Hello everyone,
This is my Starcraft 2 progression blog! (and first blog ever!) I am going to post once a week about the past ladder games I played, and new things I have learned in all things Starcraft! I am completely new when it comes to Starcraft, and RTS in general. When I decided to start, thanks to my friend Nick for getting me into it, I wanted to do it right, so I scoured the internet for some tutorials. I looked up the dapollo tutorials, the SCNoobschool tutorials, and countless other Terran build x,y,z tutorials, but they just were not what I was looking for. It wasn’t until I was recommended to look at the FilterSC tutorials that I really felt like I found something for the complete uber noob. It really showed me the hard solid fundamentals of getting out of bronze. To me, SC 2 has an insane learning curve and I see a lot of lower level players on twitch cheesing every game to get into the next league. There is even a guy on twitch who can cannon rush his way from Bronze to Masters in under 24 hours. Well I think that is all and good, I have always wanted to be one of those players who others would consider to be solid, and an all around good player. I can learn cheese when I am bored, but I can’t simply learn good fundamentals on a whim.
So, all I have done so far is learn how to do the silver tutorials of the filterSC stuff. The aim of this blog is to keep me motivated, and as long as i don’t rage quit, hopefully some other up and coming Starcraft player can use this as some kind of motivation, or at the very least, know there is someone out there who is worse than them :D .
As a general format I am going to upload a video a week of me playing for the whole internet to make fun of, and then comment on how much I suck, or something I didn’t screw up. (I will rag on myself a lot because I think it’s hilarious.)
I’ll would suggest anyone new, or wanting to work on macro look him up!
I would gladly accept any, and all tip, tricks, suggestions or people wanting to beat me up in a few custom games.