Employing overly complicated and “unnatural” mechanisms in our society leads to many problems. One glaring current example is the economic crisis facing the world. In theory, the total economic output of our world should only be based on a limited number of factors. This would be availability of natural resources, weather, and perhaps external energy reception ie. sunlight. On the most basic level, a community feeds on agricultural produce of plant and livestock, and enjoys the material goods of products processed from raw materials such as lumber, metal, and oil. As long as the availability of these resources is unchanged, the livelihood and quality of living of said community should be consistent. Adding another layer of uncertainty, the human factor, changes things only slightly. Economic output may be affected by the work ethic and attitudes of these workers. Still, there should only be minor fluctuations in output.
In this way I find the whole idea of an “economic crisis” a strained, avoidable phenomena of overcomplication. The additional unbalancing factor is perhaps ignorance and improper use of fabricated assumptions. Financial markets themselves I find almost a joke. One aspect I hate the most is the common belief that investors can actually wield “skill” and “knowledge” in order to play the stock market to their advantage. It has always been so intuitively obvious to me that the market reactions and behaviours in setting prices of a company stock is ridiculously arbitrary and artificial. It is based merely on the expected future returns this property may provide. An investor employing a strategy with sound, intelligent reasoning is playing against millions of others with the same sense of self-superiority. Even worse, a random picker can easily come to the exact same conclusions and have equal chances of success. Even if you were a time traveller who was always right, once the market realized your advantage, they would eventually follow the same decisions by the cheater and nullify their advantage. The average return of a randomly selected portfolio is the same as those managed by professional investors.
So much of the world’s human capital is wasted on such endeavours. Legal and technical procedures enforced by the government and the senseless analysis used in the financial sector are just two examples that seem to consume so much of the work force these days. It becomes apparent that in a perfect world, a community’s net output of goods and services and would be better off if these workers worked in farms and factories instead. They would have a real contribution instead of the artificial value they seem to create.
Reverting back to the basics. People are nowadays detached from the basics of survival. People interact in a community for mutual benefit and those who are destructive must be inhibited. In most modern societies, the way we deal with these problem individuals (and sometimes groups) is imprisonment. We lock these vandals away in jails so that they cannot interfere with the smooth running of society. In more primitive times, punishment by death was acceptable. Two cave men settling a dispute may have a death match fight. The one with the bigger club, who swung harder, would be victorious and get their say. In the end, the easiest way to overcome a challenge is to eliminate your adversary.
A quick aside. The stupid Joker quote from the Dark Knight movie, “Why so serious.” Damn I hate the overuse and admiration for that quote. My response would be, shoot the Joker in the face, and, “Why so dead?”
Today we must not forget we are not very far removed from those times. Instead of clubs, primitive “uncivilized” disputes involve knives, guns and chemicals. The world does not seem particularly stable – if the global powers are provoked against one another, a nuclear war could easily wipe out the majority if not all life on the planet.
So how do we prevent this catastrophe (to most people) from occurring? It is not through the administration of global laws, treaties, and regulations. Eventually one entity would not be able to tolerate and launch the end war. Atomic weapons are perhaps the ultimate form of power, but as it is available to more than one party, leads to mutually assured destruction for all.
The solution is then for the community to be raised with the proper moral strength and integrity to avoid this threat and live in stability and peace. The very basic principles that give rise to the extraneous defined laws we have put in place. Cases with questionable criminal responsibility only need a reliable judge to decide the fate of the subject. The technical processes to ensure fair treatment and thorough investigation are not necessary if the judge is well enough qualified.
The next issue would be how to deal with sentenced convicts. There is no point in rehabilitating a vandal. This community requires people with a truly pure heart, with compassion and strength to do the right thing. I have faith that there are truly a numerous consortium of people on this planet who can fulfill that requirement. People with an impaired sense of moral integrity can not be tolerated and should be removed from the community. Options may include death, slavery, banishment, food source, or other less severe choices that I would probably not endorse.
One final note I wanted to leave on. What does it mean when my depiction of a perfect dream world would treat my own self as one of the subjects it must purge of its ranks?