Like write a PL report a FPVOD w/ starcraft music on guitar or help people with basic homework or girlfriend help!(...<_< *cough* )
Right! so my skills... uh.. i played acoustic for about a year and here's a tiny bit of how well/bad i can play
and .. as for starcraft i guess im C-
since i can't find my records from previous seasons! oh well..
And um.. i watched an actual PL match! bisu vs jaedong in fact. so i could write up stuff about that
Oh right, the reason..
1) because i felt guilty about making small posts and one liners and not contributing to the site , plus my blog quality is pure garbage.
and mostly ,
2) because i have more free time now that colleges apps and FASFA/scholarships all that good stuff have settled down and i've gotten used to my classes.
Of course, i could just take an oath to post better but i like posting like crap! it's really fun.