ITT: Virgins
On February 20 2009 12:07 {88}iNcontroL wrote: has some fucking strange people on it.
And you are one of them. Fucking control freak/psycho bullshit.
On February 20 2009 12:08 BanZu wrote:Mind explaining what she did?
You seem like the douche lol, you need to justify your actions (we'll be the ones to judge whether or not your reason works
On February 20 2009 12:08 Seraphim wrote:
you're a douche.
On February 20 2009 12:08 Leunal wrote:
I'm pretty content to just lurk on this forum, but I felt like I had to respond to this blog by saying you're a sadistic asshole.
You should be working things out and cherishing your gf, not doing this.
On February 20 2009 12:10 FragKrag wrote:
You're a fucking asshole.
On February 20 2009 12:12 JWD wrote:what the FUCK is wrong with you
If this is true, I hope this poor girl leaves you immediately...gee, I wonder why she might not treat you right?
On February 20 2009 12:14 JWD wrote:
Does TL ban people for being RL douchebags? Can it start?
On February 20 2009 12:14 renegade_zerg wrote:
fuckin douche bag
On February 20 2009 12:19 il0seonpurpose wrote:
Yeah you are a maniac. What did she do to you?
On February 20 2009 13:54 b3tty wrote:
this is fucked up.
On February 20 2009 13:24 yoshtodd wrote:
This sounds like a domestic homicide in the making. Get help for your control issues.
On February 20 2009 13:04 Resonance wrote:
You're fucked up.
On February 20 2009 12:55 arb wrote:
go rip your dick off bro
edit : does she give good head?
On February 20 2009 12:54 TeNken.1 wrote:
ur a fucking weird little kid
On February 20 2009 12:50 TheFoReveRwaR wrote:
We aren't freaking out, you just sound like a psycho tool. Simple as that.
On February 20 2009 12:49 tentaclemonster wrote:
Playing mind games with the other person in a relationship = you are trying too hard. Your relationship sounds too stressful, move on. Find other girls, have a good time.
On February 20 2009 12:46 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
Words > Actions when it comes to relationships.
If you explain your disposition in a calm and rational manner it helps.
insane bullshit does not.
On February 20 2009 12:46 fanatacist wrote:
Punishing her this way is a good way to make her your subservient bitch forever, but if you want to be seen as a humane person and boyfriend, be a human being with her and let her off the hook and tell her you just won't have her shit anymore. Treating her this way might seem justified to you AND her, but talk is usually enough, not ignoring her. If it's not, then move on and leave her.
On February 20 2009 12:27 LordWeird wrote:
She shouldn't even be with you, she'll find someone who doesn't do this kind of shit to them, and you will cry and I will laugh. GG NO RE?
On February 20 2009 12:22 Descent wrote:
This sounds mean...