So after a few days of " being in a rut " I have come to terms that I have just hit a wall in my skill. It happens to everyone, and even the pro's. From here, I have to play extra good and improve like I did when I was playing at a low Silver level. I have to take time to set aside my ego and wanting to win every and lose a few for the better good. The better good would be me droning, scouting, spending money, and working on my injects. I will be playing vs a lot of friends and hopefully be able to practice said skills to improve my overall laddering experience!
I am please to say that even though I hit the wall, I am still up against low platinum players. So long as I continue to beat them I will rise through the MMR system and behold the true potential I hold within.
My overall goals, for long term and short are as follows ;
Reach Diamond before ladder resets - Ladder resets Decmeber 14ish, i know it is not a great goal to want to get promoted, however It ties in with my other goals.
Improve my droning dramatically - By doing so, I will have a better mid- late game army, and be able to win most of my games due to better macro.
Improve injects - By doing so , I will have less money and more units/drones to fend off of early/mid/late game pressures.
Spend my money! - With the increased drones and inject timings, I will have more money then i'll be able to handle, my goal is to spend that money and maintain under 1k the whole game. ( reasonable goal for late game )
With all that said and done, I'll be posting games in the regular format.
Game 1
Rank 21 Gold
Wins 12
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I wanted to try the ever so famous Destinys unbeatable ZvZ build, in the past when I tried I would always lose to something like mass lings and that's so annoying. I tried it with droning in mind and I was able to will off a win. I will continue to work on this 2 lines of roaches push and see how far this build can bring me.
Game 1
Game 2
Rank 4 Gold
68 Wins
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The Terran buddy opens with mass banshee, luckily I scouted it and was able to get spores up in time, he did however take out all my queens which kind of sucked. I got a few mutas up and I cleaned them up. I then transitioned into my regular mass lings and cleaned up his forces. I was mainly focusing on macro this game, I droned harder at my third that i dont normally do very well at and was able to have a good income. I need to focus a lot more on getting other units other then lings, a few festors and I would be set.
Game 2
Game 3
Rank 2 Silver?
32 Wins
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Silver, huh, alright, ill take the easy win. He said he was silver, i didnt believe him obviously. I just played standard and was able to pull off an easy win. I did 2 lines of roaches made a few extra and then just sling reinforce. I have to find a way that I can not get supply blocked doing this build every time i make a line of roaches. hmm.
Ps. I want a Diablo 3 beta key boo.
game 3