I took the advice of some people in my last blog and switched to zerg, and I've found some fairly stable playstyles that feel pretty good. I had played zerg for a few months in beta, but the game was so imbalanced and the maps so bad at that point that it was really 90% cheese. So many 4-gates and 2 rax scv/marine allins. You all know how it was...
Well, now that those strategies have more or less died off, playing zerg feels a lot better, and I feel way more in control of the game than as protoss. Basically, I see why Idra switched from P to Z way back when.
But, one problem has emerged: Every time I click the matchmaking button something miraculous occurs.
I get a:
Yep, that's right! I'm finding zvz something like 75-80% of my games, maybe higher. I wasn't playing this many games vs zergs as protoss. I have the same maps thumbed down. What gives? Why so many ZvZs?
Now, ZvZ is still better than PvP, I feel, although it's still pretty unstable and coinflippy. At least overlords and lings can give good scouting info past the opening, and so I don't feel like I'm in the dark until I plop down a 200/100 building and wait for a 25/75 unit to build and meander across the map. 5 minutes later I can finally react to what's going on. So, I feel like I have more control in ZvZ, and that's good. But seriously, I want to play other matchups too. Playing zvp and zvt is much more interesting.
This is exactly what an idea I've been bringing up since early beta is supposed to solve:
Be able to select what matchup you want to queue for, and have a subrank for each matchup! (that's 9 in total!)
Overall rank would be based on a weighted average of all three matchups, for each race. Ergo, I'd have a T rank, a Z rank, and P rank, with 3 subranks each. The highest rated subrank would be weighted the least, the middle in the middle, and the lowest the most. This would punish people for overplaying one matchup, would encourage people to work on their worst matchup, and would make overall rank by race a good all-around indicator. This would help people find their worst matchup statistically as well, without having to go to external resources. And of course, it would solve the issue of: "I want to play ZvP today, not 20 ZvZs" which is a win for everyone and would encourage people to play more.
And of course, you could always queue for random race and random matchup, if you wanted lower queue times.
So, thoughts on switching to Zerg? The MM system? My idea for improving MM?
north america is pretty much pure zerg now becuase everyone is switching over to the easy race, and with the retarded snipe nerf u can bet even more zergs will come, when i ladder i get about 60% zvz 30% zvp and 10% zvt
if u wanna practice other matchups u better find some practice partners, especially vs terran
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I get TvZs about 70% of the time, with almost never ever ever getting TvTs. People really just have been switching to zerg because right now with how the game works, its easier to do well with than the other races from low-masters below.
EDIT: Kinda like how you also just switched to zerg xD
i'm having the same experience on EU, platinum level
Haha, good title. Yeah, ZvZ is overwhelmingly common and frankly horrible. Not fun, I cheese in most of them because I just don't wanna play them.
Anyway, on your idea, I hate it :D No offense, but that would really ruin the ladder. If I'm insane and queue up for a ZvZ (there are some who like it, apparently...) then it's gonna be a ten minute wait for a game. Players will only play one matchup because it's their favorite (I would only play ZvT, personally) and a whole aspect of the game would be lost.
I really like the mystery of the queue, if you wanna play a specific matchup play a custom with a friend or practice partner.
On February 27 2012 06:59 ClockToweR wrote: I get TvZs about 70% of the time, with almost never ever ever getting TvTs. People really just have been switching to zerg because right now with how the game works, its easier to do well with than the other races from low-masters below.
EDIT: Kinda like how you also just switched to zerg xD
Well Blizzard insists that Terran not have a viable lategame vs either race, so I can see why there's so few terrans. I did just finally play a string of protosses. ZvP is very much winnable for zerg if you don't get caught off balance early, but jesus christ cannon rushes...
On February 27 2012 07:48 UmiNotsuki wrote: Haha, good title. Yeah, ZvZ is overwhelmingly common and frankly horrible. Not fun, I cheese in most of them because I just don't wanna play them.
Anyway, on your idea, I hate it :D No offense, but that would really ruin the ladder. If I'm insane and queue up for a ZvZ (there are some who like it, apparently...) then it's gonna be a ten minute wait for a game. Players will only play one matchup because it's their favorite (I would only play ZvT, personally) and a whole aspect of the game would be lost.
I really like the mystery of the queue, if you wanna play a specific matchup play a custom with a friend or practice partner.
That's why you have a weighted ranking. If you don't play ZvZ (or PvP or whatever else sucks) you'll never progress higher in rating past a point, no matter how many wins you get in other matchups. And besides, if everyone avoids the bad matchups, then isn't that a good thing? Won't people have more fun? It's not like pros don't practice those outside the ladder anyways...
I switched to terran due to the insane amount of ZvZs i was facing. Im finally getting the hang of TvZ now, with ove 60% winrate :D (usually lose when it goes to the late-late game, damn you sniper nerf). Now i'm oddly finding an insane amount of TvP.
Watching Snute play has given me a lot of respect for ZvZ, but I still feel your pain. ZvZ is one reason why I'm quite happy to stay Terran. It's just not what I look for in the game.
Generally, I tend to get one matchup heavily per day. Usually this is TvP (something I don't complain about - it's grown on me a lot), but I've also had days where I get 9 TvZs in a row and call it after that.
Personally, I don't mind it at all, though I don't play as frequently as I should. I enjoy that I can focus on one matchup per day.
...but when every day is ZvZ day, I can't say I'd enjoy that at all.
You should try my zvz strategy: Leave the game. That's right. I keep my MMR low while simultaneously avoiding what I consider to be a horrible matchup. Win/win situation, isn't it?
Ah, I tended to get a ton of ZvZs back when I played Random. Heck, the only reason I got promoted from Gold into Plat was because I won 90% of those ZvZs, since Plat Zergs couldn't seem to figure out ZvZ back then and always haphazardly teched into Mutas, which I countered with mass Queens, Spores, and Roaches. Then I switched to Terran and got my ass kicked haha.
Sometimes, I can't tell if I'm playing the SC2 ladder or the PDPop MSL...