After getting ahead early, I was completely blown away by how many units he still had, and he kept me pinned on three bases until I died. What started as me denying his third until 13 minutes in, ended with him being MAXED on Banelings and Mutas at 16:30, with 5 bases at 17:30.
Afterwards, I asked him for help, and he and I chatted a little bit. We resorted to Google Translate to communicate, but not everything made sense to me. I got the gist that he wanted me to do my tank timing a bit quicker, but not much else. He also tried to get his friend to help (I assume his friend would have had better English) but alas, he could not get him on.
My main questions are what he meant by "operation" and "neglect"? Since I did not follow that part of the conversation. I filtered out the earlier parts which was very simple to understand (where you from, oh you speak english, bad english, google translate,)
And Taiwanese people seem to be complete sweethearts, they are all so nice. If I talk to them, a lot of them make efforts to speak English also. It makes me dirty for not trying to learn Korean or Taiwanese
PS, is SoLo a team or clan?