I have switched to Overwatch.
First I signed up as a solo player in a community run tournament ggna season 2.
They then matched me up with 6 random people turns out i signed up as a manager not a player. I was okay with this however and start pouring passion into my role with the team.
However this team was filled with problems low effort, small hero pools and large lack of aptitude. So i began with research same as i had done previously with Star Craft 2.
I had them scrim (practice with another team through 8 maps and/or two hours) 3 times a week and we had games 2 times a week. This became really stressful however because they were not making much improvement. despite the coaching, vod review and so called essays i would give them to look over.
I joined the team as a player as well as a manager and became their shot caller a role which decide fight plans and makes macro calls for the team. I filled in for any player that couldn't make either game or practice swapping from role to role.
We placed quarter finals of platinum division decent enough considering. At this point i had ranked up to diamond. At the end of the tournament I some players came to me and revealed that they were focused on having fun and didn't really care about improving. This is fine but i put a lot of effort into helping them improve which left me very frustrated.
I was introduced by one of my players to another manager of another team. we decided to join forces to build another roster as my and his previous teams was slowly falling apart..