A month ago in a previous blog post here I wrote of my recent divorce proceedings and my rapidly changing life.
In some ways things have gotten better, my cooking skills increased, medical stuff has been mostly sorted so more proper treatments are incoming for my catalogue of shit that's wrong. My family has really come out of the woodwork to be emotionally supportive and been accepting of my attempts to reconnect with them and apologize for being distant in the past. A singular friend has been a beacon on hope through all of this, providing a great deal of emotional and financial aid while I flailed about trying to make sense of things.
Of course with the good comes the inevitable bad. I have 11 days to find new housing in the region or I'm completely screwed according to OW since I can't remain at a residence with my ex spouse since it looks weird. This is really unsettling since I walked into my appointment today assuming that (like my ex did yesterday) I'd just have to sign some forms relating to the divorce and my intention to move. I thought that since the lease on this place isn't up til November 1st I'd have till then to finish getting packed/ find a place. We were both planning to leave when the lease was up in November. No dice, because we were common law and a bunch of other small factors I have to be out by October 1st.
So now I'm scrambling to find a roomshare in my price range in 11 days with the added difficulty that a lot of people don't seem to want to rent to people on assistance. God forbid I not be able to work for medican reasons and not yet be on ODSP (which would grant me enough to afford a place alone) because the process takes time * grumbles*
Here's to hoping this all gets sorted soon so I can start my life again.
Good luck man.
As far as cooking, there's a few good blogs on here with basic stuff. You can find plenty more on the net. But the best bachelor things are things you can cook in mass and reheat: soups, chilis, stews, etc. Saves money and time.
bare necessity bachelor stuff you should definitely get includes: crockpot, cast iron, wok and a big pot with a catch for steaming stuff. You can cook almost anything with those things.
You need to simplify dude, go room with your family for a time, that might be your solution. you should go back to basics before going on the hunt again . Remember TL is here for you whenever you need to vent, and life always ends up fine in the long run. Keep your head up, and never look back.
how can it be legal that you're not allowed to live at a place you've paid for with whomever you choose?
QuanticHawk : I think I've seen a few of those blogs, I'll have to hunt them down again and take deeper looks at them. between learning how to cook and actually using sales, coupons, buyign fresh food in season, I think I can do well.
*takes notes* I didn't have crockpot on my list of things to have so ty.
Docvoc: Family all live too far away, going to live with them would cost me my assistance status and more importantly my doctor which I really need right now. TL is always a bright spot in my day, be it writing blog posts, hanging in live reports or fan clubs etc. ^-^ I may not be striding towards the future triumphantly at the moment but once I get past this and get settled I won't be dwelling on the past if I can avoid it.
LML: I'm on government assistance and I was initially on it with my ex who was then my common law wife. Because we are both still on assistance now as individuals ( which combined pays better than for a couple) it looks suspicious if we share the same residence while claiming to be divorced. For policy reasons I need a seperate address for assistance to trust that we're not trying to screw them over. No one is physically evicting me from the house but assistance is refusing to support me next month if I'm not somewhere else. Lease was also in my ex's name so I'm the one with the burden of moving first even if it was technically our joint support that paid the rent.
eventually the gravy train runs out, what do u want me to say? us down here in the USA will soon be awakening to this realization if we have not yet
yeah definitely get a crock pot. it's fairly retard proof, and you can safely let things cook all day while you're out apt hunting or working
cast iron is the best though. you can good so many things, it can sub for a grill (i made bitchin burgers last night) and it is ridiculously easy to clean