I lost the plot. Lot of pressure at work, seemingly nothing going right, and a lost game was the straw which broke the camels back. As a result, I punched my LCD laptop monitor, and 80% of the screen is now black/white/lined with a "gunshot" pattern centered around the impact point. Looks pretty cool, but almost completely unusable. Stupid me.
There doesn't seem to be visible sign of cracking, although when the laptop is turned off i can see the outline of the "gunshot" pattern.
I have a few questions for you awesome people:
- Should I just get an external monitor, or get it fixed? What would be the costs involved? I've done some searching online ranging from "its cheap, 100-200 dollars" to "cheaper to buy new laptop"
- Are there any health hazards (e.g poisonous LCD material) even if there's no visible sign of cracking (as far as I can tell)?
- What are some tips for anger management?
Thanks all -_-
I found this thoroughly entertaining 5/5 would read again+ Show Spoiler +For the anger management take deep breaths and count, try to walk away and go to your "happy place"
Wow,I thought you were gonna talk about the Coldplay album.
Whoa, interesting. Punched your computer huh. I know how you feel, though I've never been pissed enough to actually do that. At most i've slammed my fist into my desk and thrown something across the room, and that's only when I mishandle an engagement badly due to lag and lose the game shortly thereafter (it's an ongoing problem with my computer , got worse with 1.4, so I just play BW )
Anger management? Well, I often just take some time aside to relax and calm down in general. Helps a lot. Also, when you get really angry and feel like doing shit like punching your monitor, remember it's just heat-of-the-moment emotion and chemicals. You have no reason to actually be that angry because of a single game.
If you're aware that it's just chemicals, and keep it in mind when you lose, you'll (hopefully) be able to control yourself.
"Woosaa, woosaa"
Definitely just but a new one.
e. oh it was a laptop.. well then i don't know.
Punch yourself in the thigh, giving yourself a charlie horse. It's better than breaking a piece of your equipment and it'll take your mind off of what just happened for while you recover from it. I've never done this before since I can control myself well but this is also better than punching a hole in the wall too.
thanks for the replies.
ive resolved to do 20 pushups when i feel like this again.
Yea I just wanted to suggest that :D. Whenever I get mad at the game, I just crank out 30 push-ups and it's the best best anger management ever . And if you get angry often, you'll be ripped in no time ).
On October 01 2011 22:34 andycz wrote:Yea I just wanted to suggest that :D. Whenever I get mad at the game, I just crank out 30 push-ups and it's the best best anger management ever . And if you get angry often, you'll be ripped in no time ).
Yeah this is great, maybe put up a pullup bar too.
Yup, definitely don't punch stuff. One of the useful tidbits I learned from psych classes is that taking out your anger, such as by punching stuff, only serves to make yourself more susceptible to anger in the future. Basically, catharsis is only good for a short term reduction in anger, but you will get used to doing it.