why does it say day 1, 2, 3 one each week isnt a week 7 days`?
United States24579 Posts
You are only supposed to do push ups three days a week, e.g., MWF.
I can already do 100 pushups continuously, but I strongly encourage you to do this kind of program. I think 3 days a week is kind of a minimum. You should do it as many days a week as you can so you can feel less guilty if you need to skip a day or have an off day or something. You shouldn't feel guilty at all because sometimes you come back after a couple rest days and it feels good to get back in the groove.
I started from a max of 30 and just kept doing it every day for some time, maybe a few months, before I could do 100 in a maxed out set. I used to test myself on Sunday mornings before brunch with one maxed out set, no re-dos. You'll get discouraged when you hit a plateau or even a dip, but learning to persevere and overcome setbacks like that is character building and it's fine if sometimes you mess up with the wrong motivation or rhythm or something and have to give up early.
I personally also liked mixing in pyramid sets, where I would do 1 pushup, 2 situps, then 2 pushups, 4 situps, then 3 pushups, 6 situps, all the way up to 10 pushups, 20 situps, and then back down to 1 pushup, 2 situps. Going 1-10-1 is a workout with 100 pushups. I also liked the minute challenge, which is doing 1 pushup in minute 1, then 2 pushups in minute 2, 3 pushups in minute 3, and so on until you can't complete the pushups in the given minute. You get a lot of rest early on and it feels simplistic, but the difficulty ramps up quickly because you're doing more work and getting less rest. If you can do 15 minutes, that's 120 pushups, a pretty challenging number in a fun way.
Good luck! Fighting!
I'm in on this challenge. I can do about 40 good form push-ups without stopping in one sitting but that's it
Sounds fun; when I did the initial test, just barely made rank 4.
And the shuttle run test like exercise coverpunch mentioned was fun as well, although I fell over at the 11th minute already ): I started to breath heavier at 8 minutes or so, so it indeed ramps up quite quickly.
Sounds cool. I like the idea of this as pushups don't require any other tools (except your body). Ill probably try this myself.
Thanks for this! Been looking for something simple to follow that I can do at home.
United States24579 Posts
We need to hold each other accountable. I guess I'll post in this thread whenever I complete a 'day'. Hopefully that will be on Monday since I already talked about my set today.
United States24579 Posts
One complication is that people won't always end up following the schedule. You might have trouble finishing a week, and repeat it. You might just be really busy one week and screw up the schedule that way. I don't think an overly structured log will work. Having us share our sessions with each other is probably a good idea in a less restrictive format. Maybe people can just maintain a little table in their first post in this thread.
Yeah, i didn't mean to be restrictive in any way. Call it thinking out loud.
Bisutopia19157 Posts
On May 31 2015 00:40 micronesia wrote: We need to hold each other accountable. I guess I'll post in this thread whenever I complete a 'day'. Hopefully that will be on Monday since I already talked about my set today. Use your hammer for good! Have users make promises here to upload a video after the the set amount of weeks from start time. If they can get 90-100 after the goal time then they won't get banned for a week!
United States24579 Posts
Haha the scary thing is I actually thought of that, but I don't think that's actually constructive. If some other mod wants to do something like that they can feel free, but I won't :p
I've always wanted to do their 100 push ups challenge, as well as the other challenges on the same website (squats, dips, sit ups, etc). Thanks for reminding me to not be lazy and give it another shot .
Edit: 1000 posts, I'm a vulture now!
well.. being able to make 100 push ups wont make you alot stronger or have more stamina, if youre already able to make more than 30. your body will just adept to the motion, making it easier for you to do a push up. at the end you will be amazing at push ups, but thats basically it..^^ look at really good calesthenic guys.. they can do really crazy stuff but still only can make like 80 push ups at a time, because they just dont do them as often. of course they could get up to 300 at a time in like 2 months by just doing lots and lots of push ups, but they know it would be just a waste of time.
anyways better than doing nothing! =P so have fun
Good luck dude! Kick some butt with that program! While I'm not up to join you in the pushup endeavor, I just recently finished a similar program for pullups. The daily gradual systematic increases are great for bodyweight exercises.
I once saw a guy at a fare at did >1000 pushups for the Guinness World Records. All he did was slightly bend his elbows 1000x.
East Gorteau22261 Posts
On May 31 2015 03:02 GodOfWarAReS wrote: well.. being able to make 100 push ups wont make you alot stronger or have more stamina, if youre already able to make more than 30. your body will just adept to the motion, making it easier for you to do a push up. at the end you will be amazing at push ups, but thats basically it..^^ look at really good calesthenic guys.. they can do really crazy stuff but still only can make like 80 push ups at a time, because they just dont do them as often. of course they could get up to 300 at a time in like 2 months by just doing lots and lots of push ups, but they know it would be just a waste of time.
anyways better than doing nothing! =P so have fun
Proper pushups are by no means meaningless or anything of the sort. Proper technique is key, though, otherwise you're not really working with the intended muscles.
Good luck with this, micronesia! Keep us updated
After I move into my sublet one of my summer goals is to not be a fat shit, so I'm totally down for this as a good way to get some exercise without going to the gym.