Joraiem: I am the rage quit of the group, though you'll never actually hear me rage. I just go completely mute for about half an hour and usually demand a rematch; that I usually win. I don't necessarily like to brag but I think out of our small clan I am the best. I come up with amazing strategies that takes the rest of the group months to figure out how to counter. (They have yet to find a counter for my corsairs > )
FluffyBinLaden: Usually the person to figure out a counter to all my strategies. Like he was the first one to beat my Mass Archon with 3/3/3 upgrades. (Took them months to figure out science vessels could emp.) Even then it wasn't much help against my corsairs. He is by far the smartest one in the group. He is usually the one we go to, to solve our problems.
GenesisCrimson: The Ginger in the group. He is very warm hearted, he is arguably my favorite in the group, the alternative being fluffy. He is a good friend and is hilarious all the time. He does act pretty weird a lot but that's just who he is. As a starcraft player though, he's probably the worst in the group. His strategy is mass carriers with full upgrades destroy all. He's usually right, if he lives to mass carriers that is.
Garrettpwnsjosiah: Wonderful name right, he was referring to fluffy, not me, me and fluffy are both named Josiah. Me and him can be the best of friends one day and me arch enemies the next. Garrett has tormented me all throughout starcraft with his cheap and never changing strategies, that is, >, until I became a protoss player. Once I showed garrett, the zerg player, the power of carriers, he usually backs off.
TheInsomnic: The only korean in the group. He, fluffy, and myself have been known at least once as the best in the group. TheInsomnic is a hardcore terran and loves a huge mix of mech and air units. It can get ridiculous to scan his base and see the variety he has. He has recently been marked as the alcoholic of the group, he logged onto skype and minecraft one day wasted. Me and fluffy had a really big laugh.
I feel like I could go on but I want to keep this one kinda of short, if you want to learn more of my friends and my inability of putting I before E check out my next post. To wrap up I am 14 turning 15 in like a week, October 2nd, and I host the group minecraft server, and play sc and sc2.