hahahhaha, did ya'll see it at the WCG? Thats what I call PURE PWNAGE!!! fucking Bruse was all taunting Jaedong, didn't see what he said, but Jaedong all fucking cool says "bye" and all of the sudden like 20 freaking lings come out running with sneak attack through the mineral patches (Rid of Valkyries) and literally rape the shit out of Bruse's main. HAHHAHAHA, thats what he gets for messing with the best (after Savior).
edit, thanks to a youtube post: when he picked off the two probes, russian noob said, "you good!", pimp Jaedong said, "Jaedong: "thx, bye" Jaedong: -_- noob .
so humilating for that russian kid, thats why WCG is badass, they allow dumbass chat, that will certainly end having your ass handed to you.
Do you know of a VOD with high enough quality that has readable text? I'm really really curious as to what Bruse was saying.
I know at one point he was saying something along the lines of "dont rush yet, im not ready", as later on I was able to read that he said, "ok you can go now, I'm ready" after he had his cannons and gateway up.
It seems to me now that he totally had that rape coming, though...
Jaedong: good (in response to seeing 2 probes come to scout) Bruse: u too (in response to Jaedong picking them both off) Jaedong: thx Jaedong: bye *jaedong starts mining the back minerals*
lol, he thought he was gosu blocking and shit, what a dumb ass... doesn't even make pylon near that mineral to monitor break in... btw, he should cut his pony tail, fucking disgrace.
I think toss was sortof stupid. Didnt he practice on the map? He should had remembered the first pvz on rov was Gorush vs hoony where gorush won with the same thing. Also jaedong vs upmagic on fantasy jaedong did the same.
Man, when i was watching that game, I asked myself, "Did he throw that game away?" He ended up winning over Ret, but he was just being totally bm and gay during the Jaedong game. Even the pregame hand gestures and motions seemed really immature if you asked me. Or maybe he was trying to soak up the moment by making a fool of himself. Ugh, i just want to punch him in the face