Being introverted is never an excuse for isolation. Likewise, being extravert isn't a reason to be annoying. (or whatever, the examples arent the point..)
Also, the versus between the two isnt justified, imo. Everyone is a combination of both, and neglecting one of them (for example by using the word introvercy to justify neglecting social contacts in general) will probably end up hurting you.
In your blog, you mention a shyshell, breaking out of it and having a lot of friends/contacts and then returning to some key people, before your college years. I had exactly the same around that same time. Although i of course don't know if it's the same, if anyone would ask me to describe my 2 years before college, i would use almost the exact same words. Now, that was 6 years ago. I've seen many of these developments with other people as well. Although i have no other basis then these experiences, i think this development doesnt necessarily say whether you're intro- or extraverted, but is a 'type of path to take'. You say you feel extraverted, and that's fine, but a suggestive 'bad past, good present' isn't really appropriate, i feel.
Personality tests (in addition to how i feel) resulted in being exactly as introvert as extravert here.
I dont really know how this will be received, i'm not really good at textually saying what i mean. ):