When you have an idea that you think is brilliant, there are a lot of times when you just don't go through with it. I tell myself this is a great idea. After a while I start to think "I can't do this." Then I ask myself "why can't I do this?"
Your subconscious mind wants you to stay comfortable. It tries to protect you by making you stay away from anything that has a potential to hurt your feelings.
If we always listen to our subconscious mind. We cannot improve ourselves as human beings. We also can't do the things that we really want to do. Especially if we've been listening to our subconscious minds most of our lives. We have been conditioned to stay inside our comfort zone. Imagine being stuck in this comfort zone for the rest of your life. You will not be happy.
Good news is that realization is the first step to change. Is change easy? No. Do you want to change? It's up to you. But now that you consciously know about this, will you change? Probably.
In the end, you're the one in charge of your life. You make the choices. You make the decisions. You make yourself content and happy by doing what you want to do. Be responsible for the choices you make.
Even if you "Fail". You still got something out of it. Learn from your experience. Find what works for you and get good at it. Each failures will make you stronger as long as you keep fighting. Never give up. Life is an endless struggle. Might as well make it worth living.
Courage is the ability to conquering your biggest fears. If you want to do something but is afraid. Conquer that fear by doing exactly what it is you want to do. Conquering your worst fears. This is one of the keys to happiness in life.
Thanks for reading! All of you are capable of reaching for happiness. I believe that anyone of you can face your fears and overcome it. If you can relate to our topic, I encourage you to share your own story.
To borrow a phrase from Eragon: what makes men cowards is an over-active imagination
There were many times when I lost my timing because I was trapped in my own head. I can relate to that for sure pebble.
Sports or drugs work the best for me to get out of my head. if i don' t do sports or physical labor 3 times a week things get foggy and my mind goes into overthinking stuff. Well drugs have many negative repercussions. I don' t know however what you want to convey with your blog; Theory is good, but to be effective you should deal it out with some real life story. Like how you got over and did something. People relate to real stories much more easily than theory;
I can relate to almost every passage in your blog here. But then, turning it into something i can do daily in my life is more harder.
I agree with you that personal stories are one of the most effective ways for people can relate to. I will try to balance out between theory and myself in my future blogs. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Pebble.
I was really inspired by what you said, and wish I had the courage to get rid of the negative feelings I have all the time. I found a quote "Bitterness is a result of clinging to negative experiences, It serves no good and closes the door to the future." I think that sums up my life pretty good. I look at life after we are born the same as when we are growing in our mother's womb. Three trimesters, (1) From the time we are born until we start our career. (2) Working hard, raising a family saving for the future. (3) Retirement old age and then we come full circle to death.
Today is my birthday I am 58 and I just want it to be another day. I have two grown sons, one that still lives with me and they are not really into the birthday thing, my mother has not spoken to me in over a year, I have a brother and sister and they too don't speak to me, but that is all for another day.
I have been in some state of depression for so long I don't know any other way of life. I have been on anti-depressants for 27 yrs, had therapy on and off all those years, but none of that works because I don't have a reason not to think negative, no reason to be happy; actually I don't think I know how to be happy. One of my sons once told me I was a "bitter old woman" and he is right I am bitter at the hand that life dealt me. Two marriages, two divorces ( they were both abusive and cheaters) the few men I have dated in the 20 years I have been divorced all turned out to be unemployeed or married( I don't date married men) or just after sex. Actually I have not been on a date in about 6 years, decded it just wasn;t worth the drama. So here I sent on my birthday, oh did I mention I live in Florence SC and we are in a State of Emergency because it has rained almost nonstop for 5 days. Oh well I don't even know what I am doing here or how I got here just happened to see your post and it peaked my interest