That is not to say that one game is easier than the other (how can you even compare the difficulty of two multiplayer games?). It's just that with BW/QL it takes time before your game even distantly resembles the game of a professional player.
Why I hate most FPS games - Page 3
Blogs > Clbull |
Czech Republic6104 Posts
That is not to say that one game is easier than the other (how can you even compare the difficulty of two multiplayer games?). It's just that with BW/QL it takes time before your game even distantly resembles the game of a professional player. | ||
United States38 Posts
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United States5775 Posts
On January 06 2012 14:10 UniversalSnip wrote: If a game doesn't have a comeback mechanic the game should literally end when one player gets an advantage, rather than making the other players suffer through an insurmountable and increasingly large advantage. killstreak is the opposite of that A comeback mechanic is one thing; punishing players who play well and rewarding players who play like shit is an entirely different concept. Going by the OP's logic, whenever anyone goes on a killing streak in dota they should lose gold? Whenever I kill one of your expansions in SC I should lose one myself? | ||
288 Posts
Anyways, get TF2 and play on Valve servers, the skill level there is so horrifyingly low that even you could probably have some fun. Oh and play Pyro, that class doesn't really take any skill so you should like it. | ||
United States1437 Posts
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Switzerland812 Posts
You have listed a few games there and pointed out reasons why you hate them but they are all down to you not being good at them, all FPS games require a largely similar skill-set. This skill-set can take some players longer to achieve than others and hence you have players of varying skill level. If you are a low skilled player in any game of a genre then chances are you wont be a god in other titles in said genre... Searching for games that you will be good at is a very lazy quick fix to the fundamental problem that you are bad and you need to learn how to play FPS games, sadly even your quick fix has failed to return successful results. My suggestion to you therefore is this, stop buying new titles thinking that they will be in tune with you and thus you will be awesome, hunker down with a single title, 1.6 if you want to actually get good, source bf3 or Quake if you want to be 'ok' and put in the hours learn the tools and then get better. However you could just be really bad at FPS games due to things like, various medical conditions e.g. problems with eyes. Or just by having really bad hand eye coordination. If that's the case well stick with Modern Warfare. Coming from someone with years in the 1.6 pro-scene and years in the CS:S scene. To all the people hating on CS:S, its a different game sure 1.6 is better but don't hate on C:SS considering you were prolly trash at both of them... | ||
4 Posts
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New Zealand1332 Posts
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United States1510 Posts
What do I mean by lack of depth? Well, an RTS like sc2 is an impossible problem to solve optimally. We can't create an AI which even nearly competes with pro players on an even footing. With FPS games, competitive AI's are easy - aimbot for example. It doesn't require much calculation to get very good results in an FPS. | ||
United Kingdom1148 Posts
Also you game choices are pretty poor. QL and UT are pretty dead so youll wait ages for games and then get raped, and COD is COD. CS1.6 is the same way, youll just get fucked, so if you want to play go for CSS. Youll find your problems with it are about 30% aim and 60% game sense if you dont know the game at all. Find a mate whos played it a lot and they can show you the ropes, get you pushing a 1.0 kdr in no time at all. If you dont fancy that, BF3 is an option but i dont know much about it as im still using windows XP. Id recommend TF2, its free to play and the average pub player is god awful, you should have no trouble finishing decently at the end of a map even if you dont know which end of your gun is the dangerous one. If you dont have any friends that play FPS to join but fancy giving it a try and learning some games then feel free to PM me for my steam info, i play with a dencent group of uk/swedes, nothing too keen just pubbing usually with skype banter. We normally play Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (like i said i cant play BF3) and TF2, but we also play CSS, DOD:S, L4D1/2 and random indie games (eg. Magicka) for varieties sake. | ||
France8043 Posts
HA ! Listen, when you start a game you will always get destroyed first. Some people are faster learner but don't expect to pub stomp within one week if you don't have a long experience with the game or the genre as a whole. The funny thing for me is that i think i enjoyed even more bw and Sc2 when i was completly noob, when the game was new for me. Same for FPS i got absolutly destroyed in Quake FFA ( the easiest lol ) or Urban Terror TDM/survivor but i kept playing, now i'm still not good but i know the maps and my K/D isn't as bad. If i'm terrible at one game i'm even more motivated to play lol. | ||
Czech Republic6104 Posts
On January 06 2012 19:58 jrkirby wrote: I don't hate FPS. I'm just not very good at them, like OP. Also I don't find them very interesting, to me they reward mouse precision and reaction speed too much. I also find them to have a lack of depth. What do I mean by lack of depth? Well, an RTS like sc2 is an impossible problem to solve optimally. We can't create an AI which even nearly competes with pro players on an even footing. With FPS games, competitive AI's are easy - aimbot for example. It doesn't require much calculation to get very good results in an FPS. I can't agree with this. After playing 8 years of CS, I never found aim that important. I had a shitty mouse, no mousepad, even the fps was below 60 and I would never play aim maps because I sucked at them. I would outplay my opponents by gamesense, perfect map knowledge and team awarness. I would always have an idea on where each member of my team is and if they died or reported an enemy I would keep that in mind and calculate how long it could take them to reach my position by each of the possible routes. Then after a couple of rounds I would start having a feel for where each player could go/hide/position themselves based on their behaviour in previous rounds. With all this in mind I could think of the best way of coming back at the enemy, possibly avoiding being seen and needing to see them to kill them. You could often beat a team with a few cheaters in it - aimbotters and wallhackers included. Killing 10 bots with aimbot that would kill you 100% of the time they see you is the easiest thing in the world if you're any experienced. | ||
Finland366 Posts
On January 06 2012 18:24 andycz wrote: Uhh.. so you hate FPSs cuz you suck at them and you had to make a blog about it? LOL Anyways, get TF2 and play on Valve servers, the skill level there is so horrifyingly low that even you could probably have some fun. Oh and play Pyro, that class doesn't really take any skill so you should like it. Sorry what now? Pyro is one of the most skill requiring classes(1. Sniper, 2. Demoman, 3. Pyro, 4. Scout, 5. Medic) in the game and there is no way you can be effective with just W+M1(Move forward with Flamethrower shooting flames all the time basically). Airblasting correct players at correct times and angles, aiming Airblasts to hit their rockets back at them instead of just pushing them at random places, Airblast rocket jumping, Flaregun which is one of the hardest weapons to aim with etc. Anyway, if you don't like FPS games, you don't like FPS games. You don't need to force yourself to play games you don't like. Based on what I have read(the blog and the comments), TF2 is basically the best FPS game for you IMO. Even though the previous paragraph might have scared some people, it's fun when there are a lot of actually bad players in that game to play with and improve that way. | ||
United States4006 Posts
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United Kingdom14464 Posts
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Netherlands1552 Posts
On January 06 2012 14:00 writer22816 wrote: No. YOU are absolutely fucking stupid. You think games should reward people who play badly and punish people who play well? With this kind of opinion you have absolutely no right to talk about competitive games. No offense, killstreaks are absolutely retarded for a competive game. It creates this snowball effect. But modern warfare is fucking stupid anyway. There is a reason there are no killstreaks in competitive CoD. Man, competitive cod, cracks me up every time. | ||
England780 Posts
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United States839 Posts
Now there's still times where I jump on BF3 and just go like 6-25 in a round and want to punch a hole in my LCD screen. Like there's situations where I'll round a corner and me and some guy on the other team will line up at the exact same time and before I even finish zooming in he's already head-shoted me 3 times. I know all FPS games have hackers/aim bots and I've played some were consistently kids say they don't hack, then a year later when mass bans come out they get permed. To be honest I'm 24 now, and I just don't care. No body is going to care about my KDR or some FPS game's stats in a year, month, week, day, or even a few hours later after playing it. If some kids need to cheat to feel good about themselves its not a big deal I just still have fun with it. Even if they aren't cheating it's almost not impressive that they're that good at BF3 or FPS's in general. BF3 is the best FPS I've ever played. There's decent support of the game too, and balance changes happen pretty fast. Or at least faster than blizz. -- as for Unreal Tournament 3. I have to be honest with you, I really think I bought that game back in like 2008. Played it for a month, thought it was 'eh' and just threw it under my desk. Can you still even connect online with that thing? UT was awesome in 2003-04 or whatever year it was so popular. IF you don't like MW3 then you probably won't like bf3. It will take you a long time to get used to it. I just figured out how to fly a JET and its even harder trying to shoot down people. | ||
Czech Republic6104 Posts
On January 07 2012 00:43 Nebula wrote: This is the problem with new generation of gamers, no one is willing to put the effort into getting good anymore. It's sad being a quake player and reading stuff like this :\ The good part is that if you decide to play a game that is demanding, you don't get to work with 12 year old kids all the time. | ||
United States928 Posts
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