What do these have in common? NOTHING. Because the last is a piece of trash
I'm mortified to place School Days along with the other two titles because of the difference in caliber.
Unfortunately, these are the 3 I have played the past two semesters and gasp, a little review for them
EchOne has written a fantastic blog on Little Busters, so I'll just kind of go over in a cursory way the details and talk more about my thoughts. So I'll assume you either read the blogs or played the games themselves. It won't be detailed like my YMK blogs, so I encourage you to play the games! (Except School Days)
I hate ending on a bad note, so I'll get rid of School Days first:
School Days
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/HPtXa1U.jpg)
I've heard of School Days, or the infamous School Days so to speak. I honestly didn't know it was a Visual Novel and thought of it only as an anime.
Although intrigued by the comments, I never really bothered to learn more about it, let alone watch it, so I had almost no expectations when playing through the SD.
All I knew were the so called"shock" endings. My experience with "shock" endings in VN are pretty low, with Higurashi probably being the only one. But perhaps it's better to get into it with no expectation and knowledge of the characters or plot.
Unfortunately, School Days does such a terrible job at execution I don't even know where to begin.
First off, I'm not even sure I can call this a visual novel. It's more like a series of video clips put together with choices that you can click, so the man character does them.
No text whatsoever except for the choices you can make. So that kind of excludes the "Novel" part of a Visual Novel.
But it was new! I proceeded with genuine curiosity and wholehearted enthusiasm (har har)
Now one might think, Anime with choices? That's is kind of what it is to be honest. And again one might think, That is the best thing I've ever heard! And I kind of agree. It's a unique form of medium I feel could be very very fun.
Unfortunately, Overflow decides to choose a bunch of shortcuts to their video and tend to "reuse" parts that do not match with the voice acting. This I feel was the worse offense. What ever meaning, emotion, and feeling it garnered, it was completely thrown away when the voice acting and the cutscene do not match.
For instance, you have Sekai sobbing in one scene at her misery, so naturally the video shows her crying. All is well? Not quite. Unlike a VN CG, you can't keep displaying the same Video Clip during dialogue. They have to change. I understand that but why... WHY would they then change the scene to something completely different?
Even while Sekai is still sobbing, clip then shows her in a state of neutrality with no sense of emotion at all. Pls.
It gets even worse at the end. The developers clearly got lazy or, in a positive light, run out of time so reuses even more clips.
At this point it feels like a GIF image slideshow
Second offense is the story. FUCK THIS GAME. I've never played a VN where I was completely dissatisfied.
Always the endings leave me feeling uninspired, so I kept playing, getting different endings to try to find something in it that seems meaningful. The end results were still the same.
Most of it has to do with characters and the nature of the story itself. Basically the story is about high school love triangle, with Makoto as the male protagonist, and Sekai and Kotonoha as the female protagonists.
Sekai is your new seat buddy and has a secret crush on you (ughh I hate referring Makoto as you or I, because he is a useless sack of flesh. Please don't take offense to this pronoun usage). Meanwhile you have a crush on Kotonoha who rides the same bus line as you.
Sekai accidentally discovers that you have a crush and tries to hook you up with Kotonoha, even though she likes you. Why? I have no idea. Sounds like a plan for disaster.
So depending on your choices you go through this "love triangle" in many many different ways. If you choose one girl and faithfully follow through, the ending become sort of normal. However, if you start messing around and really really try to screw up their lives, then things start going downhill.
And the options are numerous. Take a look at this Ending Map:
+ Show Spoiler +
I saw this and I went WTF. It kind of got me excited, because there were so many endings and options! But quantity doesn't make up for quality. And all the choices/endings were pretty much trash.
I've went through about 7 different endings. They range from normal, to harem (???), to suicidal, to homicidal ect.
I assume there are lot more different ones and when I finally got an ending where Makoto is killed, it was like viewing VICTORY after a 70 minute slopfest of a League of Legend game. (I was going to compare it to a Broodwar game, but it would've been blasphemy to compare the two)
The harem end was ridiculous. It stamped the nail in the coffin and placed it in the delete forever tier. It objectified and downgraded the girls to a point where I was absolutely disgusted.
The homicidal ends were I suppose "shock" endings. To be honest, I saw them coming a mile away, and they wasn't very shocking. There is no tension or buildup of suspense. It was like oh, well that's that. Better luck next time.
And Makoto is such a worthless character. I don't think anything comes close to his level. He is a piece of trash unsure of everything with no convictions or ideals. He solely basis his actions on primal sexual drives, and isn't able to process an INCH of higher cognitive ability.
Sorry for my ranting... this seems very disorganized so I'll list the reasons why School Days is trash:
1)Story arc is very short. Playing through it takes a while because it's in video format, but the actual length of a story arc in content is brief.
Not only is it short but there is no scope nor dimension or overarching goal. It covers, I assume, about a semester, and ends basically on Christmas. And outside of the trio relationship fiasco, nothing else matters. No grand scheme, no overarching theme, no meaning, no depth, no stimulation (although there are plenty of sensual stimulation...) no fun.
Short stories with limited scope can work well. Few VNs that exhibit this includes Symphonic Rain and YMK, and likewise, long stories with a broad scope can be trash, like Chaos:Head. So this is not the main reason why it is so bad. There are plenty of romance VN, only focusing on the couple within a short scope.
2)There is NO CHARACTER DEVLEOPMENT. Hell it's more like character degeneration. There is no satisfaction in the endings because the characters do not change meaningfully, unless you're some sick sadist who likes watching characters degenerate into worthlessness (Well I guess I wouldn't have minded Makoto de-evolving into an amoeba)
But when you watch Sekai and Kotonoha turn into characters with every neurotic diseases possible, you know something is not right. I absolutely hated how they turned perfectly normal characters, into homicidal maniacs, schizophrenics and sluts.
With no character development, what meaning is there in a narrative?
3) The video format is executed poorly. I mentioned this earlier but this is an offensive to any media. To disrupt the flow due to negligence and precision of the format is absolutely unforgivable.
Imagine watching Lord of the Rings. A battle is approaching and the two opposing armies are running out to meet each other in battle. Now then imagine for the battle scene, you scene a man swinging a sword slaying an orc, then next scene you see an orc bringing down an axe and beheading a human. Now imagine these two exact scenes repeated over and over again until the battle is over.
I'm not joking, some parts at the end seriously are like this
4) Sexual content is obscene. Now this might be more of a personal preference, but watching high school students literally fucking around in classrooms DURING school with impunity really irked me. I'm not saying High School students can't have sex, but watching them do it so frequently with almost no reason except for the sake of sex again degenerates the characters.
I partly blame the video format. Honestly it felt like I was watching a hentai. If I wanted to watch hentai, I would watch hentai. Not play a Visual Novel.
The characters are so focused only on sex (actually I blame Makoto), I can't help but feel it is meaningless. But I suppose this is suppose to be a nukige, so what should I expect.
5) Makoto is a shit character. Here is the sentence I described him earlier if you missed it:
"He is a piece of trash unsure of everything with no convictions or ideals. He solely basis his actions on primal sex drives, and isn't able to process an INCH of higher cognitive ability."
Now there are visual novels where moral degeneration can be used as a theme to illustrate a larger perspective. And the frailty and failures of humans to express a meaningful issue.
Not everything has to have a positive ending, and a negative realism is just as valid as an ending.
School Days, however, does neither and itself is a degenerate VN.
I'm usually a completionist for VN, even if it means using guides, but I was unsure if I could finish this when I looked at the endings map.
Fortunately, the game decided it's fate, and it's deleted off my computer forever.
Little Busters
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Wd0tq4w.jpg)
I've heard many things about Little Busters. Especially the hype about the Refrain, and the true ending.
I always like going into anything without any preconcieved notions, but I'll have to do with what I have.
Little Busters had it's positive and negatives. Don't get me wrong, it's almost all positive and I would recommend this to anyone in a heartbeat.
Most of the characters are fantastic, especially the "Core" Little Busters group, of Riki, Kengo, Masato, Rin, and Shuusuke.
What I found the most attractive part of Little Busters was the friendship among the male characters. Almost all visual novels are focused on the female characters and the male characters are relegated to sidekick status.
Not so in Little Busters, and Masato, Kengo, and Shuusuke played definite and important roles in the story. I found this change to be refreshing and perhaps a bit more realistic haha.
When Refrain came about, deep friendships among each of the member were even more firmly established.
And Masato and Kengo is hilarious. Gotta love them manly screams.
The few issues I had with Little Busters were some of the characters and their overarching impact on the main story.
The female protagonists are Komari, Kudryavka, Nishizono, Kurugaya, Saigusa, and Rin.
To be honest, I didn't like a few of the character's arc. Particularly Nishizono and Komari.
Nishizono is voiced by the same voice actor as Aeka from YMK, and I immediately recognized the voice. Her story seems to be veiled in mystery, but I found it to be very shallow.
Komari arc wasn't very memorable for me. And her sprite looks very scary btw. Stare into her eyes and it's scary.
![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/Komari_Kamikita_Key_screenshot.jpg)
I kind of skipped the Kurugaya's Arc, so no comment there.
Rin was okay and she contributed nicely to the main storyline.
I'm ambivalent towards Kud's arc and here is the rant I started writing but didn't finish:
+ Show Spoiler +
Ok so I love Little Kud. Her route showed so much promise and I was really really hoping for great development but I was super disappointed. So much that I got really depressed at the end. Why did Key butcher such a great character with such a incohesive plot and ending? It bugged me the rest of the night and all day the next day, so I decided a little blog writing might help.
When I first played through Little Busters, I wasn't that much interested in Kudryavka Noumi. She was kind of depicted as a dog character, and animal girl thing isn't really my type. But she was quite charming with her engrish haha. My first play through, I actually went through Nishizono Mio's route. I recognized her voice from some other VN I played, and when I looked it up, it was Aeka from YMK. I was pretty disappointed from her route as well. She was mysterious and held a secret as a proper quite book loving girl was. But it turned out it was her shadow and she wanted to disappear and some other supernatural shit. I enjoyed the memory description and how your memories can change so very quickly just by words from someone else. Other then that, the story arc and development was pretty bland. I don't really like the "supernatural" for the most part (combine supernatural and animal girl equals </3 looking at you Sawatori Makoto). Like I didn't really enjoy Fuuko from Clannad or Makoto from Kanon. I feel it has to be done right, kind of like Nagisa/Ushio from Clannad. Even then, I like the realistic problems better for the most part. Like Shiori Arc from Kanon was incredible. And this is where Kud comes in.
She is this bright cheery girl who is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 Russian. Although she looks like a foreigner with her flaxen colored hair and blue eyes, she is very poor at English? (which is kind of normal since she is Russian lol) but good at Japanese. She feels that she should be good at English and poor at Japanese as a foreigner and tries to fill that role. However, it seems to be impossible no matter how hard she tries. She has weird quirky habits such as bringing her own pair of chopsticks to the cafeteria and liking a particular Japanese FOOD. Also her home country is Teva, a small island country.... She was brought up by her grandfather since her parents were too busy with their work and traveled the world.
Anyways to include background to the story for those who have not read, I'm going to do a summary of Kudryavka's Arc similar to my Yume Miru Kusuri review, but I will try to keep it brief... This takes place after the baseball game and is focused entirely on Kud and Riki. (Spoiler for huge text/pictures)
+ Show Spoiler +
After the baseball game, our next great task the Little Busters is faced with is a Proficiency Test. These midterms tests are optional yet skipping them are probably not the best choice. Riki looks around sees many different reactions from different students. For instance Nishizono Mio already filled out her form and seems content. Masato is sleeping. How will Kud react?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KsrPEZb.png)
Who does?
Apparently she is very bad at Japanese style tests?, but is more confident in essay writing and short answers. The teacher soon comes back and they resume this discussion later.
Lunchtime and Kud still looks depressed.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eYsD1Y6.png)
Something very bad, very very bad
You respond saying that nothing much but it will make the finals that much harder. She still hesitates until Komari joins the conversation. She finally manages to make up her mind to study and take the test. Komari brings up a study group option. She seems happy about that. Later on you get to choose who she could study with.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1TISFwb.png)
Decisions, decisions
Clearly Masato would be the best study partner so I choose that option lol. They decide to meet in the cafeteria to study.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nytkEyh.png)
When they get to the cafeteria, Masato is already there and eating. Apparently he thinks we are meeting to only eat. When you explain to him the real reason...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hOxrJdK.png)
Kud asks Masato what he's good at and he responds after some thought...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/M0lHzxK.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Ko00Q9e.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nekagdM.png)
What an idiot
Unfortunately, they ended up not studying much and ended up with more talking and eating. After it became late, Riki accompanies Kud back to her dorms and she thanks you for today. You apologize that not much studying was done and says that he would like continue to help her study. She again thanks Riki and they part.
Next day after class, you ask where we should study for today?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/CuJJYYz.png)
I see
So they head off towards the Home Economics Club and began to study. They study geography which leads to discussion on where Kud lived before coming to Japan. She's been to numerous places, including most of the European countries, US, Canada, Israel, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil among others. She explains that her grandfather worked for a trading company, and as she lived with him, so she traveled with him. She tells that she lived in Tevua the longest, which is her home country so to speak. Tevua is a pacific island that is quite warm. She then ends conversation asking that we should get back to studying. After the study session, they part and she presents him with some gifts.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EDQzcaU.png)
Sounds tasty
You return to the dorm and end up sharing some with Masato and heads off to sleep.
Next day, school starts as normal. It's English class and the class is almost over. Everyone is itching to go home. However the teacher calls on Kud to read the last passage before class ends.
And so she starts
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MniL86x.png)
However the teacher interrupts
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sq9iGUb.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2fRwfkU.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wij9GZf.png)
How rude...
Inside there was an atmosphere in the room pressuring Kud to get over with her reading quickly.
She resumes reading at a slow pace with fragmented pronunciations. Finally the bell rings and the teacher stops her and finishes the reading himself. The rest of the class rushes out for lunch but Kud is depressed on the outcome.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VZvAFfX.png)
You try to cheer her up and goes to get lunch in the cafeteria.
She still seems spaced out and sad. While eating lunch some 3rd year girls happen to pass by
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Ewpuqmp.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ypuI6gN.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/efiFPOf.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/45maU5l.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/qsE1klQ.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QUSF22s.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hVpsHNs.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9AHaxX5.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DfjeV5q.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1y4l8Cz.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hdqsm1e.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4CLUKdb.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QF07hDD.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gpykAac.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/gLjQLHI.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PZXeyrx.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bKXtgRH.png)
You finally stop them and tells them to leave. And with the help of one of the council members, they drive off the 3 girls.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/u5Rns06.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8lBqEbP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3HVKjU6.png)
She tries to pass it off and finishes her lunch
As we go back to put away our trays,
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/R4hYxYi.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1kpwkpg.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dxg4SgP.png)
You ask her what she means
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YmhOtoP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nE1GbqW.png)
How incredibly optimistic
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3ICT0Ut.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fYDPD6H.png)
As they return the trays, she cleans her chopsticks
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TyfSsC2.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DoWDjGS.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VkZPzXs.png)
But is obvious that it is forced.
On the way back she meets Kanata, her roommate which helped her earlier. She thanks her and Kanata gets up and leaves. Kud thinks she is going to get scolded by her later when she returns
You ask why.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/X7g8K39.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jg0IR7t.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/N6fSOUF.png)
No that's not right
They get back to the classroom and Kud again thanks Riki for earlier.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZS766vU.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uGrGw5A.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FBx62M4.png)
She held her thumb and index slightly apart, a very very narrow distance
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YrYgexM.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9LbxecS.png)
She tries to be optimistic then Riki finally realizes and asks,
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tg0jdXI.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ctJyeUH.png)
Clearly she was lying. But you don't question her any further.
Classes end uneventfully and after school, they guys return to the clubroom to study
At the clubroom, they practice for the test with a mock exam. She is still very nervous and seem to have trouble. They take a quick break and while she leaves to make some tea, you notice a notebook on the ground. It seems to be a picture book about a fight between birds and the beasts. However a bat works with both parties and settle on an peaceful agreement. This results in him being outcast by both parties since the bat seemed like a double-crosser. However, the bat seems to be content, just wandering out in the night where he is most comfortable. She says she really likes this story. You then realize the bat accessory on her hair. Just like the bat she seems to be in a similar situation. Deciding to find and return the notebook to the proper owner, they resume studying.
Next day they find Komari and returns the notebook to her. Then school ends and they resume their usual after school study in the club room.
Sorry I didn't finish, I kind of didn't have time :<
So here we have few issues that can be delved into. One is her international background. Two is her inability to accept who she is (again related to point one). Three is her issues relating to mother/father. I was so excited for this development when it was hinted at (particularly the international issues). I am have been thinking about my nationality as well, being Korean-American. Born and raised in America, but raised with Korean Parents and culture. I am still unsure of what I identify myself as. I am definitely more American but at the same time, my parents have raised me with very strict Korean cultural identity. Even telling me as a child while I grew up that I am a Korean, not an American. I feel almost lost, growing up with mostly White Americans, and while it may not be so black and white at a younger age, I definitely started to have more Asians friends in middle schools. While it may be due to there being more Asians in middle/high school, I could've continued to have only Asian friends. Of course I didn't think about this back then but looking back upon it now, I realize the gap between myself and America. No matter how natural my English is, no matter how long I lived in America, no matter what college I graduated from, I still won't be fully an American, just because of how I look on the outside. Nor can I be fully Korean. Even if I were to move to Korea right now, while I may look on the outside like Korean, inside I am American. One of my Korean friends called me a Twinkie and I was like ????, and he explained it as Yellow on the outside, White on the inside (so basically a banana, which sounds much better
) While thinking about this, I was hoping that maybe this arc would show some light/perspective on this issue but alas, I was sorely disappointed.
Anyways going back to the three points, I can see all of these points being combined into one beautiful conclusion (while the parent issue might be harder to include) where Kud finally overcome and accepts who she is with the help of Riki of course. However, none of this is explored. Her international background explanation leads to her parents. And her parents lead to the Space Mission, and the Space Mission leads to her being captured, and that leads to her return. I was flabbergasted at the abrupt change in development, basically ignoring EVERYTHING that the arc was hinting and pointing too (except for that one foreshadowing part) in favor of a family issue that isn't even tied to the previous story line. The ending was ridiculous and vague. Even when she got back, there is almost no resolution to the event. I was in shock at the ending; at how bad Key butchered this story arc. What happened at the end was so unpolished and rushed. You had no clear understanding of what was going on at the while she was away on the island. I guess it is to build tension from Riki's point of view.
The ending was so half-assed that I doubt the developers put any effort into this. It's like they were working hard in the beginning and then they ran out of time and made up an ending. Just exactly WHAT happened on the island? She got captured and martyred as a sacrifice? How did that even work? I understand there was civil unrest but was it ONLY her that was captured like the scene depicted? The story made no clear reason why she was chosen as a sacrifice, only just because her mother was "at fault".
She seems to be accepting her fate as well in the cell, hoping that she fulfilled her purpose as a useless cog, but really, was she satisfied? Clearly not since she wanted to escape in reality. And when she does, this issue is never dealt with. What happened to the island and her family is left untouched. More importantly what happened to her is left untouched. She just returns back and Riki is there for her. And Credits... No conclusion, no reconciliation, no effort.
I was absolutely disgusted with this ending. So maybe I thought the bad end would be better.
Nope, it's almost as bad, with her going into hysteria and you falling asleep at the worst possible moment remembering some vague quote Kousuke said... (Probably has something to do with the true story arc)
I'm so upset at how they ruined such a beautiful character. She had so much going for her; from her international background to her social problems due to her foreign nature. All these are dropped and neglected for a rehash that seems to address none of these issues that were semi developing.
About the arc itself, before the horrid ending, while I read many complaints at how most of it was just studying for the test, I didn't mind it as much. And it became a way to learn more about her background and the issues she is facing with. When they got to the point where Kud was avoiding studying with Riki because of the other classmates, I was like YES CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TIME. But it was solved with one or two simple lines and never explored any further. Like it was basically no big deal or issue ALTHOUGH IT FUCKING IS. It is then entirely dropped for an oversea family matter into a ridiculous ending that makes no sense
However, there is one thing that attached me to Kud. Putting aside her international origin, her expression towards Riki. Maybe it is because she is "foreign" that she does this but, never have I seen in any VN character where she is able to be so straightforward towards Riki. Maybe this is because Riki is dumb and has no clue, but she in her times with Riki just seems so earnest. She clearly shows what she wants and while embarrassed does what she wants as well. It's hard to put into words but the relationship she shared seemed so real to me
I understand there is an expansion/extension called Kud Wafter, but there is no translation yet and moonrunes are moonrunes. Perhaps this addresses the issues that I have with the original arc, and if it does, I guess I'll just wait warmly for the English patch.
There was my rant have a good day
I feel much better after writing this haha
When I first played through Little Busters, I wasn't that much interested in Kudryavka Noumi. She was kind of depicted as a dog character, and animal girl thing isn't really my type. But she was quite charming with her engrish haha. My first play through, I actually went through Nishizono Mio's route. I recognized her voice from some other VN I played, and when I looked it up, it was Aeka from YMK. I was pretty disappointed from her route as well. She was mysterious and held a secret as a proper quite book loving girl was. But it turned out it was her shadow and she wanted to disappear and some other supernatural shit. I enjoyed the memory description and how your memories can change so very quickly just by words from someone else. Other then that, the story arc and development was pretty bland. I don't really like the "supernatural" for the most part (combine supernatural and animal girl equals </3 looking at you Sawatori Makoto). Like I didn't really enjoy Fuuko from Clannad or Makoto from Kanon. I feel it has to be done right, kind of like Nagisa/Ushio from Clannad. Even then, I like the realistic problems better for the most part. Like Shiori Arc from Kanon was incredible. And this is where Kud comes in.
She is this bright cheery girl who is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 Russian. Although she looks like a foreigner with her flaxen colored hair and blue eyes, she is very poor at English? (which is kind of normal since she is Russian lol) but good at Japanese. She feels that she should be good at English and poor at Japanese as a foreigner and tries to fill that role. However, it seems to be impossible no matter how hard she tries. She has weird quirky habits such as bringing her own pair of chopsticks to the cafeteria and liking a particular Japanese FOOD. Also her home country is Teva, a small island country.... She was brought up by her grandfather since her parents were too busy with their work and traveled the world.
Anyways to include background to the story for those who have not read, I'm going to do a summary of Kudryavka's Arc similar to my Yume Miru Kusuri review, but I will try to keep it brief... This takes place after the baseball game and is focused entirely on Kud and Riki. (Spoiler for huge text/pictures)
+ Show Spoiler +
After the baseball game, our next great task the Little Busters is faced with is a Proficiency Test. These midterms tests are optional yet skipping them are probably not the best choice. Riki looks around sees many different reactions from different students. For instance Nishizono Mio already filled out her form and seems content. Masato is sleeping. How will Kud react?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KsrPEZb.png)
Who does?
Apparently she is very bad at Japanese style tests?, but is more confident in essay writing and short answers. The teacher soon comes back and they resume this discussion later.
Lunchtime and Kud still looks depressed.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eYsD1Y6.png)
Something very bad, very very bad
You respond saying that nothing much but it will make the finals that much harder. She still hesitates until Komari joins the conversation. She finally manages to make up her mind to study and take the test. Komari brings up a study group option. She seems happy about that. Later on you get to choose who she could study with.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1TISFwb.png)
Decisions, decisions
Clearly Masato would be the best study partner so I choose that option lol. They decide to meet in the cafeteria to study.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nytkEyh.png)
When they get to the cafeteria, Masato is already there and eating. Apparently he thinks we are meeting to only eat. When you explain to him the real reason...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hOxrJdK.png)
Kud asks Masato what he's good at and he responds after some thought...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/M0lHzxK.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Ko00Q9e.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nekagdM.png)
What an idiot
Unfortunately, they ended up not studying much and ended up with more talking and eating. After it became late, Riki accompanies Kud back to her dorms and she thanks you for today. You apologize that not much studying was done and says that he would like continue to help her study. She again thanks Riki and they part.
Next day after class, you ask where we should study for today?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/CuJJYYz.png)
I see
So they head off towards the Home Economics Club and began to study. They study geography which leads to discussion on where Kud lived before coming to Japan. She's been to numerous places, including most of the European countries, US, Canada, Israel, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil among others. She explains that her grandfather worked for a trading company, and as she lived with him, so she traveled with him. She tells that she lived in Tevua the longest, which is her home country so to speak. Tevua is a pacific island that is quite warm. She then ends conversation asking that we should get back to studying. After the study session, they part and she presents him with some gifts.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EDQzcaU.png)
Sounds tasty
You return to the dorm and end up sharing some with Masato and heads off to sleep.
Next day, school starts as normal. It's English class and the class is almost over. Everyone is itching to go home. However the teacher calls on Kud to read the last passage before class ends.
And so she starts
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MniL86x.png)
However the teacher interrupts
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sq9iGUb.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2fRwfkU.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wij9GZf.png)
How rude...
Inside there was an atmosphere in the room pressuring Kud to get over with her reading quickly.
She resumes reading at a slow pace with fragmented pronunciations. Finally the bell rings and the teacher stops her and finishes the reading himself. The rest of the class rushes out for lunch but Kud is depressed on the outcome.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VZvAFfX.png)
You try to cheer her up and goes to get lunch in the cafeteria.
She still seems spaced out and sad. While eating lunch some 3rd year girls happen to pass by
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Ewpuqmp.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ypuI6gN.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/efiFPOf.png)
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PZXeyrx.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/bKXtgRH.png)
You finally stop them and tells them to leave. And with the help of one of the council members, they drive off the 3 girls.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/u5Rns06.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8lBqEbP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3HVKjU6.png)
She tries to pass it off and finishes her lunch
As we go back to put away our trays,
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/R4hYxYi.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1kpwkpg.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dxg4SgP.png)
You ask her what she means
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YmhOtoP.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nE1GbqW.png)
How incredibly optimistic
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3ICT0Ut.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fYDPD6H.png)
As they return the trays, she cleans her chopsticks
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TyfSsC2.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DoWDjGS.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VkZPzXs.png)
But is obvious that it is forced.
On the way back she meets Kanata, her roommate which helped her earlier. She thanks her and Kanata gets up and leaves. Kud thinks she is going to get scolded by her later when she returns
You ask why.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/X7g8K39.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jg0IR7t.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/N6fSOUF.png)
No that's not right
They get back to the classroom and Kud again thanks Riki for earlier.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZS766vU.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uGrGw5A.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FBx62M4.png)
She held her thumb and index slightly apart, a very very narrow distance
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YrYgexM.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9LbxecS.png)
She tries to be optimistic then Riki finally realizes and asks,
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tg0jdXI.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ctJyeUH.png)
Clearly she was lying. But you don't question her any further.
Classes end uneventfully and after school, they guys return to the clubroom to study
At the clubroom, they practice for the test with a mock exam. She is still very nervous and seem to have trouble. They take a quick break and while she leaves to make some tea, you notice a notebook on the ground. It seems to be a picture book about a fight between birds and the beasts. However a bat works with both parties and settle on an peaceful agreement. This results in him being outcast by both parties since the bat seemed like a double-crosser. However, the bat seems to be content, just wandering out in the night where he is most comfortable. She says she really likes this story. You then realize the bat accessory on her hair. Just like the bat she seems to be in a similar situation. Deciding to find and return the notebook to the proper owner, they resume studying.
Next day they find Komari and returns the notebook to her. Then school ends and they resume their usual after school study in the club room.
Sorry I didn't finish, I kind of didn't have time :<
So here we have few issues that can be delved into. One is her international background. Two is her inability to accept who she is (again related to point one). Three is her issues relating to mother/father. I was so excited for this development when it was hinted at (particularly the international issues). I am have been thinking about my nationality as well, being Korean-American. Born and raised in America, but raised with Korean Parents and culture. I am still unsure of what I identify myself as. I am definitely more American but at the same time, my parents have raised me with very strict Korean cultural identity. Even telling me as a child while I grew up that I am a Korean, not an American. I feel almost lost, growing up with mostly White Americans, and while it may not be so black and white at a younger age, I definitely started to have more Asians friends in middle schools. While it may be due to there being more Asians in middle/high school, I could've continued to have only Asian friends. Of course I didn't think about this back then but looking back upon it now, I realize the gap between myself and America. No matter how natural my English is, no matter how long I lived in America, no matter what college I graduated from, I still won't be fully an American, just because of how I look on the outside. Nor can I be fully Korean. Even if I were to move to Korea right now, while I may look on the outside like Korean, inside I am American. One of my Korean friends called me a Twinkie and I was like ????, and he explained it as Yellow on the outside, White on the inside (so basically a banana, which sounds much better

Anyways going back to the three points, I can see all of these points being combined into one beautiful conclusion (while the parent issue might be harder to include) where Kud finally overcome and accepts who she is with the help of Riki of course. However, none of this is explored. Her international background explanation leads to her parents. And her parents lead to the Space Mission, and the Space Mission leads to her being captured, and that leads to her return. I was flabbergasted at the abrupt change in development, basically ignoring EVERYTHING that the arc was hinting and pointing too (except for that one foreshadowing part) in favor of a family issue that isn't even tied to the previous story line. The ending was ridiculous and vague. Even when she got back, there is almost no resolution to the event. I was in shock at the ending; at how bad Key butchered this story arc. What happened at the end was so unpolished and rushed. You had no clear understanding of what was going on at the while she was away on the island. I guess it is to build tension from Riki's point of view.
The ending was so half-assed that I doubt the developers put any effort into this. It's like they were working hard in the beginning and then they ran out of time and made up an ending. Just exactly WHAT happened on the island? She got captured and martyred as a sacrifice? How did that even work? I understand there was civil unrest but was it ONLY her that was captured like the scene depicted? The story made no clear reason why she was chosen as a sacrifice, only just because her mother was "at fault".
She seems to be accepting her fate as well in the cell, hoping that she fulfilled her purpose as a useless cog, but really, was she satisfied? Clearly not since she wanted to escape in reality. And when she does, this issue is never dealt with. What happened to the island and her family is left untouched. More importantly what happened to her is left untouched. She just returns back and Riki is there for her. And Credits... No conclusion, no reconciliation, no effort.
I was absolutely disgusted with this ending. So maybe I thought the bad end would be better.
Nope, it's almost as bad, with her going into hysteria and you falling asleep at the worst possible moment remembering some vague quote Kousuke said... (Probably has something to do with the true story arc)
I'm so upset at how they ruined such a beautiful character. She had so much going for her; from her international background to her social problems due to her foreign nature. All these are dropped and neglected for a rehash that seems to address none of these issues that were semi developing.
About the arc itself, before the horrid ending, while I read many complaints at how most of it was just studying for the test, I didn't mind it as much. And it became a way to learn more about her background and the issues she is facing with. When they got to the point where Kud was avoiding studying with Riki because of the other classmates, I was like YES CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TIME. But it was solved with one or two simple lines and never explored any further. Like it was basically no big deal or issue ALTHOUGH IT FUCKING IS. It is then entirely dropped for an oversea family matter into a ridiculous ending that makes no sense
However, there is one thing that attached me to Kud. Putting aside her international origin, her expression towards Riki. Maybe it is because she is "foreign" that she does this but, never have I seen in any VN character where she is able to be so straightforward towards Riki. Maybe this is because Riki is dumb and has no clue, but she in her times with Riki just seems so earnest. She clearly shows what she wants and while embarrassed does what she wants as well. It's hard to put into words but the relationship she shared seemed so real to me
I understand there is an expansion/extension called Kud Wafter, but there is no translation yet and moonrunes are moonrunes. Perhaps this addresses the issues that I have with the original arc, and if it does, I guess I'll just wait warmly for the English patch.
There was my rant have a good day
I feel much better after writing this haha
I enjoyed Saigusa arc the most best by far. Something about her bright cheerful demeanor, coupled with the sadness and loneliness she had to endure, really left a compelling story.
However, even if all the story arcs were amazing, they all lacked a very important quality. Their significance to the main story.
Now in the main arc, they were waiting for Riki to get stronger so he can live with Rin without depending on Shuusuke, Masato, and Kengo.
How exactly did his involvement with all the different girls make him stronger? This isn't clear at all. Also, since he was in a "time loop" so to speak, how does the arcs with each girl end? This is might just be arguing details, and I should give creative license here I guess.
But many VNs are able to meld these two ideas together very well: The relationship between the main story and the different girl story arcs. For instance, in Kanon, Ayu's wish was able to bring about the miracles of all the other girls. In Clannad, all the other arcs complete Nagisa/Ushio arc with their happiness (well this one is kinda sketchier I suppose)
Even in non Key VNs, such as Tsukihime, we can see each character working into the whole realm of Tsukihime, inevitable tied with Tohno and his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
But Little Busters do not have that. Each different arc, outside of the original Little Busters members, seems out of place and unimportant to the main story.
Now to be fair, other visual novels, especially short ones, do not have this overarching connection with all the arcs. However, as a KEY novel, I expected more from it, as it really tells of good story development.
But the ending of Little Busters was really heartwarming. Watching all the characters from the Baseball team be good friends together was a very enjoyable ending.
Other aspects I enjoyed were the Battle Ranking systems and the Baseball mini-games
People may have mixed opinions but I enjoyed them alot haha
It's nice to have something like that mixed in the VN, but it has to be careful not to break up the flow of the story.
The music is spectacular. All the songs really do fit the school atmosphere. Although even listening alone to the BGM is satifying in itself.
Also Little Busters by Rita is marvelously performed.
On a side note, I was watching this live KEY music concert and was skipping around a bit, then I came across Alicemagic and Little Busters performed by Rita.
And I was like hmm, how does she look? I've seen Lia before but I haven't seen Rita at all.
The funny part was, they never showed her face. Literally, for the 2 songs she performed, I didn't see her face at all. I saw her back, I saw her neck down, I saw her from far away, but I never seen her close up. All the other singers had close ups (in fact mostly closeups while singing), but while she was singing, it showed mostly the guitarists, the bassist, the keyboardist, and the audience.
From what I could tell, she was short and chubby. Is she that ugly?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/40Du2mr.jpg)
When I first loaded Rewrite, I was in shock. The UI, the opening video, everything was so updated and impressive. I was impressed, especially at the OP, how much improvement in visual effects and video there was.
Maybe I've been playing old VN too much but I was really overwhelmed at first. It was probably the new engine that it was running on, but everything was so sparkly.
Then the game quickly introduces you into a new feature called "Mappie", your mobile phone app that automatically loads and displays your surroundings.
I was first turned off by Mappie. It seemed to me a waste of time, and I didn't like clicking the different red dots on the screen to progress through the story.
However, I realized that there were many hidden things in Mappie. Different characters, items, and character interactions were available if I searched every part of the map.
It then became fun and I enjoyed looking for everything on every map.
Now first things first, the story is FANTASTIC. It is brilliantly written, and everything fits together so very naturally, I was very impressed.
I thoroughly enjoyed ALL the character arcs. Each character was indelible and each story memorable. Yet all the arcs fit together in a cohesive manner.
Without going into details, because of the unexpected interconnection between each of the characters, the arcs themselves leave mysteries behind. Mysteries that can only be answered by playing more of the game.
As you complete all the different routes, all these mysteries are answered and everything falls into place in a beautifully connected way.
I personally went in this order: Kotori -> Shizuru -> Lucia -> Ohtohri -> Akane
And while the order doesn't really matter I suppose, I think it was nice to go in this order, just to be able to have more questions hanging.
For instance, I did all the Guardian characters first, which shed a negative light on Gaia. And then you wonder, Ohtohri and Akane CAN"T be bad. Or are they?
The game explored many themes ranging from nature, to ethics, and to life itself.
When everything concludes in the Moon and Terra arc, I couldn't help but think how wonderful life was. The game sort of held the view of Gaia Theory by Lovelock, except in a more supernatural way, hinting a bit towards Shintoism. It was interesting thinking about life/lifeforce itself as a living sentient thing. A bit romantic perhaps, but hey, it's just a theory.
I loved all the little game references they added into the game, including but not limited to: Mario, Pokemon, Guilty Gear, and RPGs and VNs in general. (sorry I am rewriting this again because I lost my original copy, and I kind of forgot some of the other video game references).
Sukumon was THE best though. At the end, you fight the "Elite Four" to become the Sukumon champion~
The only sort of point I disagree on (or perhaps lacking knowledge) is the part where they say nature is ugly. When Kotori and Kotarou (main protagonist) are tending the city gardens, they come across some weird infected plant, and they exterminate it. And they discuss how the nature here is modified and how real nature is ugly. Sure nature is modified in suburbs, parks, cities, basically anywhere humans live, I agree there, but then is real nature ugly? I've been through some wild jungles in Africa, and mountains in the US and Korea, but they were nowhere near ugly. Not saying nature is all pretty: "Nature is red in tooth and claw" to paraphrase Tennyson, but from what I have seen, there really is a beauty to nature that isn't just from human modification.
The story arcs are once again beautifully written. They are interwoven within the storyline itself so naturally and all develop into the final true ending. Each character is so good, I really want to go into detail, but maybe in the future...
And who can forget Yoshino~
+ Show Spoiler +
The dialogue between characters is fantastic. Witty, humorous, and plain silly at times, it helps keep you in the story, but also let's you know when things get serious.
One of my favorites was when Kotori finds out Ohtohri was rich, she wanted to marry her, but then she realized her name would've been Otohri Kotori. Maybe it's because I am Korean/Asian, but I found this hilarious.
Speaking of Kotori, her voice actress also voiced Homura (Madoka) and Senjogahara (Bakemonogatari) :O
The artwork and animation was really well presented, and I had no issues with the menu controls or anything. The music was very good, and the OP, Philosophyz, by Mizutani Runa was really good.
Here are the songs I think represents the environment of Rewrite very well
+ Show Spoiler +
I know there are plenty more, but I found these to contain the essence of the VN.
Anyways, if you like VN or are interested in these types of games, you owe it to yourself to play this one. PLAY IT NOW
That's it for this Blog! Hope you enjoyed it and I might do a more thorough review of Rewrite if I find the time. Sorry it's so short and vague