I wanted to make something cool.
I had recently got a job, while attending college, and I don't really have that much to spend the money on. Besides food, a little rent. Maybe a new thing here and there. I'm not that well off, but I never really needed anything. I thought, maybe I could use this money to give back to the gaming community that I've loved my entire life. I came up with the idea of starting an online tournament.
This wasn't going to be the biggest production in the world. I know that it wouldn't be started for sometime and I know that it wasn't going to be easy, or be immediately popular, or even popular at all. But I wanted to throw caution to the wind, throw my money in something that could be really awesome for everybody. A weekly, or bi-weekly tournament for 100 dollars. It wasn't much, but It would still be something.
100 dollars for every 2 weeks or so isn't a really big deal, but that isn't the only thing I'd have to put my wallet out for. Its also streaming. Which is expensive in itself. It will cost 10 dollars a month for the stream to exceed 50 viewers. Which I plan on having over that amount. Hopefully. Then there is the cost of high speed internet. I've already upgraded from 5M download, .5M upload to now 15M Download and 3M upload. - But even with this setup, the stream is still choppy. I'm having to upgrade again to 15M download and 5M upload this Wednesday to give the highest level of streaming possible.
The end goal for this, isn't to make money. It isn't to get sponsors to get free stuff. Its to have something awesome that I can call my own. To have a side project that is so different from everybody else, and have a crazy unique hobby that is awesome and that we're loved for. The end goal is to stream, have awesome games, and hopefully through days of streaming have a self-sufficient tournament, able to pump all of the money gained through advertisements BACK into the prize pool.
The tournament layout and brackets would be a team league, just as the GSTL is on GOM.TV. Where you have clans fighting against each other in 1v1 setup, however there would be a unique twist within this.
* This might/will be changed as I brainstorm further.
The teams will compose of 5 players each with the setup of 1v1 style until the third match, which will be a 2v2. This is a unique twist on tournaments and has only been done in the EG's Master cup. ( I believe..) So replicating this, will be very interesting.
There will be a losers bracket. It wont be a 1 series lose, and you're out. But it will be entertaining to see sub-pro players entering in this tournament to see some new strategies.
So thats all for now. This is a very very shallow look at the plans that I have ahead, but I'm doing this all in the time between classes at college. I will update soon.
Anyone reading - Thank you so much for doing so. Any comments or feedback would be appreciated.
- Zach