We slept in, then eventually decided to head over to the Museum of History as well as some palace right near it. The Museum was pretty lonely, with a few groups of primary-school aged kids milling around, and one cute group from a special needs place who were all holding hands. There was lots of stuff about early European influences on the peninsula; relatively interesting. Some Italian called Rosetti seemed prominent.
The palace was pretty boring and almost totally empty apart from a few hobos sleeping on the benches outside. We took a few snapshots and left pretty quickly, since we had yet again ventured out into the sticky heat of the middle of the day. It all got better when we found a nice restarant on our hostel's alleyway which had delicious grilled half-dried fish with chilli sauce and (of course) many sides.
After spending some time at the hostel drawing up a cheerful for MarineKing (in the VOD of Group F's matches somewhere), we told a taxi to go to the wrong train station. The difference was literally half a syllable, so we were pretty late to the GOMTV studio. We sat down in the back but eventually worked our way foward to the 2nd row as those without the passion left the studio (a lot of people strangely left after MKP's first bo3). Symbol REALLY impressed me. He played pretty damn flawlessly the whole evening, destroying Parting with defensive roach/ling into ultra/bane/roach/ling, backed up by his excellent macro. He'll go quite far this season I think, he didn't seem to have any weaknesses at all :S
MKP lost to him in a very close series which basically came down to very clever early agression on Symbol's part, and a set of greedy builds and slight overextensions by MKP. He eventually pulled out of the group into the ro16 in his games vs Parting, which were both close and entertaining. We actually managed photos with Parting, even though he didn't make it, as well as Symbol's signature (he left pretty quickly since he destroyed the group):
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cU611h.jpg)
But the cigar goes to our picture with MKP, for whom we ended up waiting about 20 minutes after EVERYONE else had left bar the PRIME coach/guy (don't think he was the coach - seemed too young. maybe an ex-player? he was kind of tall). We got our long-awaited picture, as well as a signature for a fangirl named Zoe from our uni back in Australia ^^
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YByz2h.jpg)
We caved and bought some average western food on the way home, along with some el-cheapo korean beer: Cass, a pretty nice, sweetish light beer.