Elementary School Bully
It wasn't the first time in my life I'd been sitting in the Principal's office. Not the first time that year, for that matter. Fifth grade could get a bit rough-and-tumble, and I was never one to back down from a fight, even if it wasn't a great idea. Talking to people in small authority always irked me. Listening to the Principal describe the events of the day to my parents, I couldn't help but feel bored. I still felt justified in my actions, no matter what this man had to say about them. Michael got what he deserved.
Michael, in fact, wasn't even someone I particularly disliked. Like me, he wasn't one of the more popular kids, and like me, he also wasn't one of the loners. Unlike me, he'd pick on the loners. Easy targets for those of us low on the totem pole. We didn't play together during recess, but we were no enemies. In fact, once or twice we had sat next to each other on the long shaded benches reserved for the 5th grade students to eat lunch on. He was a bully, but not to kids like me. Not usually, at least.
Mr Thomas was getting to the crux of the matter, now: "...and Noah still refuses to apologize for his actions."
"Apologize for what? He got what he deserved, and I'd gladly do it again!" I spoke inwardly, but outwardly I was silent. Even then I understood that sometimes, it's better to hold your tongue. I sullenly studied the linoleum below me. The tiles were that beige white that hides how long it's been since the school could afford to really clean the floors. The cold plastic of the school chair nipped at my legs. I wanted to get out of the room.
Looking back, I see Principal Thomas was a kind man. He wasn't here to punish anyone, just to try to teach. He knew, in his way, that I wasn't a serious bully. I wasn't popular enough to do the serious stuff. But he wanted to be sure. "Noah, you didn't really mean to hurt him, right?" He asked, trying to lead me to redemption.
I am a stubborn ass, though. Always have been. And this really ticked me off. I stopped biting back my words. "No, I meant to hurt him." I snarled. "That's why I punched him and threw him in the trash can." I wasn't here to play any games, even if it would get me off easy. Mr Thomas frowned and rubbed his forehead with his left hand, as he always did when he had to deal with me.
I was suspended from school for 3 days, the second such suspension in as many semesters.
It wasn't for several years that I stopped hitting kids who harassed me, or stopped standing up to bullies when I could have easily walked away. I was a pretty big kid, and it takes some hard knocks to realize it's not worth it to clock someone for knocking over your applesauce. On top of that, I was pretty dumb about these things, and immature. I figured if I was in the right (whatever I perceived that to be) it was worth physically fighting for. Maybe that's just the nature of being a kid.
I will say one thing in my defense: after that, Michael never put his fucking chips in my goddamn soup ever again.