![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/AI7G7.png)
Sheealot imba
I'm a high ranked Terran master on Europe within Grandmaster MMR and generally playing a very macro-heavy style.
I started to play StarCraft 2 in the beta and quit after 2 weeks since it was horrible - everyone who have played the beta knows what I'm talking about. One year later I decided to pick up SC2 since I hoped that the design became a bit more balanced.
My race of choice in the beginning was Protoss since I played the predator race in Broodwar and I'm a fan of Bisu.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/jdSYY.png)
The sexy god of StarCraft
Protoss was horrible. PvP was cheesy, PvT was incredible hard to master against early bio all-ins and PvZ was an all-in hell as well. So I decided to switch since I didn't like the static system of Protoss and the race was especially underpowered on short distance maps. Furthermore, I played a very timing-based style which involved a lot of pushes and pokes, rarely resulting in a deathball scenario.
It took me months of very hard daily training to reach the niveau with Terran and the development of a rigorous improvement system. Currently, I'm a bit tired of perfecting my play and therefore will do an experiment for fun and induced by the current situation in TvP.
To be honest, I want to go pro and I don't think my current ability to play with Terran is enough to reach this level. I will use the same account since I don't want to buy an extra one. Unfortunately, this will require a bit of losing since I'm currently ranked first in my master division. However, I hope to learn the following from this experiment:
How good will my skill translate to Protoss as a high master Terran?
What new ideas and perspectives will I gain?
I'd like to document my effort to have a systematic approach and maximize the learning effect. So please bear with me starting from zero:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zioc1.png)
The beginning: bronze scrub 4 eva
However, I always make sure that I have a basic gameplan which I won't derivate from:
PvP: MC's defensive 3 gate in PvP
PvT: MC's 1 gate FE
PvZ: 15 Nexus
I will post interesting replays and insights as I progress through the leagues. May Aiur be with you my brethren.
Session 1 (#2 Silver): Lol, I don't know what I'm doing.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Gy1Vi.jpg)
Win/Loss: 9/1, the guy claimed that he was a diamond player. He rofl-stomped me with mass burrowed roaches...

Avg. EAPM: 74, so bad... (160 with Terran)
Avg. Game Length: 10 minutes
PvT: 4:0 (Purotoss so imba)
PvP: 3:0 (Everyone tried to cheese me)
PvZ: 2:1 (Zerg imba)
-Players are friendlier in lower leagues. It's kind of refreshing to play against people who doesn't have any pressure.
-Early game is okay but I don't know what to build in mid/late in PvZ. Current strat is "FFE into some kind of random deathball".
Session 2 (#1 Platin): How did I get here?
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nMUwM.png)
Win/Loss: 36/7, I need to learn something about PvZ and PvP
Avg. EAPM: 104, better than before
Avg. Game Length: 11 minutes
PvT: 9:0 (cake everywhere)
PvP: 12:4 (lots of cheese)
PvZ: 15:3 (chedar, gouda, everything in here)
-Building warp prism every game
-Harassing with Zaelots every game
-See me chilling in my base, deathballing up
Session 3 (#6 Diamond): This isn't right
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/askfY.png)
Win/Loss: 8/3
Avg. EAPM: 113
Avg. Game Length: 11 minutes
PvT: 1:1 (Loss game from a supply block during a 1-1-1 my fault)
PvP: 3:1 (Cheesy stuff)
PvZ: 4:1 (+1 Zealot and +2 Blink and Immortals = too strong)
-I tend to think that Protoss is extremely easy to play at these low levels...
-It doesn't feel good anymore to win with.
My general opinion:
I feel that the skills from Terran to Protoss transfers too good. It shouldn't be possible in an ideal StarCraft to switch that easily between races. To put it in harsh words, I feel like Protoss is a lite version of Terran which basically requires the same kind of skills only in a more simplistic form. I think Blizzard didn't invest time into the design of Protoss and therefore some things tend to be broken - in a positive and negative kind of way, e.g. Mothership Vortex (good) vs no early harrasment potential (bad).
My opinion on units (fun-based):
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/029tX.jpg)
Most important unit ever, you can create terrain? CREATE TERRAIN? Chokes anyone? How imbalanced is that... blocking most Zerg units, trapping Terrans? Imba.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/kM5Mp.jpg)
Fucking samurai with lasers. LAZERSWORDS. I really like them. Furthermore, they are immortal.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/U2U1t.jpg)
Super fast pylon? The only thing I'd add to the prism is the ability to regenerate shields in it's vicinity faster... kind of shield battery.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/1WcvX.jpg)
Meh, don't like them. Bad copies of dragoons.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Gjkkv.jpg)
I don't like their a-click in your face style... Protoss needs more subtlety.