supposed to do research now with a professor except he hasn't gotten back to me on when i'm supposed to start. hard to find engineering jobs in the city because it seems like it's all finance and business and such. a lot of the positions are in texas and california X_X. but i just started looking so i probably missed a lot of good ones.
plans after i graduate are kind of iffy. dont know. maybe work? maybe grad school? no idea what so ever.
okay so lots of people are posting this "being productive" shit. so in order to balance them out so that the net productivity in the world remains the same, i'm going to make an extra effort to be as unproductive as possible. my goals for the weekend are to watch all the best picture nominees, finish lucky star, go site-seeing, and maybe some tennis, and watch tl attack, and beat a few more musou modes for dynasty warrior 6, and sleep atleast 12 hours everyday.