The procedure for balancing the game now came to me as quite the shock. I felt the need to write down a few thoughts about it.
First, I've seen Harstem, Catz, and others draw attention to the fact that those participating are not paid. I do not feel this is an effective rhetorical move. If you were not participating, and volunteers materially damaged the game, would you care that those causing harm were not paid? And, if participating in the Council does not add benefit to your life, can you not simply stop?
Second, while I don't disagree that certain changes affect professional play more drastically, I think some comments, specifically regarding the Viper, are overstated. A professional never lets a Viper kill his buildings because he pays attention to it. If less attention needs to be paid, the professional will be direct that surplus elsewhere. I.e., it is a slight buff to professional Zergs. And more generally, I do not believe pros are "playing a different game" than those in lower leagues.
Third, I feel like some commentators are unnecessarily harsh about the state Blizzard left the game in when development ended. I am watching those games now. People certainly were complaining, e.g., about Void Rays. But I'm watching those games now. It was most certainly not a disaster. Demeaning a prior version of the game doesn't make this version any better.
A few minor thoughts on the current changes: The Immortal change is quite elegant.
I am somewhat worried about the strength of late-game Zerg versus Protoss. Fundamentally, because of Zerg's inherent map control (creep, overlords, mobility) vis-a-vis Protoss, I think a Protoss late-game army must be able to trade at better than even against Zerg's. If Protoss can't, Zerg players leverage the fact that they "lead the dance" in ZVP and stall. Alternatively, Protoss will need to have two- and three-base timing that win 50% of the time even when scouted. I actually think the current changes--Lurker nerf; Infestor late-game "nerf"; Tempest acceleration buff-- may solve this. And, further, I think Protoss players can utilize mass shield batteries and cannons more effectively.
...Perhaps my age is showing, though? I left during the Brood Lord-Infestor Era. I fear that again.
I think the EMP radius nerf is too drastic. TVP strikes me as being in a good state.
I think the Council has taken the right tact on Widow Mines. I hope the visibility change can be made good--I've read that it is not working as intended. Also, I do wonder if the cracked earth effect can be enhanced. Or perhaps map makers can choose a tileset which makes it stand out?
Overall, I am pleased. Long live Starcraft 2!