, so gain one of them. working at walmart may not have a lot of room for accession (although you would certainly be surprised), the point is you need the work experience and the money. showing up day in and day out to a shitty job says a lot about you (that you're tenacious and hard working, and that you're willing to get your hands dirty if the situation demands it).
for reference, my father is high up in a large oil extraction company, and he says that he would much rather hire a kid with a 3.0 with any work experience over a kid with a 4.0 and zero work experience. being malleable is certainly an asset.
If you are intelligent and can present yourself in a positive light, you will find its actually rather easy to get a full time minimum wage job. A shopping mall is perfect for that, as are restaurants or grocery stores. You dont exactly have the luxury of picking your dream job, so just keep as many doors open as possible. 16 year old high school kids get hired every day in random stores and they dont really have anything more than you do at this point. It is important that you dont come off as desperate if you do end up getting interviews, not that those are any hard for that kind of jobs. Explain that you need a stable revenue for the moment and are planning to accumulate funds to eventually go back to school in the future.
On January 12 2012 14:34 kazie wrote: im sorry if i was coming off as being elitist. i was just giving an idea about what i was currently looking for. i got the impression that people were talking about jobs i could work my way up from, and not something like a cashier or clerk that im trying to find right now. i know im an incredible failure. i'll be typing out my resume and go visit everything like chill said. my resume will be barren since i have no qualifications or work experience
See, your attitude hasn't changed. This is the biggest problem of all and no. A barren resume will land you nothing.
You have to spicen it up. Paint yourself in a positive light. What makes you unique and a credible member of their team? You are a university student taking leave to get work experience and earn money for your tuition, capiche?
Like others pointed out you have to sell yourself.
This takes some creativity. You say you have nothing or any work experience. That won't fly. Make stuff up.
You like photography? Have a camera? Well say you've done freelance work for such and such. For the jobs you can get odds are they won't check your references. Make up special interests if you have to and make sure they are out there!
Make yourself interesting.
That and I know how a resume should look. If you never done one odds are you have no idea what you are doing.
Don't worry high school students and a ridiculous amount of university students have no fucking clue how to write and format a proper resume. Lucky for you a few of us here do.
You can try to look at craigslist.org to share a room with someone to cut your rent by half. For jobs like mcdonalds and stuff, they have a website where u can fill out an online application(since u asked "do i just walk in a store and ask for a job"). I don't know if the unemployment rate in Canada is as horrendous as it is in the United States right now but if it's not then you should get a reply back in 2-3 months. But in US..if you have no work expierence at all it's almost impossible to get a job unless you have connections/friends.
The cool thing about life is that we all get to fail. If you fail 100 times, but win 1 time, all anybody will remember is that you won in the end. You are starting over from the bottom, but with hard work (likely some form of minimum wage work) and dedication you can end up in the lower middle class. Start working out, find a nice girl. You can't afford college, but you can still practice your math and read the same college textbooks. From there learn some business skills and work on interpersonal skills and leadership. I don't know what your ultimate dream was, but you can start working towards that again (college, family, etc).
Oh for fuck sake.
You didn't even try in the shit you sent me.
On January 12 2012 13:51 Plexa wrote: It sounds like the computer is your enemy so I would consider travelling to some country (maybe in South America, maybe Europe, hell maybe africa!) and do one of those working holiday things.
yeah, cuz we never seen a computer... right
anyway the rest its true, maybe dooing working holidays could work for, you can actually change the enviroment you're in
I'm guessing from your OP, you didn't join any clubs/activites at ur school either?
See my motivation in school is that fear of being completely fuked over becuz I was exactly the same as you couple years ago...my resume was completely blank except some volunteer work my mom forced me to do 4 years ago + no work expiernece either so if I ever dropped out of school I would be compeltely fuked.
Even worse for me because(I'm repeating this again)the US job market right now SUCKS.
edit: But I think ur problem was that you weren't motivated or just didn't care enough and you need to realize this right away becuz if u stay the way u were while in school and dont find soemthing to motivate you RIGHT NOW, once the 2k runs out then you'll really be fuked. I'm scared to analyze what Chill was saying becuz i might be wrong but I think he was trying to get u to change ur attitude complteely 180 becuz of how seroius ur current situation is and if u dont make a change your just going to stay that way.
On January 12 2012 14:58 StarStruck wrote: Oh for fuck sake.
You didn't even try in the shit you sent me.
sorry that was my initial one im trying to spice it up
Dont feel sorry for yourself, you're in the same position as most of the WORLD (no college education and no money). You really just need to suck it up and find a job. Your situation isn't special, you're not a huge failure, you just need to man-up and join the real world. The work world. Trust me, it sucks. The hours are long, people are rude assholes. It's not fair. You'll probably be miserable. But that's what it takes to get ahead in life.
There's single moms out there raising a family and working 2 shitty minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet. They aren't failures, they don't get special attention... they manned-the-fuck-up and took responsibility for their lives.
On January 12 2012 15:07 kazie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 12 2012 14:58 StarStruck wrote: Oh for fuck sake.
You didn't even try in the shit you sent me. sorry that was my initial one im trying to spice it up
Not only that the formatting is completely off. There are several free resources out there that have at least half-decent templates for you to follow.
Calgary25963 Posts
On January 12 2012 14:58 StarStruck wrote: Oh for fuck sake.
You didn't even try in the shit you sent me. That's the problem. You can't fake effort. This kid has zero drive. I think being on his own will do him good.
On January 12 2012 15:10 Chill wrote:Show nested quote +On January 12 2012 14:58 StarStruck wrote: Oh for fuck sake.
You didn't even try in the shit you sent me. That's the problem. You can't fake effort. This kid has zero drive. I think being on his own will do him good.
Out of the thousands of resumes I've reviewed that was by far the worst. I'm not just saying that in the heat of the moment either.
I can tell the guy is truly shaken, but he really has to man up right now.
If he really wants my help (and this is a very rare thing on these forums) he will put a little more effort into it.
i really do want your help. i'm reformatting it right now and will put more things in
Don't forget achievements.
For instance under high school, let's say you were an Honor Role student. Elaborate.
It cannot be run of the mill and have everything on there on one page.
Heck you even left out a spot for References. Here's a hint: Available under request.
After reading through this thread, it seems you may have downplayed the severity of your situation a little bit. Maybe I missed an important post already highlighting this point; but your best bet is to use any connections you have to find yourself a job. It doesn't matter how illustrious the connection is, any connection is the best bet to finding yourself a job in a hurry. Your friend works at Walmart? Fucking fantastic, apply to that Walmart. Your friend does data entry for BofA? Fucking awesome, apply for a data entry position. Given your situation, if you don't have any connections I would seek a job center. They will help guide you into the wonderful working world. There are many businesses that work as hubs for multiple contractors and institutions, helping people like you to find jobs in areas such as data entry. These are the types of jobs that require the bare minimum, and while they may not be glamorous, they help to pay rent.
Edit: What I really mean is, you need to start grasping at straws -- as negative as the idiom is. Your not-so-close friend's mom has a job at Safeway? Yeah, fucking try it. Any connections.
I'm in a job rut as well. I'm coming home to the states after teaching abroad for a year. I have previous work experience, but the job market is quite poor, and I'm going to be attending law school and accumulate a shit ton of debt. I'm not going to sit on my ass for half a year waiting for some ideal job. I'm going to reach out to every person I can, so I can get to work as soon as possible. It feels really shitty to harass people and depend upon others for these things (getting a job to pay rent), but it's quite common and you always get the chance to pay back your moral debt.
Life is pretty fucking scary. Especially for priveledged kids who lived their whole lives having their parents take care of them. You made me blessed to be able to go to school, and study. Even though I take that shit for granted, and I bitch and complain about it. You made me realize how much of a priveledge it is to go to school, not a chore. Thanks to reading this, I will try harder in life, because living life in mediocrity only leads to decay and moving back in life, even though you may be good enough, even without putting in the fullest of your efforts.
A lot of the advice people have given thus far is good, so I won't really add anything significant in terms of what course of action you should take. But, I would like to share some things you may find encouraging to keep in mind as things play out.
As a student attending a relatively prestigious university who understands the tendency to see "menial" jobs in a negative light, I can say from my experience that working these kinds of jobs is nowhere near as bad as you might be inclined to believe. I've spent my past two summer vacations working "menial" jobs as a part-time janitor cleaning up a food court at a shopping mall and as a laborer/machine operator in a plastic injection factory (which ended up being an approximately 60 hour per week commitment). After working these two jobs, I have gained tremendous respect for the people who are more than happy to take these "menial" jobs, just to have the opportunity to support themselves. Additionally, I learned to work with people with entirely different backgrounds than my own. I've never heard of any university offering courses designed to teach these values.
TL;DR Don't just look at this job search as a way to support yourself. This is an opportunity to gain priceless experience in working with other people that you can't get from a standard education. You have more to gain than just income in this situation.
Best of luck!