"Ah god seriously RAK? bleh."
"Why do I even care about this anymore... it's been years! There's no reason to be emotionally attached to a team...I'm in school I have things to be doing... it's 5am"
"At least I don't have to be awake next weekend..."
"I don't want to see my KT brothers and sisters being verbally abused in the LR... or the celebrations..."
*next day*
"No... TL might have written an article about it... I can't read it... RAK... ridiculous... the shame"
*finally log in yesterday*
"SoS interview about his RAK? Ah man... pretty great interview, can't hate the talent! People have moved on... I can come here... even though it doesn't feel right until there's a KT player on stage to root for..."
Even now... ahhhhhh... the hurt. Sad times for KT. Almost want to root for SKT to beat JAW for us. . Go to the dark side out of spite... haha.
Pro-league is awesome, always.
- Vasoline73
Also... in my last blog, I suggested tanks be able to move while sieged... Blizzard changed it up with the medivac requirement but I am still definitely accepting credit as the man behind the design change. Thank you, thank you *shakes hands with people reading* *throws up peace signs*
Regardless, hope everyone is doing well. Cheers!