http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=243828 - I wrote this blog the night before my wedding. I married a beautiful woman and the world was our playground. We had everything at our finger tips, good career, a strong love, wonderful kid(s).
http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=158620 - I wrote this blog about three years ago about the upset and inner turmoil I had when the potential for my wife to have cancer was presented to us by her doctor.
http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=161083 - I wrote this when we received news that it most likely was not cancer. I can still remember the elation I experienced, I was so relieved. That girl would be the one I grow old with after all.
http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=390050 - I wrote this two days after my son Jameson Joshua was born. He's sitting in his high chair beside me right now eating some cheerios. He's an amazing little boy and that was one of the highlights of my life.
http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=320698 - I wrote this blog about a year and a half ago when we got our house and started to family life. I was please, she was pleased. Everything was progressing like it should.
I am writing this blog today because my wife, the mother of my child has decided that she is no longer happy with me. She reaffirms that I am an amazing man, father and spouse. The division of assets and talks have commenced. Merry fucking Christmas.
I tried marriage counseling but she did not want to participate. I felt the distance growing for some time and have tried to talk to her. She said nothing was wrong, she loved me the same and that if anything was wrong we would work through it. We were married after all, you don't just give up. The two weeks leading up were miserable. I lost 20 lbs because of stress, I would come home from work and she would leave and come back at 5am to be here with the kids while I went to work again. I finally found out what was going on with her, she now has a girlfriend.
We are on good terms. I hadn't seen her that happy in awhile, I can live with it. Custody between our kid will be 50/50 and mixed in between. We both work shift work and agreed we should help each other out with child care for the first little while until we get sitters and everything straightened out. I am going to a lawyer to see what my options would be, not that I forsee needing one. Honestly I looked at this two ways, I could be a huge asshole and make it miserable for everyone or I could accept the situation and be amicable for the children, which is what I chose.
She is going to be keeping the house and I am fine with that. I am moving out on the first. Everything else is pretty much split down the middle. This is the shit around Christmas time.
did she at least say why?
she now has a girlfriend
Uh... well that's certainly awful news Sorry to hear that x.x
Ouch. That's painful. Sorry man!
The last sentence really stabs me in the heart
This sucks holy shit
Really sorry for you man
I am so sorry. I can't imagine what this must be like for you.
Well, at least you shouldn't get nailed in the lawyer battle. Pay for a really good one so you get to keep the kids, live in your house and not have to pay alimony. Get a recorded statement from her that proves it's her lack of enthusiasm and that she's the one who left the marriage for someone else and committed adultery. Tough breaks chap. Condolences, but remember TL's here for you.
Can't help but find the similarity to the situation Ross was in in the show Friends kinda funny. This sucks though, good luck to ya.
i don't know what to say
On the other hand, this would be a legitimate reason to write a country song.
Hey. This isn't to say that you two don't get along. But seriously, get a fucking lawyer to at least help you make sure all the paperwork you'll need to file is in order. It will keep you both from getting screwed. There's a lot of legal entanglement in marriage, and that house? Yeah... that can screw you big time. Because you need to get your name off the mortgage. The bank doesn't give a shit if you're divorced, or if your divorce specifies she gets the house, if your name is still on that note.
(If you don't have a mortgage, how the hell did you do that?)
My commiserations. As you might tell from the above, I have some small experience. It is absolutely one of the shittiest things in the world, even if all parties are amicably separating.
At least she's not with another man
On December 25 2013 07:57 NeuroticPsychosis wrote: At least she's not with another man
This is true. I feel somewhat better about this. I made sure that it wasn't me. Maybe it's the alcohol, my only friend this xmas eve, or maybe its the truth. I feel better about this.
That's nuts, dude. Godspeed.
get a lawyer, felisconcolori was spot on. You don't have to get one to be a prick and make this miserable, more to make sure that all the i's are dotted and t's are cross, you know?
Wow man wish I had anything to say to you but I honestly don't know what. Take care.
The saddest thing is the first blog
There has been a lot of depressing girl blogs, so I figured I would make a happy one. See you all in a week.
I wish you way more than just luck.
You guys are awesome. I am sitting home alone right now drinking lots of beer and I find it amazing to me that people out there care because we are part of the same community, God Bless TL.