here in chile everything is upside down. The education is on a critical moment, a lot of high schools and the most of public universitys are on strikes for a while. I am not, was for`bout 2 months and now i am in seconds and finals at the same time.
Anyway, im 25 y.o. and i really love to waste my time drinking, and playing sc, looking the pro-games...
So, its 3:20 and i am awake, i woke up 15 hours ago, after sleeping 4. Thats the way my life goes on. Today i had a test worthing 1/4 of my final grade in multivectorial calculuss, a quiz on advanced abstract algebra and so on. tomorrow a couple of homeworks, friday another test, two on monday, one on thursday next week and another one after that. And the work, that work that i should have but i dont =/
Im pretty busy and havent played any sc since yesterday =/
aaaa, coltrane, coltrane, what can i do without you...
(more background music)
But, i wanted to talk about something that happened me yesterday, i.e. more than 24 hours ago.
two nights ago I was on a friend birthday party... so many drinks... got home`round 5 AM with a vodka bottle that i awfully stole without even notice it. And got asleep/
sunday morning, 14:00 (^^), i woke up and my whole family was eating some local fish and rice, you dony really know how happy was i when my lovely mother told me that she was going out with her grand daughter, my brother`s 6 yo little girl. My sister told me aswell she was going out with her 2yo child, so i was going to stay home, alone.
but my head is going to blow, i am still a little bit drunk, and my game is awfull... so lets drink coffe. I am a real coffe fan, i love to put that little shiny piece of metal in the kitchen`s fire, hear first, then smell, the good coffe.
now my speed increases, my attention is a little bit low, i am loosing so many overlords! something is wrong... it took me 16 minutes to get 200/200!!!
so, back into the kitchen, gogo coffe break, so i said my friend "kilva, wait me a minute or two, going for another coffe, brb so we can play some 2v2"
(some music, coltrane went off... you play it after the first one finishes)
HERE I AM!!! awaker, faster and certainly more accurate. We played a while, something like 3 games and i dont know why i was in the kitchen again... third coffe...
GOGO BNET 4.0 i am histerical, screaming all the server around, banning people, hunting down hacks, kicking flooders... too agressive... maybe i shuold log in with another acct, not the admin one... maybe i should study... i have a test tomorrow (today)
Ok. /f m GG all, see yaa, bye, goto study ^^
/lockacct some hack
and went to my tromba pdf edd and start reading, not really understanding anything.... a great idea, maybe some coffe can help me focus.
back out from the kitchen, go to pc, log into bnet,
/f m hi all... im back??? shit... automatic skills...
someone to me> go game?
me> OKOK!!!!! wuth no pass!
gogo 1v1, 0-1 RERERERER 0-2 RERERER!!! RE! 0-3 COFFE BREAK!
1-3, 2-3 mind fly
2-4.... too much... mi hands are shaking, my left leg wont stop moving.... where the fuck is my cell phone... i dont understand anything... cant study, maybe i will go for a walk
didnt walk, actually run, bout 10 minutes, with no reason, just i was so turned on.
back home, to the books, cant focus, i started to think... maybe i drank to much coffe...
milk and movies... 1 movie, 2 movies, 3 movies... dont ask me what were those about.
23:30, everybody is home again.
im still shaking, im not hunger, im awake, i cant focus on anythig, i have to study....
4 am. Just saw wwi vods, flash vs lucifer intel`s classic game. Cant sleep, cant study, cant do anything.
I am a rock in my bed.
go to sleep.
really, coffe is great, but... dont you ever drink something like a litter of real coffe in one single day. Still have my arms rigids, today i just drinked some milk and one fruit and didnt eat in whole day, i am still awake, still cant study, had my test... awfull test... and here i am, wasting my time.
(music for the ending)