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Many people post in these forums, oftentimes asking the same question. "How do I improve?". I don't think there is an easy answer to this question, and thus my choice to start this line of blogs. I used to play zerg at an acceptable level of high master, sometimes scratching some grandmaster players and taking a game off someone.
But then I started university, and it all went downhill. I got a social life for once, had to study, and the sort of stuff that prevents you from playing and practicing StarCraft II.
I still wanted to play, though, but I just didn't have time!
Now I have time again, since it's summer holidays, but I noticed I'm really bad at zerg, getting demoted to diamond (or rather, placing in diamond after doing my placements and *not* finding it extremely easy, like I would have before the break).
So I thought, "now is the time to switch to Terran," and I did it because I always liked Terran, but I never had the chance since I had clan wars, practice with teammates and the sort. This time, my team didn't expect me to do well (thank you!), and I had little practice with teammates. So I switched.
But enough of me. The purpose of this blog is to record how I learnt Terran, the steps I took (or am taking) to get to the highest level I can, as fast as possible. After seeing myself improve in the span of one week from like platinum to low-master level, I thought maybe this can help other people improve successfully.
If this blog helps you, please let me know. If you find it interesting but nothing else, please let me know too! If you think it's shit, please tell me why.
When I first started learning Terran I already knew I liked Terran. I think this is quite important! If you don't like the race, you won't be motivated to be the best you can be at the race. I genuinely enjoy getting better as Terran. I understand it's a difficult race (maybe the most difficult?), but I appreciate that understanding how to play it, and practice, will make perfect.
So how did I actually start? I took a layered approach to learning the race. The most basic things about each race is their units and their compositions. In each stage of the game, what are you supposed to have and what are you scared of?
By building this knowledge of the race up, you can begin to understand each stage of the game and therefore, if your build gets messed up or your opponent does something unorthodox, you can adjust. If you don't know which compositions win against which in each matchup, then there is no chance for you to succeed.
I think this is a problem lots of low-level players find. For example, in my journeys through platinum level, I find protosses
skipping AoE damage completely, just making immortals and archons.
So when I started, I watched streams. I happened to start learning when WCS EU and KR was going on, so I could watch plenty of TvZ and TvP. Not as much TvT, which is my main problem right now.
By watching MVP vs Stephano in WCS EU Finals, (), I could learn two builds for TvZ. MVP is quite good, so I guessed his builds would be nice. I learnt the Hellbat-MMM all-in, and a macro build.
These builds I put on sticky notes stuck to my screen.
Then, browsing Teamliquid I found this thread (, and I watched the GSL games of InnovatioN vs SoulKey, where he did this build, or something very similar. I added this to my sticky notes.
For me, I just needed 2 builds per matchup, so I could all-in if it was required (I know I will have to all-in eventually in clan wars), or play macro to learn the later stages of the game.
My TvP, I found from watching a game from TaeJa's replay pack ( where he did a nice macro build. This got added to my sticky notes.
I think I might have found a nice TvT build there too. I am unsure as to which replays it was exactly. So there were just a couple builds left.
One for a defensive option in TvP, and another TvT build where I could go mech. From watching VODs I had found that lots of games ended up in mech in TvT.
Please note that as of yet I had not played any games as Terran!
Watching InnovatioN vs Flash, MLG Semis Game 2 (), I found a nice build that could transition into mech or bionic. I added this build, along with both transitions, to my sticky notes. By this point this many sticky notes could not fit in my screen, so I had started piling them. I think I need a wee notepad!
The only thing left was a safe, small map build for TvP. I found this widow-mine drop (or defensive widow mine build) with early expand in one of InnovatioN's games I believe. I added it to my sticky notes too.
Also I had to learn how much production was necessary per base on average, so that after the builds were completed, I would know how to play further. It seems like 3 barracks per base is standard, along with 2factory on 3 bases vs zerg.
However, I once heard a quote that said something like: "if you have more than 300 minerals after each of your hatcheries produces one larva and you make units from them, you need more hatcheries." I try to apply this to Terran.
If I'm making units from all facilities, and supply depots, and still floating more minerals, I just add more facilities. Until I get to a big amount of facilities (eg. 12-15 barracks on 4-5 bases), where saving up a bank is probably worth it. If you are maxed and have a nice amount of production facilities, you want to save up to re-make your army should it die!
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Have fun improving!