I thought that this was thread worthy, since there are no blogs.
My game story;
Just finshed a game of normal draft before I go to bed anyway it was a standard game at the start really, cause I am bad my team had no jungler which was the only notable. So anyway I am playing urgot in mid cause I like to snowball my lategame for the team with a good early game and urgot is pretty good at that. So the other teams cass is mid, yeah pretty annoying with per poisons and what not. Anyway laning against her was easy as, I assume this cass has only been taking advantage of the free cass week becuase she was bad to say the least, within the 1st 8 minutes I had her completely owned and just missed a kill on her due to my own noobishness (a lock on q hit a minion instead of her) and she left the game for some weird reason (roughly 15mins later she rejoined again).
So here I am having this completely uncontested mid lane all to myself. The other team did not send someone over for a good 3 minutes, so I did what urgot does best and farm up and push my lane. Eventually the other teams Zilean comes to the lanes defense and a status quo begins where I can't quite zone zilean out of exp range but he cant really do much to get gold from minions. Eventually Udyr comes in for a gank being the other teams jungler but I see him, see him at half health because of wards in the bushes and instantly e him and q,q,q, it doesnt quite kill him but he wandered into tower range, so I am now 1 up, Zilean was there but he missed his ulti much to my suprise (and delight).
At this point I have so much gold from cs that at 12 minutes I am pretty ****ed stong and the rest of the game continued like that.
Anyway now to the OP part, there is a Sion on the enemey team and he is trying to backdoor whilst we push, fair enough. Sure enough we take tower and Kayle and I go to stop him. We get there and hit him just before he teleports away. I use my E, hit him, then proceed to alternate between autoattacks and my q and he dies pretty fast whilst being slowed.
The next thing I see in chat is Sion saying how OP Urgot is because I am slowing with my q. At this point I am laughing my ass off, he had clearly never played Urgot before as he had no idea that my shield had to be up to slow.
So he continues ragaing at me as I try to explain to him that its not that strong of a slow , but no he just doesn't care. At this point in the game we are pushing the mid inhibitor and my items consist of a manamune, brutaliser, dash boots (I like them on him cause hes SO SLOW) a black cleaver and a frozen heart. Apparently its not the fact that I am so fed thats the issue its only my slow (and cass).
Then in post game he qq's more at me saying gg.
This is why you should have a few games under you belt before you cry qq
tl;dr A sion player thinks urgots slow is op becuase it stopped him from escaping a gank completely ignores his own teams failings has never played urgot and has no idea that the shield has to be up for it to be effective had no manners at all this is why you need to actually understand a champoion before you qq about them
what game are we talking about here
On October 03 2011 22:43 BordZ wrote: LoL, League of legends pretty sure its Pokemans
Basically imagine the worst of the worst of the sc2 community and balance and times it by 100 over something like at least 30 (there are a lot more I think) champions.
League of legends ofcourse
Its about 70 and none of them are balanced, but what you described happens every 2nd game to me.
i played LoL like 30 games and im like fuck that. i know the names of like 8 champions (which explains why i didnt know which game this was...). and from my experiences, the game isn't really meant to be balanced...it would be near impossible to balance them anyways. way too many champions, combined with runes and masteries makes it impossible for it to be fair for everyone
Erm the balancing in LoL is actually quite good. The only chance something is imba are when a new hero rolls out and that is soon subject to changes...
In every single team matchup it can't be perfectly fair. i can't really take the game seriously competitively though. it seems super casual to me.
It's a little too balanced now to the point where things are feeling so unfun.
On October 03 2011 22:48 ToT)OjKa( wrote: Erm the balancing in LoL is actually quite good. The only chance something is imba are when a new hero rolls out and that is soon subject to changes... The "balancing" came about because Riot decided to release just about every champ after Garen with some sort of blink. It made the game fucking miserable for months because all you had to do to win was pick a new(er) champ, and abuse your mobility. Soon everyone was playing agile champs, so for a while the game seemed to have settled. Cue the tanky metagame that overtook the scene, a few more champ releases, and here we are now.
Urgot smells like infestors.
Not gonna lie I actually thought it was pokemans for the first paragraph or so, after that I was just confused and stopped reading = / Glad 4th poster was able to clarify though
On October 03 2011 23:25 FreshandLegit wrote: Not gonna lie I actually thought it was pokemans for the first paragraph or so, after that I was just confused and stopped reading = / Glad 4th poster was able to clarify though I thought it was Magic: The Gathering for a while. Up until about the point where he mentions feeding/creeps/towers etc
This doesn't really seem like its blogworthy, it's more like you complaining that someone called your favorite hero OP as for balance in LoL, no way that with that many hero's the game can be anywhere near balanced in the sense that an equally skilled player from each character can do as well, but for the most part I think that compositions can be pretty balanced with the ban system.
How could you call LoL not balanced? At the moment there is only 1 OP hero (lee sin) and 1 slightly OP (morg). And that's not even a problem, because you can ban 4 heros when playing ranked (and more in tourneys). Looking at GSL (hi there terran) I'd say LoL is even more balanced than SC2
EDIT: The above post stating that it is not balanced, because equally skilled players can't win with every hero is completely illogical. That's like saying SC2 is only balanced if you can build any unit you want and win with it
On October 04 2011 00:14 MaGariShun wrote: How could you call LoL not balanced? At the moment there is only 1 OP hero (lee sin) and 1 slightly OP (morg). And that's not even a problem, because you can ban 4 heros when playing ranked (and more in tourneys). Looking at GSL (hi there terran) I'd say LoL is even more balanced than SC2
EDIT: The above post stating that it is not balanced, because equally skilled players can't win with every hero is completely illogical. That's like saying SC2 is only balanced if you can build any unit you want and win with it
Riot seems to disagree with you as they are gonna nerf Irelia next patch "cause shes too strong". Though beyond that your post is pretty correct, Lee Sin is very strong and Morgana is a immovable object in lane. Plus Morgana's ulti is worse than Amumus, if it lands in a team fight you will most of the time come out on top.