I don't have one now, but give me a few days of this weather, and I'll probs wind up in this position.
My situation: No A/C, my room's on the fifth floor and facing the wrong direction so I get direct sunlight + very little wind, and I have no fan, nor do I want to buy one right now. Not to mention, heat rises; I swear to god I can feel the temp go up by 2 degrees every flight of stairs I climb.
Weather's okay today (78 atm), but it's supposed to hit a high of 92 by late afternoon, and it's not even noon yet. Even the evening + lower temps don't really help, since my room kind of functions like an oven and is good at storing heat; even with all windows open, the temp doesn't go down quickly if at all. (Plus, it's still hot at night anyways.) It's hell trying to sleep at night. I'm already an insomniac, but insomnia + heat is a killer combination, and I basically wake up every 2-3 hours 'cause it's so hot. Finals are next week too, and I need to finish writing this paper. T__T
Some good news: My apartment lease starts on the 1st. Getting the keys on the 2nd. It has A/C. But I kind of have no way to move my shit over until the 7th, since it's kinda far away. But I might spend some nights there depending on how bad it gets in my room, 'cause holy shit, talk about heat lethargy. I cannot work like this, it is complete hell.
Too hot to sleep at night, too tired to work/study, too hot to nap in my room, too uncomfortable to nap anywhere else on campus (+ too hot anyways, all the A/C places are not good for napping). Tired, tired, tired. Need to do a rain dance for the Storm God. Fuck this weather and humidity.
You can get a box fan for like $15 at walmart, even cheaper if you went to a thrift store or whatever. For $15 you could always just throw it out after you move, or better yet just stick it in the closet because I'm sure you'll find a use for it at some point again.
Super hot weather doesn't bother me that much, for whatever reason. But at 92, I'd be worried as fuck about my PC overheating...
I've lived for 13 years in a city with regular 100-104 peaks and on top of that infested by a mosquito species somehow imported from India comparable to zerglings in terms of numbers and peskiness. Also, the smog levels were disgusting.
Now that I've bragged with my experiences, here some advice: Cold water on wrists and neck. No showers, you'll just sweat more afterwards. As weird as it sounds, i like jogging while it's hot, afterwards you feel cooler. You're probably already doing it, just grab something flat and use it as manual fan. Don't just use the cushion, bring towels when you sleep. They're also helpful when dealing with humidity. If your circulation gets low from the heat, drink coffee. If you don't like coffee, peppermint and camomille tea are nice too, but not for stimulation. Drink like a camel.Stay away from alcohol.
Whether you want to or not, you need to buy a $30 box fan and set it up in the window.
Edit: Also do not use dry towels to absorb sweat, it will cause your body to retain more heat. Drink ice water.
On May 30 2012 02:06 Cattivik wrote: As weird as it sounds, i like jogging while it's hot, afterwards you feel cooler.
That can actually be a pretty dangerous idea. Back when I used to run a lot, I twice nearly got myself to the point of passing out and throwing up because I stupidly tried to run in weather that was too hot. You can easily overheat yourself and give yourself actual heat stroke, which is not a joking matter.
When it's that hot, you've really got to be careful.
United States10060 Posts
I feel your pain. Last summer when NJ had that ridiculous heat wave where it was like 100+ for a week, I could not sleep. Stayed up til 1am, then woke up like every 30 minutes.
Haha, i feel the pain!
When studiyng for my exams last week i was living in a student appartment! 100+ farenheit regurarly while i was sitting by my desk reading with the sun right into my face!
Mostly i sat there butt naked. Drinking gallons upon gallons of water!
Ahhhhh I love Central Air 
Only a year or two ago I was sleeping on the top of a bunk bed. I was about 3-4 feet away from the ceiling. Plus I didn't have Central Air yet, so all I had was a fan aimed at my general direction from a semi-large distance away.
Pray to YellOw that it rains at exactly 2:22 AM/PM (whichever's good for you).
If it's not too humid you can wear a wet shirt and have fans pointed at you. Evaporation will keep you nice and cool. If it's too humid then you're fucked, I'm afraid.