My girl blog will be a story with a generally happier tone than most girl blog's I've been seeing lately. Also it will be long. I am writing this in hopes of encouraging others and to share my hope with you all, a community that I largely consider a crowd of faceless friends. Here is my story my TL friends:
[Master Edit] Now that posting is completed I'm condensing everything into the OP
Part 1: December of 2011: The Edge + Show Spoiler +I join my girlfriend of about a week, Morgan, at her friend's house for a Christmas/New Years party with some of her friends. I am 3 years her senior at 21, she's a college freshman, all those friends who are coming are old High School friends (we all attended the same HS and are all back in our hometown currently on holiday) some of whom are graduated and Morgan's age, and some who are still in High School and younger slightly. Morgan and I were very much "just friends" who awkwardly told each other we liked each other and started dating very recently, and I was older than these kids by enough of a gap that we weren't in High school at the same time together, college and beyond this age gap is nothing, but it made me a tidbit uncomfortable that night. Anyway, there were only five or so of us and we planned on having dinner, hanging out for a bit, then watching a movie. As dinner is winding down, a dinner which had steadily grown more awkward as conversation topics dried up, there's a knock on the door, some distant "SO GOOD TO SEE YOU"'s in the entryway and we are joined by Felicity (this is HER, in case that wasn't obvious) at the table. the WHOLE point of this exposition ^^^ is to give you some context for the adverbs and adjectives headed your way describing my next thoughts, so pay attention, and keep in mind the TL;DR version: I am - Awkwardly uncomfortable
- Older and feeling unable to relate to anyone here
- With my brand new girlfriend
- Have been maintaining a polite but mostly silent front up until now
I know I cannot do the ensuing scene justice but here goes nothing: Felicity walks in to nothing short of tumultuous affection and excitement from the three girls sitting at the table with me. Hugs are had all around me, excluding me of course, so I wave and Morgan introduces me. WAIT. I didn't give you the visual. This is the state of the "Appraisals of Female Outer Appearances" department of my brain when I see her and shake her hand: ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Fionn/bysun.gif) . I am 6'2" and lanky, so short girls aren't my style, and girls who are taller than me are exceedingly rare and so I don't know what they are, but anyway Felicity is a white female, of British and German heritage. And also she is six GLORIOUS feet tall with BEAUTIFUL foot long, straight, black STUPEFYINGLY MAGNIFICENT hair, the RICHEST, DEEPEST brown eyes that are ENORMOUS and she has a clean, cute face with a HEART STOPPINGLY BRIGHT AND WONDERFULLY GENUINE smile that hit me like a punch from an Indian action movie. ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FxBdc.gif) I didn't stop liking Morgan or anything. I was still there with her, all the things that made her great and us great friends was still there. But from a purely physical and anatomical perspective, she was outclassed by Felicity. By a poll of 10,000 random American men she might be an 8, probably a 7, Morgan a 6 pushing 7 probably, but as far as my personal taste goes, I like white (I'm white btw), dark hair, dark eyes, big/distinctive eyes, tall, a nice smile that she isn't afraid to show off. That is where I'd start if I were wearing a bra on my head about to design my perfect companion. And IN SHE FUCKING WALKS. If you don't believe in fate, then you at least have to admit that this was pretty fucking serendipitous at the very least. I just met my 10/10. Holy shit... But I was there with Morgan, who I still very much liked, and as much thought as I put into the physical attributes of girls and what I like/don't like (that is mostly due to the architect in me, EVERYTHING undergoes this same scrutiny with me) I am not at all focused on that in my relationships. I was taken aback by how incredible Felicity was to my eyes, but I knew ZERO things about her so it really didn't have that great an affect on me, and wouldn't have gone beyond that first impression if we didn't hit it off famously. Turns out she has a great personality, one that is universally liked, but is still honest (she isn't a schmoozer but everyone likes her), and with her addition to the dynamic the party loosened up. Everyone was talking more, laughing more, having much more fun with Felicity's presence. I am a dry wit type guy who prefers the quick remark to get a laugh to the hilarious anecdote, and Felicity is very much the same way, and even exceeds my own wit so our collective conversations were interjected by genuinely funny and lively banter by everyone, especially Felicity. There are a few moments that stand out to me as moments where Felicity and I took a joke two or three steps farther and made each other and our friends laugh hysterically, I would share them but without context they aren't really jokes, but it is important to note that they happened. I think it is those moments looking back that began to make me pay really close attention when she smiles. The night passes, we watch Harry Potter 7 part 1 and 2 and have a great time and at the end of the night, Morgan and I leave and I feel as though I just made four new friends, with one in particular that made those other connections happen, and who's acquaintance I was particularly proud of achieving. But I didn't LIKE her. I just knew that she was fucking cool, attractive, and STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL. Plus, I had Morgan, who was also great for different reasons. So I just let that night fade into a happy memory and became Facebook friends with everyone I had just met. Fast Forwarding: Morgan and I break up when she goes back to school, we were just too good of friends and kissing her and such just feels weird, and the physical part was really all that changed from before-after we dated, so we end it. We still talk and hang out in groups, and still get along famously. Felicity graduates High School, and we talk occasionally on Facebook/make funny comments on each others posts and such. I get to know a tiny bit more about her than I found out at the party. I don't stop thinking she's attractive as humanly possible, and I don't stop thinking her personality is killer. But I never think of her because my life was figuratively headed west, and her's east. So I forgot about her except when she'd pop up on my Facebook feed with a new picture or something. But it was like the sun out shining the stars. They're still out there, and they outshine the sun in reality, the sun is just closer, obscuring them.
Part 2: December 2012-January 2013: The Leap + Show Spoiler +The stars are beginning to come out again. I took work back at an old job, a movie theater, in my home town over the winter holidays and on the 28th or 29th (I forget when exactly) Felicity comes into the theater to see Les Miserables with a guy I know for a fact to be gay (She is an actress and really into theater, and so stereotypically has LOTS of these kinds of gay friends) and when she see's some of her old friends behind the concessions counter she comes up and starts to talk with them, as I walk out of the back room. I had honestly not given her a single thought in months. I hadn't looked forward to this in any fashion or planned any of it, I had allowed the crush I had for her to fade away into nothingness. Or so I thought. Out of my mouth flew the warmest hello I had offered a person in recent memory. I didn't break an social norms, but seriously, my Grandma doesn't get this kind of greating out of me. Out of nowhere I was SO stoked to see her and I didn't even know it until it was happening. While I was still trying to figure out exactly why I was so jazzed about her being there, I sort of monopolized her from everyone else and we started talking. We talked about the typical niceties at first. "How's school?" "Where are you going?" "What movie are you seeing?" etc. Then I discovered that her school was in New York City, and that she loved the city life, that it was so exciting and crazy. As I mentioned, I am an architect and so naturally I have a fascination with cities but ESPECIALLY New York for me. So we started talking about that for a while and she mentions that she is trying to get a membership to the gym where Ryan Gosling works out (we had established in a conversation last December that Ryan Gosling is the man), and I mention that Gangster Squad is coming out soon and that she should come see it us at the employee show. Needing to rush into the theater for her movie at this point I don't bother to get her number, but I shout to her that I'll Facebook message her the details when I know them and she thumbs ups me. My shift ended and I went home before she came out, but I hadn't fully realized what had even happened yet, so staying to talk to her again or something didn't even occur to me. I just thought I liked her as a friend, after all we did have a lot to talk about and a lot in common, which is generally the kind of people I call my friends. So I let it hang. The day before Gangster Squad was coming out arrived and I FB messaged her to come to the theater at around 11 and we'd watch it. (She had made it to previous employee shows before through other connections so she knew that this was a group, public, make fun of the movie, and talk a lot sort of affair). Well, I sort of forgot that I had invited her (it still wasn't a big deal to me really) and made plans to play Starcraft all night with buddies upstairs at the theater, we were planning to all night it after the movie so we wore pajamas and didn't shower or anything! D: moment for sure when I got a text from some number "Hey this is Felicty! I'm here, where are you?!?!" FUCK + Show Spoiler +Somewhere in my head I thought: FUCK... Wait, I just got her number, that should be a FUCK YEAH! . Oh well, she's just a cool girl, and I'm a cool dude, and I don't think this is going anywhere anyway: YOLO. We head downstairs and meat up with Felicity. Turns out ALL of our other friends bailed, so it's me, my two best buddies, and Felicity. She fit RIGHT in. We had a fucking blast. Then after the movie my buddies go back upstairs and start gaming it up while I "say good night" to Felicity. In reality we started talking and talked for about 2 hours, just standing alone in the empty lobby of this movie theater with the lights and all the stuff in there turned totally off.Then she finally alludes to needing to go to sleep, so we walk out to her car together. It was a balmy -4 degrees out that night. And we stood outside her car for another hour and talked before finally hugging and saying goodbye. The important part about these events was the outside bit. Inside our conversation was genuine, but mostly inconsequential. Outside I had happened to ask her about her taste in music after discussing New York's opportunities for live shows big and small. The reason our conversation lasted another hour out in the frigid air was because we both had a comically long string of "RIGHT?! Who doesn't love/fucking hate _____!!" moments together and the two important discoveries I made were that she loved Hockey, but hated Basketball, and that she LOVED Tool and had an all around sophisticated and stellar taste in music. You're not me so these facts might not seem like much. But for me these two revelations were the keystones. I fucking LIVE hockey, and HATE basketball. I can't stand it. So I avoid it at all cost, often times I don't get along with people who like basketball because of it, and music is a BIG deal to me. I am never not listening to music, and I am very selective and thorough in my selections. I don't get along well with people that have undeveloped, or very different taste in music to myself. So for a girl I already liked to have these qualities was just fucking NEXT LEVEL. It turned the heat up on how I felt about her to nuclear fission levels. All of a sudden I wanted to kiss her, badly. But she got away that night. However, now I had her number and I had a mission. I was getting the band back together. Two nights and many a text later, my parents and I were going to see Django Unchained (for me it would be the fourth time), and I invited Felicity. I was borderline since my parents were coming too, but they are cool enough to not assume anything is happening with me and anyone I invite along for whatever, and not to act weird if they think something is. Felicity and I met up for dinner before hand and so we got a chance to chat and have a good time by ourselves, then we met my parents which went completely uneventfully and correspondingly well, watched the movie, had a great time whispering comments and observations to each other, and then when my parents went home, Felicity and I stayed to chat with some friends of ours that had come out of a different movie. One of these mutual friends happened to be one of my best SC2 buddies, who I payed and practiced with a ton, so we were talking Starcraft right there in front of Felicity. Normally I would have played it down in front of a girl I liked just to ease her into my life-dominating fascination with Starcraft, but here I was chatting away about the subtleties of Marine King's micro with my friend and she was laughing and following along. Turns out her older brother influenced her to love Tool, AND Starcraft, or at least know of it, and appreciate the complicated nature of it so as to not judge us for being so openly nerdy. I owe that brother a lot. haha Well, that night ended with another long conversation and sexual tension as we said goodbye outside (thankfully it was a few degrees warmer that night). I knew she would let me kiss her. I felt it in my bones. We were laughing about how great it was that we were both tall, that it was awkward for her to meet guys who were shorter than her by 6"+ and how it sucked that they were all intimidated. "haha" I laughed in reply, "I am a perfect height for you. But still intimated for other reasons." "Why is that?" she laughs, "I'm not scary am I?!" "NoNoNo, not at all. It's just..." I stammer (I am not using lines, or leading the conversation any place, I am just TALKING, improving, living on the edge you know? YOLO) "Beautiful girls are... You know... You're intimidating." FUCK. I just told her TO HER FACE that she was beautiful. How do you recover from that? Wait, that's a compliment, a genuine compliment and a solid fact. I'll just roll with it. So I smiled and tried not to blush too much. I am naturally very shy and genuinely stutter and get a dry mouth, shaking hands, the whole nine yards when I am in this type of situation. I think she saw that, and took the compliment graciously, but it isn't her style to be flattered so one-sidedly, so she returns it, telling me that I'm "wonderful and really cool." Ok, you want to talk about nervous. FUCKING HELL I wanted to kiss her. But she was freaking me out man. I was so nervous I was about to collapse, so all I could do was hug her with a little something extra in it and say good night. 0/2 on the kissing front. Damn. But I am wonderful and cool... I was still on a mission from God, so I texted her the next day to see when she'd be free before she left for school in New York again. In two days (the night before her flight back) she would be available. I asked her to join me for dinner, then a movie at my house, with me... alone. She excitedly accepted, with an "Oh definitely! I'm so down." Fuck ya. I was gonna kiss her, it was a fact now, not a plan or an inclination, this was MOTHERFUCKING SCIENCE. She had to pack before we went out, so we didn't get started on our evening until late, I picked her up at 9:15, so we just went to a restaurant where I used to work, where we were able to snipe a table in a back corner away from most of the noise in the restaurant and got a server that I knew really well and was good friends with, so we got perfect date service (concise, pleasant and friendly, but never lingering, always wary of interrupting the conversation, I tipped him well in other words) and we got a "Monster Brownie" to share. It was fucking FANTASTIC. We ate delicious dessert, we shared stories and talked, and talked, and talked. We closed the restaurant. I've always wanted to be that couple, just like the movies and dating service ads, who stay talking so late that they have to be asked to leave. I got to experience it first hand. So at 11:30 we head to my place and debate which movie to watch and decide that we need to watch TWO movies. We watch "The Game" first, fucking epic twisty David Fincher (Fight Club, Social Network, etc) thriller that I've loved for like 10 years, and she had never seen. We were lying together, touching but not "cuddling" per-say under some blankets, I had made a fire in the fire place. All was going according to plan. After that movie we talked about it for a while, she loved it and wanted to discuss the mind-bendiness of it, so we did. At roughly 2:00 in the morning we started "House of Flying Daggers," one of my top 5 all time movies. She loved it too, big boost in my liking of her. If you've never seen that one I highly recommend it, it happens to have one of the greatest love stories of all time IMO, and so we got to talk about love and romance and such, and started inching closer and closer to one another. When the movie ended we just talked. And kept talking. About nothing really, but also about everything. I had never talked so much in my life. I was still as nervous as I was a few nights before, but with each passing topic of discussion, it became easier and easier to talk to her. At one point we were talking about hair, and how I like to keep mine short-ish and don't do much with it. We were lying near each other on our sides, she was propped up above me against the back of the couch and at the mention of my hair started running her fingers through it. Slowly and gently. Any doubts I had about whether or not she'd respond if I made a move evaporated. But I couldn't just DO IT. I was locked up. My muscles wouldn't obey my commands. My GOLDEN OF GOLDEN opportunities was slipping away. There were repeatedly whole SIXTY second silences where I would start "Umm... I... Felicity?" "Yes? ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif) " Then I'd just sit there, frozen, wanting to move in but unable to. She happened to get a drunk text from one of her friends a few minutes later that lit up her phone which was sitting across the couch where she threw it (I know right, ALL THE SIGNS). It read 6:25 AM. The sun was beginning to come up. I knew out of pure respect for her life as a human being I should take her home, obviously more time is not what I needed to make a move. So we drove away, her parents lived about 15 minutes away and we continued to talk animatedly the whole way. When I pulled into her driveway we talked for another minute or two, then she unbuckled her seat belt and reached for the door. Now was the time. I had to be a man. "Felicity!" I said a little too loudly. "Wait. Please, wait" She just put her hands in her lap and smiled at me with that killer smile that... ya. Killer smile. "I... I will regret it forever if I don't ask." I struggle to say with my mouth which is suddenly a desert. "Go ahead." She is still smiling, but it slackens as the waits for me to spit it out. "I am bad at this, and you intimidate me and make me very nervous, so I'm sorry for the bluntness of what I have to say." "That's ok", she laughed when I said 'intimidate' and 'nervous' "Can I kiss you?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" That is how it happened. Cross my heart, hope to die, I swear on whatever you want me to, that is the truth. I had to ASK, and she cracks up. Laughs harder than I've seen her laugh as of yet. But right as I start to worry that it is a scornful, snide laugh she turns to me: "Of course!" "REALLY?" "Permission granted!" She smiles bigger than ever and tries not to laugh. I love it when she smiles. Have I mentioned that? SPOILER ALERT: I took a deep breath, made sure my mouth wasn't a desert anymore, then I kissed her. And it was the greatest thing ever. I have kissed a few girls before Felicity. And I even had a hierarchy of who was good/bad, but this... I couldn't even think. I was just kissing her. That is as far as the universe went. With the amount of tension we had built up over the last few days and especially this night... we had a lot to release, and we both got our two cents in, I'll tell you that much. It was only kissing, across the console in my car, no funny business, completely innocent and wonderful. After the first bout, and a glorious sigh of relief, I explained that I had meant to do that for HOURS and that I was sorry it took me so long. She just said "Well, you did it. I'm glad." and smiled, before kissing me again. When I walked her to her door we kissed goodbye a few times, I kept taking a step back from her, and then coming back for more and she kept laughing as she kissed me. For some reason, I love kissing while laughing. When you can do that with someone it's very special I feel. But it was only a moment in heaven. A week in which my life changed. It was not the extended stay in a swanky 5 star all expenses paid Heaven based resort like I dreamed of. She had to leave for school, and so did I. Distance... a bump in the road for many a relationship. And mine and Felicity's relationship was the equivalent of the Wright brother's first flight. Feeble and barely of note, but it was still a landmark event that changed our world. But would we be able to continue growing together when we were so far apart? I wasn't going to lay down, surrender, and take this blow from life. Fuck life. "Life happens" will not be how this story ends.
Part 3: Present: Falling + Show Spoiler +We text pretty often and have Skyped once since we parted. We talk about things to see and do when I visit New York, but we haven't made any concrete plans yet. We talk about things we want to do with our lives, and we talk about how our dreams line up, but it's just talk right now, no actions or solid foundations yet, so I couldn't fully believe that these fantasies might come true. But also she is in school and works a lot, and also lives in New fucking York and has a bunch of cool stuff to do all the time. So we don't get to talk all that much, but it remains genuine in interesting when we do. I on the other hand up until a few days ago did not have work, and due to that lack of work, don't have the finances to continue school currently, so I have had NOTHING to do. All I've WANTED to do is talk to her. Kiss her again. Sleep with her. Something. But I can't obviously. So I play a shit ton of Starcraft and wallow in my feels. I watch a ton of chick flicks cause I'm love sick and I reread Pride and Prejudice for the fourth time (don't judge me, I'm a romantic, I fucking love that book ok?). I consider writing a girl blog on TL to get out some of these feels < which I have now fulfilled and appreciate your reading this more than I can express, thank you>. But none of that was good enough. I don't remember how it came to be, but one day I knew that I had to write a song about her. Ya, cheesy as it is, and unoriginal too, I just knew that I really wanted to do something BIG for Felicity. She was worth it. The way she made me feel was worth something equally big in scope. And most of all, I wanted her to know how I felt, explicitly, without allusions or implications or doubt. I wanted her to KNOW that she had a hold of my heart and soul on every level. Even if it scared her away, I knew that I had to tell her. So I decided to something bold. I spent the next two weeks writing a song, both words and music. Then I write a letter, record my song for her, burn it to a CD and mail it to her. I spent such a long time writing that letter, it had to be perfect. And the song I wrote had to be even better. I rewrote the words and changed the music over and over until it was perfect. I only knew her for about a week, and I had talked to her for what boils down to maybe a few hours of real conversation since we parted and here I was writing a god damned song about this girl. I have never written so much as a haiku for anyone, or any feeling happy or sad before. But she made me feel so much in such a short time, that I had to get it out. That was how I did it. I sent her the package with my letter and the CD a week and a half before Valentines day with the hope that she would get it, love it, and then I could ask her to be my Valentine and we could Skype and have a ramen noodle valentines dinner or something 2000 miles apart. Well, a day before the package got there she goes silent. I can't get a response from her at all on Facebook or through a text message, so I play it cool, and don't try too hard and don't pester her. Turns out her Aunt had died and she had to fly back to Colorado for a few days for the funeral. Yep, for real. This actually happened. She is a positive person, who refuses to be brought down by anything, so she didn't want to talk about it, she didn't need to either. She just brushed it off, and talked to me as though nothing happened, she supported her family and went back to New York like a boss. We texted the day she was flying back and she said she'd be really busy the next few days since she had to miss work and school for the funeral. So it wasn't a big surprise when I didn't hear from her when she got back and should have found my package waiting for her. Three days after she had gotten back and (should have) received my package I still hadn't heard from her, even though I had texted her once or twice since then just to check up on her after the funeral business. Nothing. I started to panic. In Pride and Prejudice (the movie and book) Jane Austen writes: "However, he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were." "And so ended his affection," said Elizabeth impatiently. "There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!" "I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love," said Darcy. "Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Every thing nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away." Did i just kill it by coming on too strong? I must have scared her away, made her think I was crazy and a weirdo. Or she just really hated my singing. Understandable, I am pretty terrible. But I wrote a note in the CD case that apologized for being a bad singer and that she only had to listen to it once. And I didn't make her sit there while I serenaded her or anything. I was freaking out. I didn't want to add to the post-valentinepocalypse stack of worrying, break up, what-do-I-do-about-this girl blogs and threads, so I decided to wait until I had some closure and could share in my victory or my defeat with TL to share any of my story, which for me was the next logical step, otherwise my head was going to burst from so much stress and tension. "Hey! I meant to text you before work last night, but I never hit send! D: Anyway: <long message saying that she loved my package and my letter and that she is in the midst of writing me a return letter>" Is what I wake up to the next morning, yesterday. SUCCESS. If you are reading this, give me a long-distance high five. <I'll wait...> Cause it fucking worked. She "loved it". Yes. Yes. Yes. Well... At least she understood my gesture of "you are wonderful and you deserve this grand gesture." and appreciated it. Maybe she is writing a letter that will friendzone me. Maybe she will write to me telling me that it just won't work because of distance. Maybe she is writing to tell me I'm her Felicity, and that she wants me to come to New York ASAP. All I know is that she loved it and she IS writing SOMETHING to me. That's good enough for me right now. And that, is what it has been like falling for Felicity. In hopes of inspiring a little extra courage in someone or maybe allowing someone to believe in romantic gestures again, or for the first time. I know I do. I believe in being totally honest and not taking a mediocre relationship ever. Look for the best, look for who you want. They're out there. Waiting to walk into your vision and blow your mind. Hopefully my scenario works out. We'll see. I still have to figure out this whole distance thing, I have always wanted to go to New York though... Thanks for reading. I may update when I know what happens. I might not. All I want you to do is go out there and get your own Felicity to share with us at TL. Be brave. Be bold. If you start something with a grand gesture it will make it so much more exciting, and if you fail with that gesture, you won't be able to regret not trying your hardest.
![2.25 stars based on 4 ratings *](/images/blogs/blackstar.gif) ![2.25 stars based on 4 ratings *](/images/blogs/blackstar.gif) ![2.25 stars based on 4 ratings](/images/blogs/graystarSmall.gif) ![2.25 stars based on 4 ratings](/images/blogs/graystarSmall.gif)
So you're getting our hopes up to dash them again?
On February 17 2013 23:48 Jerubaal wrote: So you're getting our hopes up to dash them again? Such is the life of a girl blogger.
United States10000 Posts
On February 18 2013 00:18 docvoc wrote:Show nested quote +On February 17 2013 23:48 Jerubaal wrote: So you're getting our hopes up to dash them again? Such is the life of a girl blogger. the longer the blogs, the most likely it shatters above us.
I'm sick, its 3am and I can't sleep, thank God there was an awesome Girl Blog on TL. Don't wait too long for part 2.
I really ought to start archiving girl blogs. Then publish a book with like the top 100 girl blogs from Team Liquid. These things are like pure gold.
You can post part 2 here in the comments and it wont be a wall of text... Otherwise nothing special so far
On February 18 2013 03:04 nRoot wrote: You can post part 2 here in the comments and it wont be a wall of text... Otherwise nothing special so far
Also, do not doubt in me my friends. Hope shattering is not at all what I want to accomplish.
[Edit] Spoiler-ing to condense comments/moving to OP
Part 2: December 2012-January 2013: The Leap + Show Spoiler +The stars are beginning to come out again. I took work back at an old job, a movie theater, in my home town over the winter holidays and on the 28th or 29th (I forget when exactly) Felicity comes into the theater to see Les Miserables with a guy I know for a fact to be gay (She is an actress and really into theater, and so stereotypically has LOTS of these kinds of gay friends) and when she see's some of her old friends behind the concessions counter she comes up and starts to talk with them, as I walk out of the back room. I had honestly not given her a single thought in months. I hadn't looked forward to this in any fashion or planned any of it, I had allowed the crush I had for her to fade away into nothingness. Or so I thought. Out of my mouth flew the warmest hello I had offered a person in recent memory. I didn't break an social norms, but seriously, my Grandma doesn't get this kind of greating out of me. Out of nowhere I was SO stoked to see her and I didn't even know it until it was happening. While I was still trying to figure out exactly why I was so jazzed about her being there, I sort of monopolized her from everyone else and we started talking. We talked about the typical niceties at first. "How's school?" "Where are you going?" "What movie are you seeing?" etc. Then I discovered that her school was in New York City, and that she loved the city life, that it was so exciting and crazy. As I mentioned, I am an architect and so naturally I have a fascination with cities but ESPECIALLY New York for me. So we started talking about that for a while and she mentions that she is trying to get a membership to the gym where Ryan Gosling works out (we had established in a conversation last December that Ryan Gosling is the man), and I mention that Gangster Squad is coming out soon and that she should come see it us at the employee show. Needing to rush into the theater for her movie at this point I don't bother to get her number, but I shout to her that I'll Facebook message her the details when I know them and she thumbs ups me. My shift ended and I went home before she came out, but I hadn't fully realized what had even happened yet, so staying to talk to her again or something didn't even occur to me. I just thought I liked her as a friend, after all we did have a lot to talk about and a lot in common, which is generally the kind of people I call my friends. So I let it hang. The day before Gangster Squad was coming out arrived and I FB messaged her to come to the theater at around 11 and we'd watch it. (She had made it to previous employee shows before through other connections so she knew that this was a group, public, make fun of the movie, and talk a lot sort of affair). Well, I sort of forgot that I had invited her (it still wasn't a big deal to me really) and made plans to play Starcraft all night with buddies upstairs at the theater, we were planning to all night it after the movie so we wore pajamas and didn't shower or anything! D: moment for sure when I got a text from some number "Hey this is Felicty! I'm here, where are you?!?!" FUCK + Show Spoiler +Somewhere in my head I thought: FUCK... Wait, I just got her number, that should be a FUCK YEAH! . Oh well, she's just a cool girl, and I'm a cool dude, and I don't think this is going anywhere anyway: YOLO. We head downstairs and meat up with Felicity. Turns out ALL of our other friends bailed, so it's me, my two best buddies, and Felicity. She fit RIGHT in. We had a fucking blast. Then after the movie my buddies go back upstairs and start gaming it up while I "say good night" to Felicity. In reality we started talking and talked for about 2 hours, just standing alone in the empty lobby of this movie theater with the lights and all the stuff in there turned totally off.Then she finally alludes to needing to go to sleep, so we walk out to her car together. It was a balmy -4 degrees out that night. And we stood outside her car for another hour and talked before finally hugging and saying goodbye. The important part about these events was the outside bit. Inside our conversation was genuine, but mostly inconsequential. Outside I had happened to ask her about her taste in music after discussing New York's opportunities for live shows big and small. The reason our conversation lasted another hour out in the frigid air was because we both had a comically long string of "RIGHT?! Who doesn't love/fucking hate _____!!" moments together and the two important discoveries I made were that she loved Hockey, but hated Basketball, and that she LOVED Tool and had an all around sophisticated and stellar taste in music. You're not me so these facts might not seem like much. But for me these two revelations were the keystones. I fucking LIVE hockey, and HATE basketball. I can't stand it. So I avoid it at all cost, often times I don't get along with people who like basketball because of it, and music is a BIG deal to me. I am never not listening to music, and I am very selective and thorough in my selections. I don't get along well with people that have undeveloped, or very different taste in music to myself. So for a girl I already liked to have these qualities was just fucking NEXT LEVEL. It turned the heat up on how I felt about her to nuclear fission levels. All of a sudden I wanted to kiss her, badly. But she got away that night. However, now I had her number and I had a mission. I was getting the band back together. Two nights and many a text later, my parents and I were going to see Django Unchained (for me it would be the fourth time), and I invited Felicity. I was borderline since my parents were coming too, but they are cool enough to not assume anything is happening with me and anyone I invite along for whatever, and not to act weird if they think something is. Felicity and I met up for dinner before hand and so we got a chance to chat and have a good time by ourselves, then we met my parents which went completely uneventfully and correspondingly well, watched the movie, had a great time whispering comments and observations to each other, and then when my parents went home, Felicity and I stayed to chat with some friends of ours that had come out of a different movie. One of these mutual friends happened to be one of my best SC2 buddies, who I payed and practiced with a ton, so we were talking Starcraft right there in front of Felicity. Normally I would have played it down in front of a girl I liked just to ease her into my life-dominating fascination with Starcraft, but here I was chatting away about the subtleties of Marine King's micro with my friend and she was laughing and following along. Turns out her older brother influenced her to love Tool, AND Starcraft, or at least know of it, and appreciate the complicated nature of it so as to not judge us for being so openly nerdy. I owe that brother a lot. haha Well, that night ended with another long conversation and sexual tension as we said goodbye outside (thankfully it was a few degrees warmer that night). I knew she would let me kiss her. I felt it in my bones. We were laughing about how great it was that we were both tall, that it was awkward for her to meet guys who were shorter than her by 6"+ and how it sucked that they were all intimidated. "haha" I laughed in reply, "I am a perfect height for you. But still intimated for other reasons." "Why is that?" she laughs, "I'm not scary am I?!" "NoNoNo, not at all. It's just..." I stammer (I am not using lines, or leading the conversation any place, I am just TALKING, improving, living on the edge you know? YOLO) "Beautiful girls are... You know... You're intimidating." FUCK. I just told her TO HER FACE that she was beautiful. How do you recover from that? Wait, that's a compliment, a genuine compliment and a solid fact. I'll just roll with it. So I smiled and tried not to blush too much. I am naturally very shy and genuinely stutter and get a dry mouth, shaking hands, the whole nine yards when I am in this type of situation. I think she saw that, and took the compliment graciously, but it isn't her style to be flattered so one-sidedly, so she returns it, telling me that I'm "wonderful and really cool." Ok, you want to talk about nervous. FUCKING HELL I wanted to kiss her. But she was freaking me out man. I was so nervous I was about to collapse, so all I could do was hug her with a little something extra in it and say good night. 0/2 on the kissing front. Damn. But I am wonderful and cool... I was still on a mission from God, so I texted her the next day to see when she'd be free before she left for school in New York again. In two days (the night before her flight back) she would be available. I asked her to join me for dinner, then a movie at my house, with me... alone. She excitedly accepted, with an "Oh definitely! I'm so down." Fuck ya. I was gonna kiss her, it was a fact now, not a plan or an inclination, this was MOTHERFUCKING SCIENCE. She had to pack before we went out, so we didn't get started on our evening until late, I picked her up at 9:15, so we just went to a restaurant where I used to work, where we were able to snipe a table in a back corner away from most of the noise in the restaurant and got a server that I knew really well and was good friends with, so we got perfect date service (concise, pleasant and friendly, but never lingering, always wary of interrupting the conversation, I tipped him well in other words) and we got a "Monster Brownie" to share. It was fucking FANTASTIC. We ate delicious dessert, we shared stories and talked, and talked, and talked. We closed the restaurant. I've always wanted to be that couple, just like the movies and dating service ads, who stay talking so late that they have to be asked to leave. I got to experience it first hand. So at 11:30 we head to my place and debate which movie to watch and decide that we need to watch TWO movies. We watch "The Game" first, fucking epic twisty David Fincher (Fight Club, Social Network, etc) thriller that I've loved for like 10 years, and she had never seen. We were lying together, touching but not "cuddling" per-say under some blankets, I had made a fire in the fire place. All was going according to plan. After that movie we talked about it for a while, she loved it and wanted to discuss the mind-bendiness of it, so we did. At roughly 2:00 in the morning we started "House of Flying Daggers," one of my top 5 all time movies. She loved it too, big boost in my liking of her. If you've never seen that one I highly recommend it, it happens to have one of the greatest love stories of all time IMO, and so we got to talk about love and romance and such, and started inching closer and closer to one another. When the movie ended we just talked. And kept talking. About nothing really, but also about everything. I had never talked so much in my life. I was still as nervous as I was a few nights before, but with each passing topic of discussion, it became easier and easier to talk to her. At one point we were talking about hair, and how I like to keep mine short-ish and don't do much with it. We were lying near each other on our sides, she was propped up above me against the back of the couch and at the mention of my hair started running her fingers through it. Slowly and gently. Any doubts I had about whether or not she'd respond if I made a move evaporated. But I couldn't just DO IT. I was locked up. My muscles wouldn't obey my commands. My GOLDEN OF GOLDEN opportunities was slipping away. There were repeatedly whole SIXTY second silences where I would start "Umm... I... Felicity?" "Yes? ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif) " Then I'd just sit there, frozen, wanting to move in but unable to. She happened to get a drunk text from one of her friends a few minutes later that lit up her phone which was sitting across the couch where she threw it (I know right, ALL THE SIGNS). It read 6:25 AM. The sun was beginning to come up. I knew out of pure respect for her life as a human being I should take her home, obviously more time is not what I needed to make a move. So we drove away, her parents lived about 15 minutes away and we continued to talk animatedly the whole way. When I pulled into her driveway we talked for another minute or two, then she unbuckled her seat belt and reached for the door. Now was the time. I had to be a man. "Felicity!" I said a little too loudly. "Wait. Please, wait" She just put her hands in her lap and smiled at me with that killer smile that... ya. Killer smile. "I... I will regret it forever if I don't ask." I struggle to say with my mouth which is suddenly a desert. "Go ahead." She is still smiling, but it slackens as the waits for me to spit it out. "I am bad at this, and you intimidate me and make me very nervous, so I'm sorry for the bluntness of what I have to say." "That's ok", she laughed when I said 'intimidate' and 'nervous' "Can I kiss you?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" That is how it happened. Cross my heart, hope to die, I swear on whatever you want me to, that is the truth. I had to ASK, and she cracks up. Laughs harder than I've seen her laugh as of yet. But right as I start to worry that it is a scornful, snide laugh she turns to me: "Of course!" "REALLY?" "Permission granted!" She smiles bigger than ever and tries not to laugh. I love it when she smiles. Have I mentioned that? SPOILER ALERT: I took a deep breath, made sure my mouth wasn't a desert anymore, then I kissed her. And it was the greatest thing ever. I have kissed a few girls before Felicity. And I even had a hierarchy of who was good/bad, but this... I couldn't even think. I was just kissing her. That is as far as the universe went. With the amount of tension we had built up over the last few days and especially this night... we had a lot to release, and we both got our two cents in, I'll tell you that much. It was only kissing, across the console in my car, no funny business, completely innocent and wonderful. After the first bout, and a glorious sigh of relief, I explained that I had meant to do that for HOURS and that I was sorry it took me so long. She just said "Well, you did it. I'm glad." and smiled, before kissing me again. When I walked her to her door we kissed goodbye a few times, I kept taking a step back from her, and then coming back for more and she kept laughing as she kissed me. For some reason, I love kissing while laughing. When you can do that with someone it's very special I feel. But it was only a moment in heaven. A week in which my life changed. It was not the extended stay in a swanky 5 star all expenses paid Heaven based resort like I dreamed of. She had to leave for school, and so did I. Distance... a bump in the road for many a relationship. And mine and Felicity's relationship was the equivalent of the Wright brother's first flight. Feeble and barely of note, but it was still a landmark event that changed our world. But would we be able to continue growing together when we were so far apart? I wasn't going to lay down, surrender, and take this blow from life. Fuck life. "Life happens" will not be how this story ends.
everything went better than expected ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
finding a hot girl that appreciates good music, movies and even starcraft - that's some sort of magical bingo
great read, the shyness .. can totally relate.
Part 3: Present: Falling + Show Spoiler +We text pretty often and have Skyped once since we parted. We talk about things to see and do when I visit New York, but we haven't made any concrete plans yet. We talk about things we want to do with our lives, and we talk about how our dreams line up, but it's just talk right now, no actions or solid foundations yet, so I couldn't fully believe that these fantasies might come true. But also she is in school and works a lot, and also lives in New fucking York and has a bunch of cool stuff to do all the time. So we don't get to talk all that much, but it remains genuine in interesting when we do. I on the other hand up until a few days ago did not have work, and due to that lack of work, don't have the finances to continue school currently, so I have had NOTHING to do. All I've WANTED to do is talk to her. Kiss her again. Sleep with her. Something. But I can't obviously. So I play a shit ton of Starcraft and wallow in my feels. I watch a ton of chick flicks cause I'm love sick and I reread Pride and Prejudice for the fourth time (don't judge me, I'm a romantic, I fucking love that book ok?). I consider writing a girl blog on TL to get out some of these feels < which I have now fulfilled and appreciate your reading this more than I can express, thank you>. But none of that was good enough. I don't remember how it came to be, but one day I knew that I had to write a song about her. Ya, cheesy as it is, and unoriginal too, I just knew that I really wanted to do something BIG for Felicity. She was worth it. The way she made me feel was worth something equally big in scope. And most of all, I wanted her to know how I felt, explicitly, without allusions or implications or doubt. I wanted her to KNOW that she had a hold of my heart and soul on every level. Even if it scared her away, I knew that I had to tell her. So I decided to something bold. I spent the next two weeks writing a song, both words and music. Then I write a letter, record my song for her, burn it to a CD and mail it to her. I spent such a long time writing that letter, it had to be perfect. And the song I wrote had to be even better. I rewrote the words and changed the music over and over until it was perfect. I only knew her for about a week, and I had talked to her for what boils down to maybe a few hours of real conversation since we parted and here I was writing a god damned song about this girl. I have never written so much as a haiku for anyone, or any feeling happy or sad before. But she made me feel so much in such a short time, that I had to get it out. That was how I did it. I sent her the package with my letter and the CD a week and a half before Valentines day with the hope that she would get it, love it, and then I could ask her to be my Valentine and we could Skype and have a ramen noodle valentines dinner or something 2000 miles apart. Well, a day before the package got there she goes silent. I can't get a response from her at all on Facebook or through a text message, so I play it cool, and don't try too hard and don't pester her. Turns out her Aunt had died and she had to fly back to Colorado for a few days for the funeral. Yep, for real. This actually happened. She is a positive person, who refuses to be brought down by anything, so she didn't want to talk about it, she didn't need to either. She just brushed it off, and talked to me as though nothing happened, she supported her family and went back to New York like a boss. We texted the day she was flying back and she said she'd be really busy the next few days since she had to miss work and school for the funeral. So it wasn't a big surprise when I didn't hear from her when she got back and should have found my package waiting for her. Three days after she had gotten back and (should have) received my package I still hadn't heard from her, even though I had texted her once or twice since then just to check up on her after the funeral business. Nothing. I started to panic. In Pride and Prejudice (the movie and book) Jane Austen writes: "However, he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were." "And so ended his affection," said Elizabeth impatiently. "There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!" "I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love," said Darcy. "Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Every thing nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away." Did i just kill it by coming on too strong? I must have scared her away, made her think I was crazy and a weirdo. Or she just really hated my singing. Understandable, I am pretty terrible. But I wrote a note in the CD case that apologized for being a bad singer and that she only had to listen to it once. And I didn't make her sit there while I serenaded her or anything. I was freaking out. I didn't want to add to the post-valentinepocalypse stack of worrying, break up, what-do-I-do-about-this girl blogs and threads, so I decided to wait until I had some closure and could share in my victory or my defeat with TL to share any of my story, which for me was the next logical step, otherwise my head was going to burst from so much stress and tension. "Hey! I meant to text you before work last night, but I never hit send! D: Anyway: <long message saying that she loved my package and my letter and that she is in the midst of writing me a return letter>" Is what I wake up to the next morning, yesterday. SUCCESS. If you are reading this, give me a long-distance high five. <I'll wait...> Cause it fucking worked. She "loved it". Yes. Yes. Yes. Well... At least she understood my gesture of "you are wonderful and you deserve this grand gesture." and appreciated it. Maybe she is writing a letter that will friendzone me. Maybe she will write to me telling me that it just won't work because of distance. Maybe she is writing to tell me I'm her Felicity, and that she wants me to come to New York ASAP. All I know is that she loved it and she IS writing SOMETHING to me. That's good enough for me right now. And that, is what it has been like falling for Felicity. In hopes of inspiring a little extra courage in someone or maybe allowing someone to believe in romantic gestures again, or for the first time. I know I do. I believe in being totally honest and not taking a mediocre relationship ever. Look for the best, look for who you want. They're out there. Waiting to walk into your vision and blow your mind. Hopefully my scenario works out. We'll see. I still have to figure out this whole distance thing, I have always wanted to go to New York though... Thanks for reading. I may update when I know what happens. I might not. All I want you to do is go out there and get your own Felicity to share with us at TL. Be brave. Be bold. If you start something with a grand gesture it will make it so much more exciting, and if you fail with that gesture, you won't be able to regret not trying your hardest.
On February 18 2013 01:47 jrkirby wrote: I really ought to start archiving girl blogs. Then publish a book with like the top 100 girl blogs from Team Liquid. These things are like pure gold. YES!! :D
And wow OP your posts are so long hahaha... that girl, man.
That was an enjoyable read, good for you man.
Its sort of funny, its easy for me to make a move but I am absolutely atrocious at building a connection with women. Whereas you're the opposite. Something for me to work on I guess.
On February 18 2013 13:39 Aerisky wrote:Show nested quote +On February 18 2013 01:47 jrkirby wrote: I really ought to start archiving girl blogs. Then publish a book with like the top 100 girl blogs from Team Liquid. These things are like pure gold. YES!! :D And wow OP your posts are so long hahaha... that girl, man.
Haha, indeed. I got a little carried away. Can you really blame me though?
I can't be so bold as to assume my blog falls into the 100 best, but you're completely free to use my material in said compilation if you so desired. That would be something I would definitely read.
Good read, made me warm and fuzzy on the insides at some points. Grats, from a fellow romantic, and thanks for your words of encouragement.
On February 18 2013 16:33 FractalsOnFire wrote: That was an enjoyable read, good for you man.
Its sort of funny, its easy for me to make a move but I am absolutely atrocious at building a connection with women. Whereas you're the opposite. Something for me to work on I guess.
I know exactly what you mean. I think it's easier for most guys to be physical with girls than it is to be emotionally intimate. Just think of the number of girls you've ever been attracted to, for every guy that number is vastly higher than the number of girls he actually connects with. Even for those of us that making the move is hard for, we still think about doing it at least. As I've grown up, I've always tried to force myself to be less focused on the physical side of things, and more so on the personality/emotional side. But it's definitely not something that came naturally. What has helped me is consciously reminding myself when talking to girls, casually and romantically, that they are just PEOPLE. Not girls, not women, not someone I want to see naked or sleep with or kiss or date or anything like that, just a human being. Trying to take sex out of the equation as much as possible. Once it became a habitual thing and not a conscious action, it got WAAAAAAYYY easier to talk to girls and to "hit on them" without actually hitting on them.
A good example is in eSports and gaming in general when there's a semi-cute or legitimately attractive girl participating somehow, most guys go nuts and try to chat her up. When I went to MLG Dallas this was everywhere. It was quite funny to watch honestly. But if you just talk to them as though sex doesn't even exist and as though you couldn't give a flying fuck that she is hot as hell AND into Starcraft the conversation tends to be far more real and honest. Typically this also leads to real connection and a much stronger possibility of a date/number than if you walk up and tell her that "it's hot when girls play video games" or some other line.
United States12607 Posts
This is a sweet story and I liked the part about your first kiss.
Now I'm going to get cynical. What do you think will happen with this girl? I think you need to stop doing "NOTHING" with your life and thinking about this girl and instead proceed under the assumption that your ever seeing her regularly again is a pipe dream (and even if it wasn't, you're going to want your own life when it happens, anyway). An alternate explanation for her being busy in New York / aunt dying / forgetting to hit "send" on a text (yeah fucking right—when has anyone ever ever in the history of smartphones done that on a non-trivial message when not totally wasted) is that she's just not as interested as you are. It is probably easier and more convenient for her to accept your advances and reciprocate at the bare minimum level necessary to keep them coming than it is for her to explain she is not head over heels; this is especially true considering that she is armed with the knowledge that, with you across the country, there is no realistic possibility of a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship developing.
Oh, and the "distance" thing is, in my limited experience, nigh-impossible to make work.
Just be careful man. Direct your energy towards self-improvement. Felicity wants to date someone who has a billion exciting pursuits of his own, not someone who is all about Felicity.
Sorry, another long post incoming:
Perhaps it might seem too convenient, or just plain bullshit, but I make a conscious effort to keep a cynical monologue in my head about all things in my life. So all of those VERY valid points you made I have, for the most part, already thought about in some form or another. I promise. I am not a blind optimist. Ever. I stay positive and look on the bright side, but I look both ways before I act and I never take the good for granted. At least I try to anyways. The point is, I am basically a cautious but helpless romantic. And also I very much appreciate your thoughts, they are by no means made unimportant or trivial by my not necessarily NEEDING to hear them. I take your comments with a time of respect and thoughtfulness, ad I hope you dot interpret my explanation as a defensive backlash, but also a respectful and thoughtful response.
How this applies in my Felicity situation is that for those weeks before I wrote her a song, a letter, or thought anything serious, I would go back an forth on what it all meant to me in reality. The week I spent with her ending with our kiss was so incredibly powerful that it would be far too easy to slip into a downward spiral of fantasy and day-dream-fed delusion as to the possibility of us being together. So I would go between being head over heels and "fuck this, I need to forget all that ever happened that week so I can move on as fast as fucking possible, I need to clear my head'" and back to "but it was so amazing and perfect, I like this girl so much." It was a conscious and very VERY thought out decision to allow my feelings to solidify from a simple but strong crush into a fully developed affection for this girl.
Not only have my own thoughts been very thorough and cynical to balance my hearts crazy eagerness. Do I really think that she forgot to hit send? Do I really think she's even have as crazy about me as I am about her? Do I think for one second that I have it easy and that my being with her is as simple as going to see her? Not at all. My story was specifically tailored to be a little on the positive side. While everything I wrote remains the absolute truth, I had to leave out my own Brian's cynical checks against full out love blitz by my heart. The way I think of it is that my heart is a group of marines, constantly in danger of being baneling bombed and roflstomped by love feelings into oblivion, and my head a cynical MarineKing splitting and maneuvering as much as possible, so that when I do get floored by heart stuff, it's on purpose while I'm dancing my marines in celebration of my imminent victory.
Brief note: You caught me hyperbolizing a tiny bit when I said I had nothing going on in my life but Felicity. I am not so much a fool in love as to abandon all my own plans and interests for a woman who has given me nothing as of yet. I would never consider the drastic actions I am now if they didn't already fall so neatly in line with my own, selfish dreams.
I also want add that there are a multitude of details I left out (hard to believe I left anything out of this blog novel eh?) mostly consisting of the actual content of my conversations with Felicity. For one, the letter I sent her explained in excruciating detail the way I was feeling, head over heals, but fucking scared for my life about her. I explained that I would visit her, but that I would not be in her friendzone, that I wanted desperately to be everything with her and that I was fully aware of how vulnerable this makes me to any malicious intent she might have. And yet, I will do it anyway because I could live without her, but I cannot live without trying my hardest to get her first.
Just be careful man. Direct your energy towards self-improvement. Felicity wants to date someone who has a billion exciting pursuits of his own, not someone who is all about Felicity.
This is excellent advice.
Apart from that I'd say just enjoy yourself, stay positive. Try not to be cynical, try not to over analyze everything. Yeah maybe it won't work out, you seem to be aware of that. If it doesn't, you'll still have lots of (hopefully) great memories, plus you'll have learnt a lot about yourself and grown as a person.
Sounds like you two are a great match. I just hope she feels the same way and and doesn't get distracted by the first handsome dude to show her some attention.