I mean, it might turn the damn things nearly indestructible. :/
[HotS] Thoughts, revised!!! - Page 2
Blogs > Plexa |
Chile476 Posts
I mean, it might turn the damn things nearly indestructible. :/ | ||
United Kingdom4193 Posts
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United Kingdom14464 Posts
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United States216 Posts
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United Kingdom779 Posts
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United States4100 Posts
On September 16 2012 03:06 YipCraft wrote: Personally I am glad that the terran had a stealth nerf for seeker missile. It does way too much damage in late late game, making it very cost effective. Its either keep it 100 energy but lessen the damage, or keep it the way it is now. Most Terrans were like "finally! They saw our lategame woes and realized we needed help in that department, vs brood/infestor/corruptor, and more importantly vs all the new units the other races get lategame! FINALLY!!!" And then blizzard says it was a "bug" ..... that meme of the "Are you kidding me?" face is basically how every Terran reacted to that lol. "Blizzard balances lategame TvZ...on accident" would also be an appropriate meme. | ||
Canada6002 Posts
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United States2704 Posts
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United States13912 Posts
EMP , it removes the cloaking defuff, idk if it prevents emp itself. Maras slow, gets removed I really think that ability is makes orcale viable. Well here is the quote, I'd be interested to know if this is correct, and how big the aoe is, (big as a fungle? bigger?) We have added a new area of effect ability for the oracle called Phase Shield. Targeted friendly units are shielded from harmful effects for 5 seconds. Fungal Growth, Corruption, Contaminate, Graviton Beam, Concussive Shells, Abduct, Revelation, Vortex, and 250mm Strike Cannons – Phase Shield removes the effect and prevents units from being affected.EMP – Phase Shield removes the anti-cloaking effect but not the damage dealt. Neural Parasite – Phase Shield will not remove this effect but it will prevent units from being affected. | ||
3251 Posts
edit: just answered my own question when I saw the patch notes.. | ||
New Zealand5447 Posts
(Hmm, just thinking aloud, here.) I'd still prefer some reworking of the VR, myself. It's a cool unit (reminiscent of Vorlon ship design from Babylon 5) and cool concept. I think giving it a range upgrade at FB and a reworked flux vanes speed upgrade, also at FB, could mean that it could perform the supposed new functions of the Tempest at a lower (overall) cost, and be a cooler supplement to the Protoss fleet. Maybe, I'm just not a fan of the Tempest. But, I don't see a place for it with both the Void Ray and Carrier in the game. | ||
United States17423 Posts
On September 16 2012 02:53 Denzil wrote: You say you can't see a use for ultra charge in the current metagame (that's not old at all) why are you disregarding it because it's not got a use right now? It kinda sucks. I have tried it a few times and it's not very good. It might be good vs bio, but vs mech it's awful. Since everybody is going mech in the beta haven't been able to test it vs bio yet. | ||
United States12128 Posts
I agree completely with your suggestions on the tempest. It really could make toss air interesting again if it weren't too powerful but actually were accessible. ![]() | ||
United States1382 Posts
On September 16 2012 06:02 aZealot wrote: Doesn't the Tempest now overlap with the Void Ray? In terms of damage to massive? I guess the advantages are the range and the damage (not just in terms of damage but also because they don't have to charge up). I'd assume this is why the cost is so prohibitive as Tempests, in PvZ for example, could be used to pick off BLs while the main Protoss army sits happily out of spine/fungal range. I assume this would mean Zerg being a lot more active in picking off scouting observers and Protoss being careful with Oracle vision vs its other abilities. Heck Protoss could even use Hallu to spot for Tempests target firing BLs. (Hmm, just thinking aloud, here.) I'd still prefer some reworking of the VR, myself. It's a cool unit (reminiscent of Vorlon ship design from Babylon 5) and cool concept. I think giving it a range upgrade at FB and a reworked flux vanes speed upgrade, also at FB, could mean that it could perform the supposed new functions of the Tempest at a lower (overall) cost, and be a cooler supplement to the Protoss fleet. Maybe, I'm just not a fan of the Tempest. But, I don't see a place for it with both the Void Ray and Carrier in the game. My thoughts exactly about the void ray and tempest. They could just take away the speed upgrade and replace it with a range upgrade and it would do exactly what the tempest is now slated to do, but with smoother transitions and a more interesting attack mechanic. | ||
19 Posts
What do you think? | ||
United States1324 Posts
On September 16 2012 08:19 imJealous wrote: My thoughts exactly about the void ray and tempest. They could just take away the speed upgrade and replace it with a range upgrade and it would do exactly what the tempest is now slated to do, but with smoother transitions and a more interesting attack mechanic. Wow, I just had an idea for how to make the void ray actually good. First get rid of the charge mechanic, which we all discovered is failed design. It caused the unit to be nerfed hard and now you never even see a void ray charge up. Instead, void rays could still have their beam attack, and could still have two sets of damage, but range would determine which was used. At long range the beam is low DPS, and at short range the beam becomes higher DPS (more concentrated closer up). So maybe 5 or less range, they have a thick beam, but 5 to 10 range, they have a thin beam. The exact amount of damage could be adjusted easily. This would create interesting micro and more of the positional battles everyone wants to see. The opponent would be trying to stay out of close range until they knew they had enough firepower to take it out quick, or just try to kill it from a distance with vikings. The void ray player would be deciding whether it's right to move in close and go for the kill, or if it's better to just pick away from the outside. | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On September 16 2012 01:27 Torte de Lini wrote: Yes you are right. Still kinda awkward to use :DIs this accurate? Isnt the burrow automatic when you charge? On September 16 2012 02:58 MCDayC wrote: Are you judging good or bad based on how interesting and well designed something is or how poweful something is? It's a completely arbitrary ranking based on; - whether or not the addition brings anything new to the race - whether or not the addition is interesting and/or fun - how good my gut says it is On September 16 2012 04:05 Roe wrote: How is phase shield situational? The way I see it is you use it whenever you're about to take damage. That almost seems like you'd want to use it all the time, rather than just some of the time. Doesn't counter damage; I've included storrzerg's post on it in my OP. Useful mostly against fungal, and potentially grab On September 16 2012 09:06 banjo1735 wrote: It seems like the raven is either too powerful or it is too expensive and useless without enough energy to seeker missile. I would like to see the Science Vessel take its place. With Irradiate, Mech-repair, and EMP, the Vessel would be able to replace the Raven's utility as well as better suit the mech army. What do you think? As cool as the science vessel would be, EMP overlaps with ghost and mech repair is kinda boring. Ravens are more interesting, but only if seeker missile is viable. 100 mana for missile isn't asking for too much. | ||
Taiwan269 Posts
I kind of feel like the Tempest and Void ray have similar roles, since the Tempest now deals bonus damage to massive units. Why would anyone choose the Void Ray over the Tempest when the Tempest can safely fire away with its 15 range? I really liked the idea of the V.R when SC2 first came out, but now its just a shell of its former self. | ||
United States1981 Posts
On September 15 2012 22:40 Plexa wrote: HotS Terran - Bad Now that the warhound is gone Terran feels a lot like Protoss does in HotS. Some 'additions' to their options, but only one real viable one (battle hellions/mothership). The stealth nerf to seeker missile (energy increased to 125, again) sucks as well. Another unit would be cool, looking at the raven and making it better would be cool, looking at removing thor energy would be another good thing to look at. Basically, I feel that Terran is now getting a raw deal and deserves some more love. But just to be clear: this doesn't mean they should add the Warhound back (god no....) but they should look at doing something new and interesting with Terran. I think they removed the Warhound so they could diagnose the problems of mech and later add a new unit (or possibly a heavily modified Warhound) which solves it. | ||
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On September 16 2012 13:32 iremnant3847 wrote: I really like how you take the time to talk about the game so that people who don't have a beta key yet can still enjoy some good information. I kind of feel like the Tempest and Void ray have similar roles, since the Tempest now deals bonus damage to massive units. Why would anyone choose the Void Ray over the Tempest when the Tempest can safely fire away with its 15 range? I really liked the idea of the V.R when SC2 first came out, but now its just a shell of its former self. VRs are much better at dealing with BC's while Tempests are better at Broods. Basically, a VR is a unit which deals a ton of damage but is fragile while the Tempest is a siege weapon which can assault a base from a distance and/or initiate an engagement - unfortunately, it too is fragile. Theres a place for both units in the protoss airforce imo | ||
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