It's called fucking arrogant satire you bitch. - Page 9
Blogs > mSLeGenD |
Vietnam2038 Posts
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United States1252 Posts
At least that way we can call it. So we know that we are actually fighting with the OP instead of some random idiiot. | ||
Switzerland348 Posts
On November 04 2008 01:57 NastyMarine wrote: I see what you mean, but I think the mods know how to do their job.At least that way we can call it. So we know that we are actually fighting with the OP instead of some random idiiot. No offense, I'm just pissy at the avalanche of not thought-out posts in this thread. + Show Spoiler + Of which I may be guilty as well. On November 03 2008 11:06 {88}iNcontroL wrote: I believe in honesty, and I also believe in honestly expressing one's emotions in proper ways.We've all had horrible fucking days where everthing that could go wrong did. We've had horrible situations with our parents where they did something so illogical and bad that a furious rampage would seem feasible. But most of us didn't. Or if we did, we didn't go to the levels of saying "I want to slit her throat" or "kill her 9 different ways." We don't call our mom a cunt repeatedly, call her trash and denounce every aspect of her life. We especially don't do that when the very thing that sets us off is our own doing. Now, emotions are not a thing of rationality. If you say that you'll do something while in a tantrum, it's most likely that the action won't transfer to reality. NOT expressing those emotions is far more dangerous, trust me. They'll have to get out one way or another, and flushing your system right now is far more healthy than letting those emotions slowly accumulate and eat away at you like a poison. Also, how is the thing that set him off of his own doing? Maybe I'm missing something. You can argue that he was stupid for not being paranoid about his mother going through his stuff, but you CANNOT argue that what his mother did what of HIS own doing. That just doesn't make sense. On November 03 2008 11:06 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Please enlighten me to what you believe is actually happening here.You siding with him on the virtue of "oh he is mad, and his mom was in the wrong" is so short sighted and so completely falling short of what is actually happening here that it is deafening that you could miss it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My concentration span is over for now, maybe I'll be responsive to further posts later on. I would love it if some mod could shed some light on this persona that is Monkeyspanker. There are many people here (me included) who have no idea where all the hate is coming from. I know it's a lot to ask. But I'm confident it would remove a lot of useless arguing. Jus' sayin'. Also, if the animosity against this guy is justified.. I believe it was stupid of him to remake a new account while refusing to stay anonymous. Now that I think about it, I think I remember an older blog post by this same MS which I found hilarious, but which was recieved with baffling disregard to the content, mixed with lots of hate. | ||
Netherlands347 Posts
On November 02 2008 12:59 Suggestion Box wrote: I gather that, your mom is stupid, your girlfriend's dad is stupid, and you are angry. I think it's frustrating living with stupid people, especially if they are your parents. You should probably steal from them (as long as it can never be proven in court) and then move somewhere cheap. Also it is funny that people here are insulting you because of how effectively you express anger and frustration via swear words. I think you are writing perfectly. edit: Then again maybe you should remember that family is really the only ally you get in life, and so maybe you should work them a little more successfully. My parents would drop thousands on me and give me free shelter and food if I ever needed it. So at least calculate in the chance of upping the status, the potential lifetime take you could expect, etc. Anger may be righteous, but it doesn't seem to reform your parents. Not that I think it's easy. It's a lot of work trying to reform your own parents, or finding the right lies to keep them in their own little world in just the right way so they are useful for you without being annoying as hell. it's as if you really meant it. you're good at this. I'm going to keep on reading the comments to see if anyone took you seriously ![]() edit: fuck i just finished reading the comments and realized that you wrote all of this seriously. " It's a lot of work trying to reform your own parents, or finding the right lies to keep them in their own little world in just the right way so they are useful for you without being annoying as hell." Mother fuck that. | ||
USA29055 Posts
Some of you have a lot of growing up to do. Or a spine to find... or dignity to obtain.. or honor for yourself.. well the list goes on. You guys can continue to agree that his tantrum was justified and reasonable. If you are going to claim that isn't essentially what you are doing then we agree and were arguing semantics. | ||
United Kingdom4282 Posts
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Switzerland348 Posts
On November 02 2008 13:04 banged wrote: Damn you're tough. That last line would be beyond ridiculously funny if I wasn't too tired to be amused.often times i get his weird feeling - i want to find a person who left specific comment and make him suffer. Torture him or atleast look into his eyes while hes dieing. Id choke you with my fingers until your vision fades and foam and spit starts running down your chin. edit: nice edit pussy. Bout time you shit yourself. You visualize your emotions nicely through words, like OP, but you're not really contributing anything to the discussion, are you? Unless you were making your point in a passive-aggressive manner by being a mirror image of the OP... On November 03 2008 13:57 DoctorHelvetica wrote: I think we all agree that his post was, as you say, "temperamental and irrational".I think it's fairly obvious that his reaction was temperamental and irrational. That his post was obnoxious and whiny. If you disagree now, you're never going to agree, so I don't really care enough to put forth some debate. That's my opinion, and yours is yours, and really it's a matter of perspective. What I however don't agree with is the general bandwagon-jumping of the condemning responses in this thread, without anybody actually putting forth the effort to explain themselfs to the few people in this thread who don't understand where you're coming from. Example: + Show Spoiler + On November 04 2008 08:38 {88}iNcontroL wrote: I don't think anybody here is arguing that his rant was "reasonable".nah im done with this thread.. i cant believe I have to explain to 3 individuals why it is never appropriate to threaten the life of your mother.. rofl. Some of you have a lot of growing up to do. Or a spine to find... or dignity to obtain.. or honor for yourself.. well the list goes on. You guys can continue to agree that his tantrum was justified and reasonable. If you are going to claim that isn't essentially what you are doing then we agree and were arguing semantics. On to the "justified", I believe we would indeed be arguing semantics as you say. In this post you're being pretty condescing, the precise thing you criticized Suggestion Box of. Also, just a piece of advice, don't repeat sayings a thousand time like the "cut her throat and kill her 9 different ways", it's annoying to read and therefore makes the points you're trying to make hard to get. In short, it makes you look stupid. Sure, there's the "mothers are sacred" thing which is similar to the absolute rule "never beat a woman". + Show Spoiler + HOOWWWWW CAN SHE SLAP!?! *I beg you to prove me wrong. | ||
11782 Posts
This is a man who has a .5 gpa and thinks he has the intelligence to get into MIT, he is a fucking baby and completely delusional. He is lashing out at the only person who gives a shit about him because he's so goddamned retarded. Not to mention he threatened to kill his mom which is wrong on even more levels, there are so many reasons to jump on him it's not even funny. | ||
USA29055 Posts
If you enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing you'd be better off going to a thread where you aren't backing a guy who irrationally ranted about killing his mother and beating up peurtorican fathers. I dunno... just a hint I guess. | ||
Suggestion Box
China115 Posts
You all post about people, without discussing any of the ideas at hand. I took what I thought he said, discussed those ideas. This actually gets discussion somewhere. But the responses to the OP, and to me, have all been "you are stupid", "how can you think that?", "people who think that are stupid." That's not a discussion, that's shouting down, that's a 1-line thought that you are disguising as a post because either you don't know better, or worse--you do (troll?). Because I just woke up and maybe I have the effort to reexplain this in case there is anyone honest out there still reading, let me recap my view of the OP. He's a really pissed off teen who is effective at quickly expressing his thoughts and feelings on the keyboard, however extreme. No doubt his style is repulsive and over the top to just about everyone. But I don't measure rationality by the fuzziness or even maturity of the motives and emotions involved. He took his emotions, and expressed them on the internet in some hyperbolic ways that probably felt just right to him. I don't think this is so foreign to us. What are curse words? Why do people use them? They are fowl and over the top because sometimes people feel like it. They feel like saying "go fuck yourself", "fuck off", "cunt", etc. On the internet especially, the typical curse words have all but lost this ability. More and more extreme forms are used to truly express the same anger that was supposed to come with a phrase like "fuck you." You can also find quotes by famous people all over the place talking about love, frustration, and parents. "If you have never wanted to kill someone, you haven't been in love." Who said that? Chris Rock? IDK, I'm not going to look it up. Point is, frustration to the point of fictitious, hypothetical killing, shouldn't be this alien foreign obscenity regarding your parents, at least many people's parents. It should be a fact of life for many teens. If I overheard some girl shouting "I hate you, I hope you die" at her mom, I wouldn't think twice about it. And all this OP has done is the eloquent, internet-travelled, myspace, macho gangsta teen version of this. It's not fucking surprising at all. You are all acting like he released a press release to the New York Times unleashing his Declaration of Plan To Commit Matricide Manifesto. Just, no. That's not what happened. Sure, can we easily ridicule him? Yeah. It's fun, we do this with lots of guys, etc. But I think it's a misuse of the term to call him irrational. He came here to express anger, and he explained what his mom did wrong. The causes for it, etc. He even started posting how he was just pissed off. He put the topic of his blog as "arrogant satire" and explained that his mom had misunderstood the types of things he wrote on the internet. He said he wrote over the top arrogant satire on the internet and his mom took it literally. IDK. What is there to say? I gave the guy honest advice. You don't know his mom. I don't either. I'm realistic about what parents are. I don't owe them a medal, despite the common belief otherwise. They made their choices and they didn't do it for me, they did it because they were supposed to, or had to, or thought it would be a good idea--who knows, but I didn't even exist when they put themselves in this boat, and I'm sure if they had easy outs throughout my life it would have been different. I don't have to worship them for being stuck with me. Maybe my parents were below average, or average. Maybe they were unreasonable. Maybe it was like torture to live with them. You don't know. And I can understand anyone who says they are frustrated. I also understand some of you have no idea, and that's fine, but don't act like every time someone talks about their mom, their mom deserves what your mom does, what "all moms deserve." Save it for a hallmark card, give me a break. | ||
United States688 Posts
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USA29055 Posts
Yeah.. that seems like the modern "fuck you." I think you got this spot on ![]() | ||
Suggestion Box
China115 Posts
On November 04 2008 11:41 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Suggestion box if I ever meet you I am going to fucking rip out your spine you cunt and shove it down your faggoty throat while I skull fuck your entire family. I am going to kill you. Yeah.. that seems like the modern "fuck you." I think you got this spot on ![]() I'm glad we agree now. And congrats on your new skill. You express yourself very well now, and rationally too. | ||
11782 Posts
Your advice is still completely disgusting by the way, you're assuming his mom is some kind of bitch who deserved to get extorted by his son, instead of us asuming she's some kind of perfect mom which we aren't. | ||
Suggestion Box
China115 Posts
So when such a woman raises such a horrible child, then stalks him online, tells him the police are after him, I think she should expect him to give him his own colorful version of "fuck off and die." Maybe I'll join in. Why don't you all blame her for this horrible guy existing? You say we should thank mothers for giving birth to us. Well I say it cuts both ways. If she raised some horrible whiny emo facebook internet macho guy who you find so repulsive, flame his mother too. She's the responsible adult here, the one who raised him etc. And if you don't like my post, you can flame my mother too. | ||
11782 Posts
You don't know his mom. I don't either. Frits his mom is a loser. I don't think he's lying about that. You're contradicting yourself, and even worse you're basing it one completely one sided information he provided. This is how he sees it, not how it is. And the raising of a kid by it's parents is not nearly as influential as you might believe, I doubt his parents are to blame seeing as he has access to internet etc, can stay living with them past age 18, he obviously has it good. If you want to blame someone blame his peers, western kids are mostly influenced by their peers, not parents. There is no way you can judge his mother on the information provided. Back to the issue: Why I believe he is to blame and not his mom is because he gets enraged at a problem he created, he threatened to kill his mom over something trivial, he thinks he's the shit and sees no fault in anything he does. And worst of all he posts it here to feel good about what he did. | ||
Suggestion Box
China115 Posts
-she raised him -she doesn't work -she doesn't do chores -she lied to him about the police IMO this is all we know about the woman. If you have something to add let us know. | ||
2235 Posts
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Suggestion Box
China115 Posts
On November 04 2008 12:17 Folca wrote: Why are you still people arguing about this thread when the OP and his mother is banned. Lol We're arguing over the quality of the responses and discussion here. Many people have piled onto the bandwagon with little or no contribution, and some of us are asking them to back up their position with some meat, other than "he is wrong LOLs u cant say that bout u mother dickhole!" which is all, in my estimation, it amounts to. Response has largely been "well if you cant c wut i c then u r STUPID DURR," albeit in a slightly hidden form. | ||
USA29055 Posts
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