What the fuck, Man.
I've been recently seeing this girl (about 2 weeks), we'll call her, A. I met her because a buddy of mine recently moved a couple miles away from me.
Wait, back this up a bit:
I met her once about 5-6 weeks ago and we didn't talk that much. She was tall/thin with long brown hair and still has a nice ass though (I'm 6'2" she's 5'10"). We flirted/joked a bit, but I honestly thought she wasn't into me that night because she didn't seem that interested in talking with me at the bar that my friend, his gf, her, and I went to down the street.
The place he moved into is like a 4 apartment spot with a shared courtyard where they often bbq and share food/beer and sit around a fire. It's a cool little community, mostly older people 40-50 (my friend and his gf are like 33 and 30), but they are all pretty cool people.
On 4th of July, I get a call around 11:30 from my drunken buddy (I'm assuming). It's her on the phone though, and I know immediately. She tries to mess with me, but I say "This is bullshit, you're A, my friend's hot neighbor who is somehow 35." She's impressed. I tell her a dirty joke; "How do you get a dog to stop humping your leg?... Pick him up and suck his dick."They tell me to come over. They sound pretty wasted, so I come over in about a half hour on bike.
Side note: I live in Huntington Beach A city of two hundred thousand people, Surf city USA, where the US Surfing open is every year a few random celebs live (including esports ones) and on independence day it gets crazy and everyone is riding bikes because no parking. It's in Orange County, CA which is almost a metropolitan city in itself. I've lived and know people all around here (important tidbit for later).
I get to the bonfire, everyone is hammered from all day drinking on the nation's birthday. Except me. (This is like the first 4th where I barely drank, and instead did a lemonade stand with my nephew and his friend. We made 23$ and split it 3 ways. The lemonade is from our lemon tree and it was fucking delicious.) She tries to talk to me, I'm on my "A" game. She asks me what I drink, I tell her; "Teq, always." She thinks it's clever and goes upstairs to grab Patron and do a shot with me. When she comes down she brings Jack Daniels and asks me if I wanna do a shot of her favorite as well.
I tell her to mix 'em together because fuck it. She was impressed. It was disgusting. We talked a bit, but I could tell she was pretty visibly destroyed and I didn't escalate anymore. People start to cash in to their respective homes. I crash at my buddy's house. Apparently I got super drunk on his IPAs in the house and literally ROFL'd off the couch onto the floor and broke his bong stem. I offered to pay for it and he declined. He said it was worth seeing me fall off the couch like an idiot.
A week later, she sends me a text; "Hey, it's A, D's neighbor (my buddy) I asked him for your number! How was your 4th?"
We talked a bit about having shitty phones, the lemonade stand, how she was raised mormon in Utah and has 23 niece and nephew O_O, trading dirty jokes, etc. We try to connect and hang out a couple of times for a week or so, and keep having life in the way. It wasn't until August 2nd that we finally made a date. We went to the OC fair courtesy of my ex gf, L's free tickets and parking. It was pretty lame, everything is expensive, we don't really feel like riding rides, and I spend 24$ on 2 tall cans of beer. Luckily I brought a flask of JD. We were walking around having a decent time. Saw a bit of some Metallica cover band where the lead guitarist looks like Chumlee from Pawn Stars. We ran into some people she knew etc but left and went back to hang out at her complex with everyone as it was only like 11p and we had been there for maybe 2-3 hours.
I wasn't planning for either of us to go home with each other, but we hit it off pretty well again. She LMR'd a bit in the car when we parked in a shitty spot; "You're not staying long anyways." or something. We hung out at the courtyard and she invited me in, I met her old friends who were in from Colorado or something who were crashed out in the living room. I tell her that I'm probably too drunk to drive and I'm gonna crash at D's. She says I should just sleep in her bed and offers to park my car in a better spot (was in the alley).
We have spent most of our nights (some days) together since we went on that date. She's going to be 36 in October, I'm just 30 in June. We both like each other and she constantly says shit like; "You're super hot", so I had that going for me, which was nice. She even invited me out to Monrovia to meet all her family and their friends for a 'Pig Party' which I made fun of her for not knowing what a luau was, and ironically the party is specifically run for police and fireman (pigs is derogatory slang for cops here if you didn't know). I was a bit hesitant to hang around with a bunch of cops and her family so early on, but whatever, we had a blast, everyone was cool.
We talk the entire 1 hour+ trip there and back about all kinds of shit, how we used to listen to oldies whenever we would take road trips with the family (and ofc we put that shit on for ours and sing stupid songs like Blue Moon and Sherry Baby). We talk about how it's awesome that she actually has hobbies and no other girls I know do (she does roller derby and plays RPGs).
Everything seemed pretty fucking awesome at this point. Until this last Friday, the 15th.
That's when shit got weird. I mean, I still don't really know what to think about it. I'm a little confused right now trying to write it all out in a cohesive way.
On Friday around 6p, I have some people over to pool/bbq and of course drink some beers. Of course my sister catches wind and invites herself and a few friends, who also invite a couple more and we have about 12 people. We play cards against humans, and trade dirty and racist jokes. My sister brought me a 6 pack of Stone IPA which I drink to my dome and have a few shitty American beers with as well (so its equivalent to 14~ drinks at this point). After about 3-4 hours some people leave and A finally arrives. She wants to go to the dive down the street. I'm pretty drunk and don't really want to. Everyone else does. I of course agree to go. She is making fun of me for being wasted. We drive in her truck because she's a badass. I wear my sunglasses at night, because my friend left them and I put them on so I wouldn't lose them.
We get to the bar, her friend from the apt. is in the parking lot and mentions that I'm fucking dusted and wishes me luck on not getting kicked out. I say thanks. I sneak in the side door to bee line for the baño because I gotta piss like a race horse. I come back and she is at the bar. I order a Jack+Coke. I tell her she's silly for going the regular way to wait in line to be carded like a sheep.
I finish my drink and head back to the bathroom to piss again. At this point, having trouble walking straight. We lose each other. I go outside to bum a smoke from my sister who is there with the other people from the party now.
Now the shit part:
Three minutes later she comes out. I'm fucking tossed, can't even speak clearly. I notice a dude with her. A somewhat familiar face. He says smiling ear to ear, something along the lines of; "I know you you're __ ____" She seems surprised and says; "This is my ex bf, J."
I lose my mind.I try to think for 2 seconds. Just staring blankly.
I don't know if I just thought this, or said it aloud; "Are you fucking serious!?" (I'm pretty sure I said it) Throw my cig down and stride away. Adrenaline pumped and sobered me up to march away like a marine with a mission.
Never looked back.
I get to the other side of the parking lot and sit down, trying to rationalize, but I can't think clearly. I'm pissed off as fuck, which is not helping either. Not only is this motherfucker, who she mentioned before as the guy who stole her money and was an asshole to her, and has a kid he doesn't take care of properly, but he is also MY fucking ex gf L's ex bf (guy after me) who is a fucking sociopath/borderline personality disorder (not exaggerating) who terrorized, threatened, and stalked her and has threatened me multiple times, and fought my friends at various times over the last 3-4 years because he was simply jealous of the fact that we were on civil terms and talked/hung out very occasionally since we broke up 4 years ago. And somehow ended up working in a building next to the one I worked in, 3 cities over.
In this huge area, somehow this piece of shit manages to always be around me. What the fuck!? And what does this say about me? Am I a piece of shit because these girls that are attracted to this worthless fuckstick, are also attracted to me? What the fuck?! How could they not tell immediately this guy is shit? Are they trauma survivors who seek abusive assholes? Am I an asshole, or am I the good guy who they can't handle and sabotage? Did she just fucking sabotage this? Did she know this douche barrel was gonna be here? Do I want to date this bitch anymore? Am I going to let this motherfucker stress me out and ruin my shit again? Fuck no. I'm going back over there and I'm going to fucking knock this faggot out once and for all and I'm not going to talk to A, maybe ever again, or at least for the rest of the night.
I get back over there. I don't remember this, but my sister says I am stretching and doing lunges and shit on the sidewalk, mumbling about fighting. I'm just waiting for him to come back outside and I'm just gonna unload on him. The bouncer notices my 'Evil Eye Of Orm's By Gore'. And moseys on over to me for some sage advice. "Hey man, I saw what happened earlier." not even realizing the rest of the underlying issues. "That's pretty shitty, and I'd probably wanna be doing the same thing you are planning to do right now, but you're pretty drunk and it's a bad time to play that card.". I tell him he's right and I just start walking for home. I hear my sister or someone calling out at me back in the distance about where I'm going. I ignore it.
I only live about 2 miles from the bar. It's still hot at about 11p here, and I'm obviously heated from the stress and the booze. I take my shirt off and begin my quest. I try not to think about all the questions I had earlier and say fuck em all, not worth my time. I decide to try and take a shortcut through a random neighborhood because no matter what mental state I am in, I have a god damned compass inside my brain. However, streets aren't always designed for shortcuts and I ended up in some circular loop and had to backtrack or trespass someone's yard and hop their fence. I decide not to do that. I reminisce about my teenage years of boxing in the courtyard with my friends. I start to shadow box as I walk home to let off steam. After about 10 minutes walking and punching I seem to be moving my limbs in a sober way, but I try and text a girl who I recently broke off with and I can't seem to use my fingers. Fuck touch screens.
" #whar you Doin "
" (: "
I feel a bit like a dick for texting her since I really don't wanna date her, I don't really even know why I texted her, maybe just some validation.
I get home around 12:45a and read some texts from various people including A; asking where I went, if I'm home ok, etc. I ignore them. Strip my clothes, put the boxfan in the window on level 3 and slam half a water bottle on my desk.
Wake up at 9a, sister and a couple friends are outside my window already drinking again. What the fuck is wrong with these idiots? I go down there in my boxers and ask them "What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?" They tell me to have a drink. I tell them to fuck off. They ask me what happened last night etc.
I explain the weirdness. My sister's drunken friend puts a good woman's perspective point that I would never think of; "What if she knew that he was there all along and was shit testing you?", "I mean she was the one insisting we go to that shitty bar in the first place."
I tell them to mix their champagne with root beer instead of OJ. They make me try it first. I tastes like cream soda surprisingly. I am sobered up more now. I make some breakfast for the idiots. I go over to the side yard to call A. I tell myself I'm just going to keep it brief and try to setup something to talk in person later so I can read her better.
"Yea, sorry if I was acting crazy or did anything stupid last night. I was pretty drunk."
"You were pretty drunk. You just left though. I guess you got home ok?"
"Well, my sister and her friends are over here at the pool and stuff if you wanna come over before your derby thing later."
"Yea, I'll come over."
"OK, bye"
"See ya, bye."
About 15 minutes later, she texts me and says she can't go because she has a friend's daughter's bday or something. Damn it.
I go back upstairs to lay down and watch some T.Hawk videos. I text my friend to come over and play some USF4. I just about doze off when he calls. He comes over and we play USF4 all day. Drunken idiot comes upstairs around 5-6p and tries to talk shit on us for playing this all day. I tell her she's a hypocrite for drinking all day and she shouldn't talk. She's too drunk and dumb to understand though. She tries to hug me and my friend like a lush and is being annoying. Luckily our new kitty is fucking around in my room again and he keeps trying to go to the computer wires so I throw him to her and tell her to take him outside to get rid of them both. It works after some more coaxing.
I know that I can't talk to A until like 10 or 11p and it's nagging me all day. I sent her a couple of texts or calls and she finally calls me back when she's done with derby and says she's at an afterparty. I tell her to have fun. And then I don't hear from her again for like 20 hours.
Now I'm thinking all kinds of shit again. Whether or not it was a shit test to make us fight? If she knew that he was the same ex as my ex's ex? If she was dating this guy all along? If I'm overanalyzing everything? If she's just dead from too much drinking and her phone is lost/dead? If she got into a car accident and is in a hospital or worse? If that motherfucker told her a bunch of bullshit lies and scared her off?
Now it's Sunday and It's starting to feel weird.
I don't wanna be too desperate sounding, I just wanna see if she's alive so I send her some stupid messages I would normally send her. I got a text in the morning from my art agent about picking words for a flyer to describe myself. So I asked A if she could think of anything for me around 9a.
No bite.
I accidentally sent her a text meant for someone else 5 hours later "Bring vape juice and Radar".
I send her a joke 2 hours later "How do you starve a black widow?"
Air ball.
A couple of my friends called me up to bring their dog to my pool because it's hot and he loves it. I tell her, eh, maybe. About 30 minutes later I text her; "Bring vape juice and Radar."
They come over and I explain the fucked up happenings of the previous Friday. They agree that it is fucking crazy and weird. Friend tells me he's been in somewhat similar situation and it might be just best to do like I'm doing and act as if it's over already. And that it sucks that it seemed like it was just starting and going good and then it ends in this shitty manner.
I make some chili dogs and Radar fucks up a couple of balls in my yard. We're supposed to go to this girl's going away thing in a few hours.
They decide to cut out to get ready etc. I tell em I'm gonna workout, and tell broski he can join in and I'll give him a ride back in an hour or so which should be enough time. I take him home and shower up etc.
They call me to say they are outside to carpool to this shindig. I notice a missed call 10 min ago. It's A. I call her back and without too much emphasis I pry into her day and why she's been afk.
She explains that she drank a ton, slept in til like noon (unusual for her), then her neighbor's dragged her downtown to drink more. And that she's (sounded) pretty drunk and was probably gonna take a nap. I told her I was gonna be back home in a few hours and to call me if she wanted, in my most Laissez-faire tone.
I went to the event. It was kinda weird. Some people cried. There were snacks. We left.
A calls me around 11p.
Here it comes:
"We need to talk."
The most dreaded words of all time for any man (or woman for that matter) to hear.
"In person, not on the phone or text or whatever. Are you home? can I come over."
"Yea. come over."
"Ok I'll be right over."
She comes over asaply. She calls me to tell me she's outside. I tell her I'm coming out. Normally when she comes over she's outside on the sidewalk or driveway and she wants to see the kitty/hug+kiss. The cat is on my lap so he follows me out the door. I notice she's not out there. Her black truck sits ominously under the dimly lit street lamp 40 paces from my driveway. I hustle the cat back in the house. It's almost like a walk of shame over to the truck. I get in.
She begins in about how that she's gotta ask me something important. I'm ready for anything at this point, and I am assuming it's probably based on some shit that piece of shit said to her.
She asks me the most fucked up 100% serious question I've ever been asked:
"Did you rape a 12 year old girl?"
Ho Lee Fuk. I thought I was ready for some shit, but this? This motherfucker really really hates me this much? And he doesn't even know me. What in the fuck is wrong with this guy. Fuck.
"Are you fucking serious!?" , "Fuck no."
She goes on about how after I left on Friday, J, kept saying "Fuck that guy. Fuck him. Fuck that fuckin' guy" all night and she kept asking him why, and that he wouldn't say why for a while. He asked her if she was dating me, and she wisely said no. And he finally said that he hates me because I molested a 12 year old girl.
I then began to tell her what she didn't know- that I knew that she didn't, that this guy, J, has been sleeping with the same women as I have somehow, someway. And it's fucking weird as fuck to me and even weirder that he keeps showing up in my life and that he hates me for no reason at all other than that we had slept with the same women at various points in our lives (never any cheating afaik).
Typically it's never a good thing to discuss the intricacies of past relationships with a person you are currently seeing as no good can ever come from it. However in this instance, it was mandatory because of this loser and this odd happening.
At this point we both have puzzle pieces to put together on this guy and his stories. I tell her all this shit about how he terrorized my ex and the dates when we broke up and I assume the date when they first dated after we broke up.
Coincidentally, a lot of the stuff I was saying lined up perfectly including the way he acted towards my ex in a borderline sort of way. Where he would call her a cunt and tell her to fuck off and then be crying and telling her he should have married her etc. (which he actually did that night at the bar to A as well). Like something out of a movie that typically a girl would be doing. Only this is real life, and he's an violent dude who's one rage away from life in prison.
He also acted in pretty sociopathic ways, like manipulating people for money and lying to get things etc.
She told me he would say he was a millionaire and would have these schemes that were fabrications. And he would also go to the bar and tell people he couldn't pay for his drinks because he just broke up with his gf and she stole his wallet in her truck. Being controlling and verbally abusive. I called my ex after I talked to A and she said that he would stuff like that all the time.
The funny thing is that they both 'blocked him out of their memory' and were getting these flashbacks when we were talking about it that they didn't realize at the time or something. This guy had some mindfucking going on or something. Some authentic brainwashing even. Nah, but seriously it is weird.
It's kind of strange too, that A was in a 3 or so, year relationship with this guy (sorta trapped from her lease or whatever other shit she had tied up) and I was in a 4 year relationship with my ex at the same time and A and I both broke up around the same time, and then J and my ex started dating almost immediately.
I told A that my ex originally made up a bunch of excuses and later I would find out that she had been cheating on me, and possibly was cheating on me with J as J cheated on her. Which is like more crap for this shit cake. However, it's all in the past.
A reiterated the original question a couple of times. Which I was trying my best to explain that I would be the last person to do that, and that he's a known liar, and I never met a person as fucked as him etc.
I gave her a shitty hug across the cab seat, and I told her that I'm gonna go watch a movie and I'll talk to her later I guess. She gave me a indeterminable look, as if something more was needed or she wanted something. I went inside anyway.
I called my ex. I forced her to talk about this bullshit even though she didn't want to. She told me I could give A her number if she wanted to talk about it or vouch for me. My ex told me she was many weeks preggos (I already knew from friend telling me on Friday). I congratulated her and told her I had a new kitty named 'Stache' because he's black with a little white mustache. He's a vicious little fucker. I love him. I sent her pics.
I texted A about ex. She said it wasn't necessary and she " appreciates me being nice.... as always (: "
I told her it's the weirdest shit that's ever happened to me and 'I don't even'. I also said that I would file it under bullshit and that I hope she isn't weirded out and we can forget it.
She said "already forgotten."
Then I sent her a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces.
And she finally answered my joke:
"Take away her food stamps!"
(And then a few hours later she asked me what I was doing and I told her I was doing cathartic writing.)