Where are the nerd girls - Page 9
Blogs > Zandar |
United States22883 Posts
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Australia423 Posts
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United States9102 Posts
a) Being good at the game or... b) Being a personality (usually through casting) like Day[9], Tastosis, and Totalbiscuit for example Not a single girl is good enough to be famous for reason a) despite the threshold for a decent girl being popular for skill is likely quite lower than it is for a guy. There also aren't any women with personalities that are as developed and well-known as the males in the community. So, if the girl's job is a presenter on stage in Las Vegas of course they're going to want someone attractive. In Smix's case it was due to her tangible skill (translating) and Anna has previously worked with the community and is fairly known to at least the TL crowd. I really don't think there's much sexism... it's a male dominated field. And I don't see what K-Pop has to do with it, of course they are chosen for their looks, it's the market's fault that it works so don't blame anyone but the general South Korean public I guess. | ||
10810 Posts
On April 09 2012 21:50 Haemonculus wrote: RedJustice's words pretty solidly reflect my own thoughts. Especially the part about female gamer's negative experiences not being taken seriously. I'm not sure what's more annoying, the actual sexism you run into, or that you're expected to just roll with the punches and take it. Or the ever lovely, "Well just don't tell anyone you're female! Clearly by mentioning your gender, you wanted this attention!" Again, as if this is just some inherent part of the gaming culture that you're just supposed to accept, and even censor yourself to appease instead of anyone even considering that perhaps the culture itself needs to change a bit. Sure, I'll just not stream, or never talk, or not show up to live events, or whatever makes you comfortable, -.-; Sometimes the sexism is very blunt. I used to get "wow she's hot" or "wow she's fugly", or "get back to the kitchen" comments pretty much daily when I used to stream. Sometimes the sexism is really subtle. People assume X Y and Z about you, simply because you're female. Now all that said, there are plenty of great guys in the community as well. I've met plenty of awesome friends over the net and in games who couldn't care less that I'm female, and take me seriously as a person and gamer. Those folks are awesome, but the community at large tends to still be pretty sexist overall. I don't think these experiences are limited to the gaming community, are they? Online anonymity as a whole breeds racism, sexism, any kind of ism you can think of. Sometimes I think it's just teenagers testing their boundaries and what they can get away with on the internet, sometimes I think it doesn't matter what age they are, they're just horrible people showing their true colours in the one place they think they won't be reprimanded. Which is why TL and the people you've come to know show a much greater concern. It's stops being anonymous when you come to identify yourself with your online ID, and the consequences of what happens to that ID are a reality. That's not to say that the people who've been on this site are secretly racist or sexist, but at least as much to say that the internet doesn't function as an outlet for 'politically incorrect' opinions anymore, which might only be appealing for people who can actually get along with human beings of various backgrounds. All that to say that I think the general online experience with anonymous users (youtube comments, 4chan, low post count on any forum) is pretty horrible. For everyone person with a witty one liner, there's 100 arguing about Nazis, saying the n word, or otherwise recording their nugatory thoughts for all the internet to see. I realise that your point is about the female experience specifically, and I don't want to degrade that, but I believe (misanthropic as I am) that it goes beyond the gaming community. | ||
United States8474 Posts
On April 11 2012 08:47 khaydarin9 wrote: Maybe we're going to have to write this off as another one of those ridiculous fundamental differences between men and women, because I really don't think it's true that any activity that blends males and females together will lead to romantic interaction. But maybe that's because I have a FRIENDZONE ... haha ... It's pretty much a matter of statistics. You are in an incredibly easy position to say 'no, I can separate this from that' but that doesn't make it any less true on the whole. When men and women do things together, there are men and women within that population that will find someone worth NOT friendzoning(men do it too, don't feel too special), and whether the feelings are mutual or not, there are people that will act upon them(and the vast majority will act upon them in a respectful way, the internet just brings out more disrespect in general so you see it played out differently here). It's not that fundamental a difference either, the behavior is plenty visible in female dominated fields(go ask a male cheerleader). | ||
Australia423 Posts
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United States1004 Posts
On April 11 2012 10:34 Chef wrote: Sorry to take a page one comment, but it interests me: I don't think these experiences are limited to the gaming community, are they? Online anonymity as a whole breeds racism, sexism, any kind of ism you can think of. Sometimes I think it's just teenagers testing their boundaries and what they can get away with on the internet, sometimes I think it doesn't matter what age they are, they're just horrible people showing their true colours in the one place they think they won't be reprimanded. Which is why TL and the people you've come to know show a much greater concern. It's stops being anonymous when you come to identify yourself with your online ID, and the consequences of what happens to that ID are a reality. That's not to say that the people who've been on this site are secretly racist or sexist, but at least as much to say that the internet doesn't function as an outlet for 'politically incorrect' opinions anymore, which might only be appealing for people who can actually get along with human beings of various backgrounds. All that to say that I think the general online experience with anonymous users (youtube comments, 4chan, low post count on any forum) is pretty horrible. For everyone person with a witty one liner, there's 100 arguing about Nazis, saying the n word, or otherwise recording their nugatory thoughts for all the internet to see. I realise that your point is about the female experience specifically, and I don't want to degrade that, but I believe (misanthropic as I am) that it goes beyond the gaming community. I agree with that to an extent, but my personal experiences with the internet is that I have never had a similar experience online anywhere outside the gaming community. Elsewhere on the internet I have seen plenty of assholes, more people willing to vocalize their sexism than I meet irl, etc, but nothing like what I have encountered in the gaming community (and even then, for example, my experience with the Starcraft community has been worse than with some other games). It is difficult for me to describe it as anything other than an atmosphere of hostility towards females over the entire community, which doesn't seem to be matched by hostility towards any other group except LGBT people. In other places on the internetz I most often encounter people of every 'ism', who aren't really targeting females specifically. Whereas in other places, I have felt I can block a few people and happily go about my business, within the gaming community I often feel the only 'solution' is being born male. The hostility I perceive through my experiences seems like an innate part of the community, mostly reinforced by what I referred to earlier as the invocal majority. I have yet to resolve my desire to be part of this community with my experience that it is impossible to be fully part of it as myself. | ||
1197 Posts
On April 09 2012 20:48 Zandar wrote: I mean we are the nerd squad. I always thought that if there's one group of males that would value personality, intelligence etc above physical beauty it would be the nerds. Of course there are handsome male players and casters, but also a bit less and in the end, who cares how they look? Nobody. I don't care if you're fat, ugly, awkward, because fellow nerds don't judge nerds about that, these traits don't matter. But why do the girls on stage all have to be cute? Why do I get mostly "hot female gamers, sexy female gamers" links when I do a google search for "female gamers" I have nothing against Seltzer, Smix, Anna etc. I really appreciate them for trying to make e-sports a less male only environment. And besides that they are good at what they do too. But why do only girls like them succeed? With above average looks. Why do they always have to dress hot? Kpop is even worse. Those girls are all selected purely for looks. All the same hight and sizes. It doesn't even matter if they can sing, they can just moderate their voices. It's the kind of sexism that doesn't belong with us nerds I think. We were always ignored by the cheerleader type of alpha girl, but there were always other girls, maybe more shy, less popular, but for me, usually more interesting, because they were more like me. They exist for sure but where are they in this community? Is it because they avoid the spotlight themself? Or is it because when they try to, they only get judged by their looks instead of who they are. Or because they get judged by their environment when they find out she plays games? I think by always having non-nerd girls on stage we don't give our fellow nerd girls a real chance. I'm pretty sure there are girls out there that don't have the pop star look but a lot of game knowledge. There are plenty of female gamer leagues, surely one of them has casting skills too. Why don't tournament organisers scout her instead of the beauty pageant? I'd love to hear an insightful female voice. Scarlett is like the first girl who fits the profile a bit, even if she's cute, it seems she's a real fellow gamer nerd at heart. And it took her a while to make the step in the public, even with such great skills. I hope she'll be an example for many girls/women. The amount of fans she got in a few days gives me hope! And to you gamer nerd girl anywhere around the world, I love you and hope to see more of you. You have a pretty unique view of the gaming community, thinking that we're a bunch of people that like personality over looks. What made you think this? And nobody cares about handsome male casters and players because the people who watch them in tourneys and such are mostly male. If there were mostly female audience, then of course looks will matter for male casters and players. | ||
25339 Posts
To skip all the crap. Perhaps you haven't found the right crowd. Screw the over the top generations or what you coin as friends or by association. I'm sorry but most people you meet in life are nothing more than acquaintances. This doesn't mean you cannot be friendly with them, but if you are going to take chatrooms and all the crap you see in the community seriously than yeah, you are just going to get down on yourself. You get hit on. So be it. If people want to be stupid. Let them be stupid on their own time and don't give them your time. Stand-up for yourself. You want change and other geeky women to take the limelight well you got to do more than just posting a blog about your frustrations. | ||
United States11133 Posts
So, I'm like at a university right now. How likely am I to find a random girl who likes video games if I just go out and flirt with every girl I see in class or otherwise? I guess it would be nice to have a girl who shares the same video game interests as me, let alone a girl who would be willing to watch live BW or SC2 with me. But how likely is it for me to find one that would be willing to do so? Or how likely would it for me to find a girl who would at least accept my interests in video games and Starcraft without rolling her eyes too much and having my interests be detrimental to my chances? | ||
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