Over the last couple of weeks something just clicked and for the first time skiing power changed from needing hard work and concentration to being the best feeling of flying down the mountain gliding over super soft snow, enjoying the face shots and feeling like having superpowers. Everyone else down the hill also being super hyped screaming their lungs out just makes it that much better. Maybe the stars aligned but whatever the reason holy shit it just makes the rest of my life almost pale in comparison. Used to work in an ER (or A&E for UK people) and as cool as it can be fixing acutely unwell people and all that stuff, the last few weeks have blown that shit totally outta the water.
I do not think that there is any greater feeling that getting something done on your bucket list so if ever the opportunity presents itself, just fucking go for it and you will not regret it.
Even more awesome is that there are another three months to go and a crapload of progression still to come.
I guess this is a brag post of sorts so sorry if it rubs the wrong way, but man sometimes life is just so totally awesome.