So, right after I wrote last time, I get this... message, in my TL inbox. That, in itself is strange because I'm not someone people seek out to talk to or anything. Turns out, some lovely gentleman wanted to try out my little gaming group for the night.
Weeeell, he didn't tell me he was a Masters player.
Everyone I play with is Platinum or below.
But we got him on Skype and played some games with him where he proceeded to wreck our shit. It was kind of harsh.
We had fun, though; I'm just sad we ruined his evening with our craziness.
But it was interesting. At the end of the weekend, the total tally of member number change for our group was from 5 (One who doesn't play Starcraft) to 7 (Two who don' play Starcraft) to 8 to 7 again.
My how things change.
But then the day rolled over, and after a rather sleepless night, I got ready to face the morn.
Got dressed, and since I didn't do laundry this weekend, I didn't have any, say, jeans. So I looked a little nicer than I usually do. I put on my plaid green fedora, and walked out the door.
The day went slowly, which wasn't helped by the fact that I had a runny nose that just wouldn't cease.
I got the fourth (Out of five) hour and developed a knot in my stomach. Like I've said previously, nervousness is completely new to me. I haven't really experienced it... ever. I don't know why, but I just... developed it.
But, right after fifth hour I marched right on down to the auditorium to try out for the musical. Funnily enough, my fifth hour (Pre-Calc) teacher was helping my choir teacher pick for this thing.
Started easily enough. Hey, here's a sheet of paper to fill out, grab a number and relax a moment. As we were doing that, a foreign exchange student who's in several of my classes showed up and talked to me for awhile. She's from some country in Asia (I didn't ask which) and was shocked that I could pronounce her name. I attribute that directly with my affiliation to the Korean Starcraft 2 community.
She tried really hard to pronounce my name (Josiah), but just couldn't. She is now calling me Joe.
Then we learned a bit of a song, practiced it a bit, and then... a dance.
The bane of my existence, to say the least about the horrors it entails.
I can't even remember the steps to that stupid thing. It was actually just ridiculous.
After we "learned" it, they sent us into the hallway to practice it while calling a couple of numbers in at a time to sing.
I was number 24 of 27, so I had plenty of time to wait. I practice the hell out of that thing, and one time even kicked my own leg out from under me. It hurt. None of it was helped by the fact that my nose still just wouldn't stop.
But, finally the little group at the end was called in, and it was just singing, so it wasn't too bad. After we were all done, I tried to break the horrendous tension by asking if they (The teachers) were glad they didn't have to listen to that song clip again. They said yes.
Buuuuuuut then it got worse again. Had to dance. Again, we were called up in little groups, but it went more quickly. My 'team,' if you will, was called up and the first thing I say is, "Please tell me one of you know what you're doing."
Luckily, someone responded, so I said that I'd be watching her. The teachers were just chuckling away.
Here would be a good time to skip a scene. If we don't, the ratings for the actors we hired to portray this would bomb.
So, there we were, sweaty under the stage lights, and I just know that it was awful. I can only think, "At least I smiled and didn't stop."
Then we are all asked to gather up at the edge of the stage.
"Okay, it's time to announce the callback list. Just so you guys know, even if you aren't on this list, we're still interested in you being in the play and in the theater. This is just so we can hear or see you for a certain part. Thank you all for coming (God how this obligatory bullcrap goes on), and thank you for doing such a great job. Okay, uh... 1-10, you're all called back."
*Crap, that's a lot of people, not too much room left, then.*
"11, you too." This was accompanied with much laughing mixed with some applause. "14, 18, 20."
For some damn reason, I'm standing there shaking. I don't like that. It didn't feel good.
"Aaaaand 24. Good job everybody! We'll see you here this time Wednesday."
Anticlimax much? People stood around and high fived, and I just walked out.
Now I have plans Wednesday too. Very nice.
In all complete seriousness, I am too blessed. It's rather frightening, in some ways. Nothing has gone wrong from the beginning of the Summer until now. Unless this is, like, karma for something that God just... liked, or what. Whatever it is, know that all my complaining is just to complain, I am very constantly aware of what I have, and I try to act accordingly. Damn, am I a lucky teenager.
Got picked up by my dad on his way home from work. Went home, did my homework, and I just felt awful. My nose had upgraded to "congested" and I was really tired from now sleeping well. So after I did some chores and ate, I crashed. I woke up at 11, played WoW (At my loving father's behest. Damn, I can never get ladder time in. Totally worth it though) for a few hours, started to write this, and then gave up and went back to sleep.
So, forty five minutes after I wake up, I'm showered and this is written.
So I think that's about it.
Good morning everyone, and have a lovely day.
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