John Stockard, 27, USA, has been the most recent breakout star in preparation for the 2016 Paralympic games. Being called the “Michael Phelps of the Paralympics”, John currently holds the world record time of the competition’s freestyle swimming category.
Having lost both legs in the car accident that killed his brother, Stockard dedicated his life to winning competitions in tribute to his lost sibling.
“I do it all for him.” John says. “He was my bro, and I wish he were still here watching me compete. I miss him.”
As touching as his story is, there are some who don’t think John should be eligible to compete in the 2016 competition under the guise that his disability gives him an advantage over other contestants.
“They act as if it’s unfair that I join," Stockard says. "like my disability somehow gives me an advantage that the other contestants don’t have.”
We spoke to competing United Kingdom contestant Andrew Bartfield who lost an arm during his deployment in the Middle East.
“It’s completely ridiculous!” Andrew says. “Allowing him to strap motors to his prosthetics and compete against us is beyond cheating! It’s against the spirit of the competition.”
If anything’s certain, it’s that we’ll be cheering on our favorite half-man half-boat contestant 2 years from now at the 2016 Paralympics.