So originally I wanted to make a massive, massive battle report of this series (and I will one day, I swear ) but since the games were played I could never find the vods. I just found them :D, they're free to watch in 1080p (I believe) and are, imo the most mechanically impressive games in sc2 history.
At this point in time, drg was floundering, had a 40ish % winrate vs terran, and innovation was an unstoppable god, and widowmines hadn't been nerfed (though overlord speed had been buffed).
Game 1 and 2 were the best by far, but g3 is still a worthwhile watch.
Here are the vods.
g1 http://www.twitch.tv/wcs_gsl/c/2881568 g2 http://www.twitch.tv/wcs_gsl/c/2881540 g3 http://www.twitch.tv/wcs_gsl/b/457189499
Once I've finished watching everything I'm going to start my battle reports of these games, probably in a couple of weeks or so.
If you have an hour and 40 minutes or so this is a fantastic series to watch.
Overseer speed, not overlord. Personally I thought the first game was the most impressive.
twitch doesnt work for me, and the twitch vods could be erased in the next month or so, so here are the yt vods: + Show Spoiler +
Definitely the most beautiful set of ZvT in all of HotS history so far.
GSL trophy is not a dream, it's a reality.
Gogo Inno and happy bday Gumba.