On April 23 2009 06:31 Klockan3 wrote:
This place basically houses the best players of almost all non-blizzard RTS's:
Not that it have anything to do with the topic, just wanted to point it out, and even though the relic boards keeps a lower standard than the site overall I would be surprised if any relic site is actually more hardcore.
This place basically houses the best players of almost all non-blizzard RTS's:
Not that it have anything to do with the topic, just wanted to point it out, and even though the relic boards keeps a lower standard than the site overall I would be surprised if any relic site is actually more hardcore.
My understanding is that Agesanctuary and Dowsanctuary are respectively the 'TL's' of their communities. I'm pretty sure Gamereplays was still Cncreplays when DoW was first released. While I'm prepared to grant EA RTS's to gamereplays, I'm not so sure about CoH, SupCom etc. I'm pretty certain the TW series has it's own community too.