That weekend was pretty crazy. I met up with Joon first [ who is tall as shit irl ] and even though I saw his picture before it was a debacle finding him. He gave me directions to meet him at probably the biggest 4-way intersection I've seen in my life and we circled each other for an hour till he finally found me. He said I was ' dressed like an American ' so that's how he spotted me, not because of pictures he's seen LOL.
Anyway, I was gonna just hang out with him for that night but he said he was going with his gf and another friend [ all of them are models lmao ] to a lake and I should come too. I was just gonna meet up with my cousin so I decided to go with them. But yeah, the night I met up with Joon I met his g/f and then we went to go eat dinner. Then at dinner we met up with his other friend.
Then we went drinking afterwards, and I offered to pay and holy shit was it steep. It was basically $9 a shot. We each had a beer, then a shot of something [ excluding his gf ] and the tab ended up being $60 somehow. I was like what the fuck in my head when I paid it lol.
Anyway, that night instead of falling asleep like his gf kept telling us too since we were gonna leave early in the morning the three of us went to a pc baang and played dota until 6:00 am. We lost every game lmao. Anyway, we stopped by Joon's house for a sec and changed clothes, then we hauled ass to his gf's workplace since we were taking the company van. She was like why were you guys running LOL
So the lake was pretty cool we wakeboarded and stuff, first time doing any of that but apparently joon's gf family goes to that lake often so she was pretty good at it.
That night we had a pretty good dinner we bought sam gyup sal and bbq'd it ourselves outside and I had soju for the first time here in Korea. It's definitely weaker than what I'm used to drinking with you guys but it's like a different taste I guess. The next day I just went to my cousin's and that was pretty awesome too because my cousin is so nice. She bought me all this good stuff to eat since she lives in the city and we talked a lot since she doesn't have tv at her house or anything haha.
This week I've pretty much been struggling to come up with some material because the school never gave me a syllabus so I pretty much have to make up lesson plans on a daily basis. That part kinda sucks, but it's okay it lets me get creative I guess. The other day I played fucking vocab pong with the kids cuz I was so bored LOL. They had no idea ofc and they were all into it and shit.
On Thurs/Fri though I have class with 5/6th graders and like one of the kids there is smart as shit. He knows as much English vocab as any 5/6th grader in the US. So yeah he kinda ruins my plans sometimes since he fucking knows the answer to everything. It's 10:33PM here and I still haven't made my lesson plan yet for tomorrow rofl.
Anyway, my other cousin [ the one I was talking about's brother ] is moving to another house, so I helped him move shit yesterday and he's hanging out here at my grandma's house with me till his new house is open. We basically slept and watched Euro2008 games. He brought his ps2 and we played Winning 11 which is like FIFA but better/harder and I only won like one game outta 50 LOL. He had never played before either but gg I suck at sports games. Oh yeah we washed his car and since we had to dry it we drove out to like a man-made dam they have here that's pretty big but I didn't bring my camera....
That's the one thing that I keep forgetting is to bring my camera to places, but most of the time anywhere I go that's worth taking pictures I go pretty much spontaneously and I'd rather not have my camera all the time. I have some decent pictures but yeah I'm still trying to get a lot more.
I might actually stay up until August 8th or something like right before school starts since my cousin who lives in the city, she works for a hakwon which is like a tutoring place and she told her boss about me and her boss wants to meet me and stuff. If I did that I would probably get more reference + actually get paid so I might do that. Plus I kinda want to spend some time in the city since I'm have been/will be here at my grandma's house the entire time.
So yeah that's about everything that's gone on since I met Joon. Nobody writes to me but you =( so I have no idea what those other faggots are up to. Anyway, say sup to everyone and write back!
K...I decided not to edit anything out. Joon is a friend I've known through vent for 5+ years and I met for the first time.
Anyway I'll post some pics...I would have a lot more but if you read the email you'd see I don't always have my camera with me. My friend Joon and his friends took a lot of pictures with their cameras and phones which I'm going to ask them to email to me. So I'll post those in the next blog entry. I'll post it in text so it will load easier.
To start, here's a funny section I found in one of the books they gave me as kind of a reference point to what the kids were used to studying. I thought it was hilarious so I tore it out:
Page 1:
Page 2 and 3:
Page 4:
Cheap bastard of a father LOL
Here's some SC on TV @ 7 AM or some shit that I took when jet lag was still effecting me...May not be that interesting but I'm sure some people here have always imagined this but never actually seen it:
Also there's a lot of American/Western programming on Korean television, such as:
Here's the elementary school I work at:
Here's where I walk to get to the gym I go each morning which is really shitty/basic....I took this picture when it was raining.
some more things on the way to the gym...a plot with garlic and other vegetables:
A couple funny signs in front of the gym that are posted in the flower patches:
That one roughly translates to: Flower lovers like you are angels.
This one:
translates to : These flowers are your face.
A closer one: http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/3006/sa500427aw5.jpg
It's changed a lot. Before this trip, the subways were always very open and not AS crowded. The biggest difference I noticed this visit is that there were times where the subway cars were so packed that people couldn't even get on at stops... Never had that happen to me while I used the subway in Korea.
Shitty toilets:
I have a funny story regarding the first time I ever saw one of these...maybe another time lol
A picture taken from the window of my cousin's house at night:
She lives in the city.
Here's another one during the day:
My cousin!:
Typical korean/girl response to pictures (--v)
Anyway I realized there's no pictures here of me but like I said a lot of pictures were taken by my friend Joon and his gf and other friend. I'll include more + [ more interesting ] pictures next time.