I really love playing Starcraft, but I've got one problem. None of my friends play SC2. They are all playing LoL. :o And I just want a practice partner and someone to chat with about tournaments and all that good stuff. So yeah. Some stuff about me:
My name is Henning and I live in Hamburg, Germany. I am 17 years old. I started playing in early 2012, but i REALLY started with the release of HotS. I am in Platinum League right now. My races are Terran and Zerg. Favourite players are MarineKing, Scarlett, TLO and many many more.
If you want to be my SC2-Buddy you should speak German or English and live in a reasonable timezone.
Hope I find someone!
Wow thanks. How could i overlook that. :o
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
Or just keep posting in LR threads when tournaments are on. Theres lots of us who all know eachother from the threads and im sure people will invite you to games and such if you get into it. Was an LR tournament the beginning of this year and im sure they are all friends from that as well.
On June 03 2014 22:55 Morrissey wrote: What does LR mean ?
Live report when people report/talk about a tournament game while its on.
Pretty sure that's what he means anyways.
Ah thank you
yup LR threads are awesome. I don't usually post because I watch the games on my phone (hence no alt+tab), but I have a lot of fun reading the comments afterwards
On June 04 2014 00:35 silvana wrote:yup LR threads are awesome. I don't usually post because I watch the games on my phone (hence no alt+tab), but I have a lot of fun reading the comments afterwards If it's a good enough tournament/game and you have to make a choice I prefer to refresh the LR instead of watching the game (and there might even be a live report).
Hope you find some people to play with, but yes, start hanging out in the live report threads.
Dude you have to get going, I never really joined cause I had mates on skype but man you have to:
- Hype in the thread what others are missing, clearly if everyone missed what was epic about a situation cause casters were discussing the random topic of the day you need to bring this info to the world. Bonus points if you gif it and point out what was epic with red arrows and follow that up with graphs.
- Call out players before the games start claiming obvious insta-death to be obvious. (And then follow it up by quoting yourself 100 pages later about 2 times a page, works just as well with announcing the winner and map-score 2 days before the game starts)
- Don't hype your own race, ever. Never. If you play all of the, which you should, join on and hate on the one that is OK to hate on. (Note: This is always Protoss. If you main Protoss like me, never admit it, keep calling Heart, MMA, TY, Bbyong your fav players and use Terrans as captains on your FPL team. This will ensure that you are not Protoss since nobody would pick Terran captains, it is the dying race after all.)
-If someone is bashing someone with shiny icon and/or40k+ posts you have to protect them. With your, or Nada's, body if needed.
-Hating the casters is what people do. If you want to cheer them on you have to dedicate to it. Tell the world what they are doing great and why you are enjoying it! (Pro tip from the pro-corner: Don't ever, ever try to defend the caster of the month that Incontrol hates, everyone and their mom will back his opinion and ignore the fact that he will come around eventually)
Oh almost forgot: Make epic 50k word blog post with graphs, background-music and whatever you can come up with about your fav SC series of all times! (Since ESGN failed you should be able to hire some semi-naked ladies for cheap for your blog post to highlight the fact that you are indeed a nerd being nerdy talking about strategy like a nerd.)
But the most important LR tip I could ever give you is: Remember to join the LR-group with your FPL team!
Oh wow. Thanks for the detailed and humerous tipps. Haha :D
Anlo failed to mention a few things.
- Subscribe to ABL (even if you don't post in it. You learn a lot of TL in this thread) - Read the entirety of Nada's Body thread. - Learn what player user's like. So you can make fun of them before the match starts. (Exemple : Zealously love Startale_Life. But be carefull. He can ban you :p) - Never hate on Bomber if Wintex is here - Read the 10commandments because ... because read it. - Praise Lorning and Panda when you can in the LR.
And on your spare time you can also read the Hall of Shame thread.
And i think there's a Skype group for TL.
Belgica34432 Posts
On June 04 2014 22:37 FFW_Rude wrote: Anlo failed to mention a few things.
- Subscribe to ABL (even if you don't post in it. You learn a lot of TL in this thread) - Read the entirety of Nada's Body thread. - Learn what player user's like. So you can make fun of them before the match starts. (Exemple : Zealously love Startale_Life. But be carefull. He can ban you :p) - Never hate on Bomber if Wintex is here - Read the 10commandments because ... because read it. - Praise Lorning and Panda when you can in the LR.
And on your spare time you can also read the Hall of Shame thread.
And i think there's a Skype group for TL. This is very important
So did you make any friends?
TLADT24920 Posts
On June 03 2014 22:52 Pandemona wrote: Or just keep posting in LR threads when tournaments are on. Theres lots of us who all know eachother from the threads and im sure people will invite you to games and such if you get into it. Was an LR tournament the beginning of this year and im sure they are all friends from that as well.
this is your best bet. Though I don't watch much SCII tourneys anymore, I had fun chatting with a lot of SCII regular posters back when I used to visit LR threads regularly. I'm sure if you visit enough and just chat in general about the game, you'll make friends that play SCII as well. Best of luck!
United Kingdom10443 Posts
LR is great place to hang out
I mostly talk about sandwiches though