`wheres the naked girls..
Wow, thanks for showing those pictures and the interview/newspaper!
That is awesome, you've won awards and shit :D Congratulations!
Also how the heck do you twist such complex things? Is it more trial and error (the first time, then you remember the next time) or do you plan it out before hand, or what?
Have to admit, the actual content (pictures) of the post was better than the title.
Still undecided what is more awesome- your balloons or the fact that people get fooled by that title.
United States13896 Posts
TIL FuDDx's real name is actually FuDD
Either that or it is a brilliant name troll.
If I ever hold a party I know who to call.
How to have a good time on TL, find a FuDDx blog and click on it. Ballon hat is best hat!
United States47024 Posts
I don't know why you'd need a title like that for people to click on a FuDDx blog.
United States5006 Posts
I did it for the laugh.. the funny... just pulling the chain...
Wasn't a need just felt like it and thats ok ! I think.
As for How do I twist such complex things... Its trial and error alot, sometimes I can find photos from other balloon professionals and see if they have done a similar thing and try adapting some of what they have done or just straight up copy it :p Most custom jobs its build a small one then build a bigger one then build it again for the event. Most pre build stuff centers around key points to a design ( mainly the head for people and animals). Also talking to other pros is very helpful when trying a new thing or bouncing ideas off of. Hope this helps!
Why can't these threads ever be real? :'(
Because the internet is filled with pictures of nude girls, but there are precious few Fuddx balloon blogs.
If you stare long enough, you can see a naked esports girl in the balloons.
Wheres the Marine and Hydralisk balloons? Good stuff man would love a minnie mouse for my little one!
Well, I came in with the wrong expectations. Awesome ballons though!
Saw FuDDx blog, knew that no matter what, he wouldn't disappoint. This stuff is seriously awesome.
I came for the FuDDx, lol'd at the title, 5/5'd for the content
That title herded me in here, but those balloons... BETTER THAN SEX. Hot damn, those balloons are amazing.
At first I was like >
Then I saw the Yoda and I was like :D
I knew it was a lie even before I clicked the thread but since it's FuDDx, it's all forgiven.