Have you ever considered asking professors to be involved in undergraduate research in science fields around your campus? Who knows, maybe deep down you want to be a lab rat.
Losing interest in college education - Page 2
Blogs > Lamborsche |
Jordan812 Posts
Have you ever considered asking professors to be involved in undergraduate research in science fields around your campus? Who knows, maybe deep down you want to be a lab rat. | ||
Thailand7699 Posts
Change your major if you can't take architecture anymore. | ||
Bulgaria832 Posts
On December 19 2008 14:41 Lamborsche wrote: So here I am right now sitting in front of my computer 12+ hours a day, playing iccup on a negative win rate, stalking my high school friends' facebook accounts checking on how well they are doing at their office jobs, med school or taking up masters degree. And yeah. I've already incurred more than 2 weeks of absences so there's no coming back to school for me. I'm so ggéd. Ok, here are my thoughts. You might find them harsh or rude or whatever. I don't care as long as you read them and you think about them even for 5 minutes. So a guy humiliated you. Ok, it happens. All the time it does. When I was in high school I've been humiliated. Because I didn't belong among those people. I was playing pc games with 2-3 guys from my class and all the rest I considered retarded. And they thought the same about me and whenever they could they made fun of me. When I was in the university (12 semesters master's degree veterinary medicine) I've been humiliated by a professor too. In a class he was saying how the cause of people getting fat was stress. So I stand up and I told him it was food not stress. Cause you know, people in the concentration camps were stressed 24/7 and noone was fat. I asked how it this even possible, professor? It can't be that you're wrong, can it? So he teld me in front of all the people how I am going to have problems passing his exam and how he hates the children of colleagues (my dad is a vet too). But humiliation's not the problem. Thee problem IMO is the way you react to it. And you react in the most self destructive and negative way. While I react at first with anger then after a while I calm down and I think how to overcome the problem. But not a thought about quitting. And I do this mostly because of two things. One from a movie, one from a book. The movie part is from Fight club. Brad Pitt comes t oa guy with a gun and asks what is he doing working at a restaurant when he's been studying veterinary medicine. The guy says studying was too hard. Brad Pitt asks him if it too hard for him, then maybe he prefers to be dead. Guys says no. Brad Pitt then tells him to go and finish his study and always to remember that if he quits he'll be shot in the head and dead. So it's a harsh way to motivate someone but I guess it works. So I always remember this scene when I find I am losing motivation finishing something. Now the book part, it's far stronger IMO. It's from John Steinbeck's novel Grapes of Wrath. Read it if you haven't. It's amazing! People in it are forced to move from Oklahoma to California during the Great depression. They are poor, they have almost no food, they struggle all the time. At some point their truck broke down. So they go to find a mechanic. The mechanic is some guy with some disability, I don't remember what exactly and it doesn't matter. But he complains all time how he is all lonely and bad looking and so on. Then Tom starts yelling at him that he is doing nothing with his life, only bitching. Tells him to stop whining, find a life and move on. What I found amazing in this advice is that it came from a man who is literally totally fucked by the circumstances. But he never quit, never thought fuck all I'll just quit everything and sit here and maybe die from depression or whatever. You know the saying - Quitters never win, winners never quit. You're young, you say you're not bad looking. So my advice is take a rest and then come back to your real life and kick ass. Otherwise you're a little whining bitch that noone gives a fuck about! | ||
United States1071 Posts
That opens up a shitton of options for you for your life And also people finish 4 year college when they are in their 30s or 40s sometimes so being 23 is not bad at all | ||
China505 Posts
stop making him read philosophical shit guys, if he is reading through that 1 pager about fight club rofl. hes gotta figure out his options if he doesn't go to college. are u gonna be able to work n support a family w/o college? or are u gonna be a bum. if ur gonna be a bum bust ur fucking ass n forget about the "professor humilating u", ur gonna make more money than him anyway. | ||
2436 Posts
FUCKING AVENGE THAT SHIT! RETRIBUTION! GO SCRATCH HIS CAR OR SOMETHING! You'll feel better afterwards. Also, some advice for the future, if someone tries to give you bullshit what you gotta do is man up and tell him to go suck donkey schlong or something. The worst thing you can do is take it up the ass, so to say. You gotta understand that powergaming works in real life. Play the optimal game of life, like SC pros play SC, you gotta play life like a pro, ok? | ||
Philippines297 Posts
On December 19 2008 14:41 Lamborsche wrote: So here I am right now sitting in front of my computer 12+ hours a day, playing iccup on a negative win rate, stalking my high school friends' facebook accounts checking on how well they are doing at their office jobs, med school or taking up masters degree. And yeah. I've already incurred more than 2 weeks of absences so there's no coming back to school for me. I'm so ggéd. i can very well relate to your situation. im already 8 yrs in college and i dont mind it. here is a story why.. when i entered college, I was one year younger with my other classmates, with that in mind i mess around and try to "enjoy" life (it was worth it ![]() then on 2006 i try to get back on school everything is still the same except that i'm kinda the oldest in my classs now. i used to be shy about it because people will think that i'm too dumb for staying in college that long. at first it was very hard when going to classes since i didn't know anyone and some laugh if they knew that i'm 6th yr already. as time passes it became easy when i get to know some of my new classmates and earn their respect when they know that it was not my stupidity why i fail my subject (it was my laziness). currently i will be having my internship this January and hopefully graduating in dec09 . You can still make up in the classes you've miss just give it some more effort and stop spending 12hrs in front of your computer. You are in the same country as i am. if you want we can hang out and drink some beer, since your playing SC i'm sure your good company he he. good luck and merry Xmas dude | ||
Sweden6339 Posts
On December 19 2008 20:23 village_idiot wrote: Some say the taste of revenge is bitter sweet, but I find it to my liking. Diablo 2 o_o | ||
Iraq1796 Posts
On December 19 2008 22:05 keNn) wrote: You are in the same country as i am. if you want we can hang out and drink some beer, since your playing SC i'm sure your good company he he. good luck and merry Xmas dude There we go. Accept this offer, ASAP! Go out you 2 and have fun. Wow, TL is such a merry place, I think I'll cry in joy. Look how helpful everyone is. Also I can really relate to your situation. I'm kinda in the same spot, although I have a lot of reasons why I'm taking so long with my studies and I don't want to elaborate. However, just be your own man, don't give a shit what other people might think etc. Basically do what 15 people before me told you to and try again. Don't give up. Take care man. | ||
2436 Posts
Yeah, such a nice game. | ||
United States32028 Posts
Granted, I'm the oldest in most of my classes, but I'm a semester away form my degree now. | ||
United Kingdom6632 Posts
On December 20 2008 00:41 Hawk wrote: Take a semester off. Best thing I ever did. Work FT, and when you realize that you'll make dick compared to what you could with a degree, you'll be itching to go bck Granted, I'm the oldest in most of my classes, but I'm a semester away form my degree now. Yes this is a very good idea, nothing makes uni seem reasonable more than a stint of working full time in some crappy job. | ||
2152 Posts
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Philippines46 Posts
![]() ![]() I've decided to take a break this semester. I'm dropping all my subjects(I'm lucky we're still allowed to drop before January) and hopefully after a few months I'll be a better guy. Or worst, I'll get used to being a bum. If that happens I swear I'll kill myself. For now, I'm going to spend the next few months as a nerd ![]() | ||
United States7087 Posts
"Rofl i alrdy have 3 weeks of abscences and zomg im gonna fail anyways - useless try is useless?" ZZZZZ Fuck that shitty attitude is what got you here in the first place Have you even tried asking your professors for a second chance; or put any effort into trying to ace their class?(im sure he called your project 6th grade trash for a reason) Can you honestly say thats the best you can do? If yes, then sorry , my fault. 3 weeks of absences -that's just an excuse to stop taking the class either way, What about ur gf? she stopped texting so... you lost her? Call her and take her out some shit jesus christ "life long insecurites and family problems" -get over them or be a bum, basically- some people have split up families or probably neither a family altogether there's always something worse. But ...seriously at least get a job to pay off college(more importantly to realize what a crock of shit you can be without college)? or join the army? -2 years of your life training your mentality .... -But some people are completely hpapy with minimum wage jobs- but you don't seem to be, yet you act like a person that would. Hope this serves as a wake up call otherwise go ahead, shrug this post off as meaningless I'd be surprised if you even read all the way down here from what i've read go back to playing SC and throwing your life away? | ||
United States7087 Posts
someone suggested rich parents? | ||
United States3988 Posts
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Vietnam2038 Posts
2- go for work for 1 year 3- go back to college and treasure every seconds you spend | ||
United States6512 Posts
I'm the same height as you. I got my 4-year degree at age 26. And I kick ass! =D Everybody's situation is different; don't judge yourself based on what you perceive others achieving because you never know the whole story. | ||
Philippines46 Posts
On December 20 2008 06:52 HeavOnEarth wrote: Also, how the hell are you in college for 6 years? Just curious. someone suggested rich parents? Yes I can say that I came from a fairly well off family, both of my parents are physicians. My monthly allowance is at least twice the average of my classmates, I got my own condo unit, I drive a European car to school, got nice computers, wear entry level Swiss watches. I know these are near luxury even in Western standards for a student. But I lack motivation. I never got moral support from my parents. I hate them because I feel like they are more childish than I am.I don't even know if they care for me, it doesn't matter because they give me money anyway. I'm also blaming them why I'm acting this way. I feel that there's really no reason improve myself. No reason to fight for. On December 20 2008 06:50 HeavOnEarth wrote: Fuck that shit, get your act together and at least try..? your hardest "Rofl i alrdy have 3 weeks of abscences and zomg im gonna fail anyways - useless try is useless?" ZZZZZ Fuck that shitty attitude is what got you here in the first place Have you even tried asking your professors for a second chance; or put any effort into trying to ace their class?(im sure he called your project 6th grade trash for a reason) Can you honestly say thats the best you can do? If yes, then sorry , my fault. 3 weeks of absences -that's just an excuse to stop taking the class either way, What about ur gf? she stopped texting so... you lost her? Call her and take her out some shit jesus christ "life long insecurites and family problems" -get over them or be a bum, basically- some people have split up families or probably neither a family altogether there's always something worse. But ...seriously at least get a job to pay off college(more importantly to realize what a crock of shit you can be without college)? or join the army? -2 years of your life training your mentality .... -But some people are completely hpapy with minimum wage jobs- but you don't seem to be, yet you act like a person that would. Hope this serves as a wake up call otherwise go ahead, shrug this post off as meaningless I'd be surprised if you even read all the way down here from what i've read go back to playing SC and throwing your life away? I want to, but it's impossible now. Missing even one meeting in our Design class can be disastrous, because we are required to submit a lot of esquisses of our projects each meeting.Yes you were right that I wasn't doing my projects/plates to the best of my ability. But the thing is I've already been losing my interest in my studies even before that humiliation incident happened... I just feel so devastated right now, I really can't go back to my studies. I've already told you guys the reasons. My mother is dating another guy, some of my professors are assholes, no friends at school etc etc. I just can't put my mind over my emotions at this time, I'm overwhelmed by problems. I'm so confused and going through a lot of pain. You were right about so many things, I'm an asshole, I'm not being responsible for my emotions and immature for my age. For now I just need a break. I need a time to heal, a time to console myself and enjoy the things I like to do even just for a while. As for my girlfriend, we are kind of alright right now. She told me she got angry because I wasn't telling her anything. She got shocked when I told her I'm dropping this semester but I told her it's okay because now I can spend more time with her. | ||
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