TL, let's talk MMORPGs - Page 6
Blogs > Clbull |
United States74 Posts
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United Kingdom1439 Posts
On September 29 2011 10:33 DakotaA7X wrote: DUDE Runescape was the shit like 5 years ago. What fifteen year old boy with a computer DIDNT play it then? I just checked my old account for shits and gigs and I have over 50 days worth of play time on it.....rofl Wait a minute, you need to be a member to check this statistic? | ||
Canada271 Posts
On September 29 2011 10:33 DakotaA7X wrote: DUDE Runescape was the shit like 5 years ago. What fifteen year old boy with a computer DIDNT play it then? I just checked my old account for shits and gigs and I have over 50 days worth of play time on it.....rofl I was like 10 when I played RuneScape :x When I was 15 I was playing RO and Guild Wars | ||
Australia1277 Posts
In year 9, I sold my account to some year 7 kid for $60 australian. Level 83 mining, 71 smithing IIRC. | ||
United States2073 Posts
On September 28 2011 16:32 Zariel wrote: Yeah, hunting exotic monsters/boss (Notorious Monsters NM) was the biggest pain in the butt. I went 1/11 on Valkurm Emperor, 1/8 on Leaping Lizzy, 0/1 on Argus. For people who dont know, these monsters/boss spawn once every 1-4 hours sometimes with some hefty competition with a big area in which it could spawn at. It's not just put a stop-watch and wait, you had to be focused for those few hours to scan for that boss to see if he's popped up. Top off all this with around 10% drop rates on the item you wanted Till today, I still miss this game, I wish all my friends would play it. I still have visions of playing DRG/SAM getting 100TP > Penta Thrust > Meditate, Jump, High Jump > Penta Thrust. Or your good ole Thief during level 35 with Sneak Attack + Trick Attack + Viper Bite, followed by some Blizzardga. And yes, the trick to get to level 75 was to play Bard. EVERYONE loves a Bard. Like.... no joke lol. Red Mages get alot of attention too if you were good. but Red mages were TERRIBLE from levels 10-40. And getting a group with them in those levels was a joke. Werent strong enough to main heal, werent hard hitting enough to choose a RM over a BM. But at max level they were the bosses of the game | ||
United Kingdom1439 Posts
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101 Posts
rsn: jojoereturns | ||
Canada648 Posts
On September 28 2011 15:46 MaestroSC wrote: US Lightnings Blade? If Alliance, I played on that server for the first 2 years of WoW. Was good friends with Jookya, Ming, Tangji. 3 of the first Grand Marshalls (? equivalent of alliance High Warlords, but back when getting these titles meant 60-70 hours a week of nothing but ganking in open fields) Was in Sigil for a bit. There was a UD warlock whose name I cant remember.. who was known server wide for premade PvP'ing it was like "Constantine" or something, i remember he was UD lock and whenever you got into a BG vs his premades the alliance would just accept defeat and wait for next game lol. The most epic pvp time in WoW was vanilla seeing Ming and Jookya just 1v5 people no problem. Same with Sunken... aaahh rogues were sooooo badass back then Also the horde guild SiN OMG LOL. that guild gave every single alliance person nightmares back when i played on that server lol Yea man, Necronis was my name. I was in Aftermath - I was one of the vet guys on constantine's team (got GM like a month after he did with almost the same crew of guys) we would roll into Bgs and people would just /afk out or stand there while we capped the flags/etc or they'd try and we'd eat them alive. It was a good time for my gaming life :D and that's sick u played there! :D and YES vanilla wow was epic pvp, after that it got pure SHIT. [ming is a bitch, i use to toy with him in 1s and even use to playo n my buddies mage n smash him LOL, sooo overrated] im pretty sure im listed on the wowwiki for lb server i got gm the same week with my best pvp buddy at the time Terrion. (crazy bulgarian mofo HAH) | ||
Canada271 Posts
On September 30 2011 23:56 Clbull wrote: Okay, I'm downloading iRO and I'm gonna probably do a later update on my experiences with it. Oh right, I forgot iRO went F2P a while ago. It looks like the website got overhauled too, man it's been a while since I was on the iRO website. I'm gonna miss that nonsensical engrish quiz that helped you choose your job class ![]() Must resist RO urges; after private servers I can't ever do 1x/1x/1x rates, cannot.. cannot.. | ||
Canada3453 Posts
I just roam around alone. RO, WoW, eve, meh. | ||
8748 Posts
Can't believe they're still making expansions for that game! | ||
Special Endrey
Germany1929 Posts
On October 05 2011 10:45 Liquid`Tyler wrote: Original EverQuest + Kunark and Velious was da best. And Enchanter was the best class ever ! =] Can't believe they're still making expansions for that game! you're wrong Star Wars Galaxies = best ![]() | ||
8748 Posts
On October 05 2011 11:06 Special Endrey wrote: you're wrong Star Wars Galaxies = best ![]() lol :D i remember the brave souls who left EQ to try SWG and i remember well their collective "wtf is this shit" | ||
United States1944 Posts
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United States140 Posts
MMO's now days are cake walks. You really dont know what hell is until you had to get a 72 person raid to STFU and pay attention while whoever was in charge types out directions(vent and ts werent around). Then after typing out all of your instructions run into a Vox or Nagy raid, wipe, spend next 4 hours retrieving your corpse that is 2feet near the dragon...or if said person is a dick and aggro's dragon and trains on rest of raid recovering from the beating...every time you die you lose experience and can get leveled down. When you cleared content in that game you definitely earned it! | ||
United States2073 Posts
On October 05 2011 02:28 darcevader88 wrote: Yea man, Necronis was my name. I was in Aftermath - I was one of the vet guys on constantine's team (got GM like a month after he did with almost the same crew of guys) we would roll into Bgs and people would just /afk out or stand there while we capped the flags/etc or they'd try and we'd eat them alive. It was a good time for my gaming life :D and that's sick u played there! :D and YES vanilla wow was epic pvp, after that it got pure SHIT. [ming is a bitch, i use to toy with him in 1s and even use to playo n my buddies mage n smash him LOL, sooo overrated] im pretty sure im listed on the wowwiki for lb server i got gm the same week with my best pvp buddy at the time Terrion. (crazy bulgarian mofo HAH) haha thats cool to meet someone from Lightnings Blade. I remember going against Constantine's stupid premades lol it was always as soon as we entered "well this is over..." lol. Was good friends with Tangji a NE hunter who got GM Super fast also. was def the glory days of WoW before resilience shit and terrible balancing | ||
United States757 Posts
Then I switched to some other Korean mmos, like Granado Espada and Aion (sux). I never touched WoW though. I stopped playing MMOs completely when I started college. I now work at an MMORPG publishing/development company...Derp D: I might start playing the game I'm currently "working" on. It's pretty funsies. | ||
Canada648 Posts
On October 05 2011 12:27 MaestroSC wrote: haha thats cool to meet someone from Lightnings Blade. I remember going against Constantine's stupid premades lol it was always as soon as we entered "well this is over..." lol. Was good friends with Tangji a NE hunter who got GM Super fast also. was def the glory days of WoW before resilience shit and terrible balancing Lol word man. I actually had tangji's acc pw LOL, we use to swap out. Same witha few other Alliance GM/Pvpers, just to fuck around. (obviously not when i was working my way to HW but after i got it n was just pvping for jokes) god i can't even remember all of the names.. soo many old school vanilla pvpers who were total badasses and made the game soo much fun. after TBC hit i just up and sold my acct and never really got back into it (tried a few times but just couldnt stand it anymore) | ||
Norway1676 Posts
On October 05 2011 10:45 Liquid`Tyler wrote: Original EverQuest + Kunark and Velious was da best. And Enchanter was the best class ever ! =] Can't believe they're still making expansions for that game! Seconded. Well, apart from the enchanter part - damn buffbots should stay afk outside my group and keep me cracked and hasted dammit, not leech my precious xp! Oh, and AE groups are totally cheating, by the way. I started playing during Kunark and suffered as an SK is bound to (with loltastic skill caps, kekeke). Velious was pretty much the pinnacle of my carreer, with epic TOV / POG / POM / Kael / Sleepers raids, a fun guild, and faction grinds. So good. Things started taking a nosedive with Luclin, and while PoP was decent from a raiding perspective, the portalling system that Luclin had started with the Nexus scions was further amplified by POK, which really destroyed the feel of the game world being big. I was pretty casual post-Luclin, although my gameplay got a resurgence during LDON as I've always loved single party dungeon crawling. I quit around DON, when I got into WOW beta. 'course, I still revisit the game every now and again. It's decent for some hours of fun, and the mercenary system allows for some solo or duo fun without being too class-specific. This also ruins the central part of EQ though - the focus on group content to progress forced social interaction and social networking, which made the game more community-like, unlike other hellspawn such as WOW, where all that matters is the individual for the average gamer. That said, LFGing for hours to get a spot in Karnors, Sebilis or Velks wasn't all that cool, considering my soloing capabilities was limited to high-grey (but still xp-yielding) mobs I could fearkite. One kill, ten minutes AFK while medding. Good fun. I started my MMORPG playing with UO though, although I never was very seriously into it. I played it at friends' and local net cafes, but not more than a couple hours a week at the most. During EQ, I also tried DAOC, SWG and AO, but neither of the games appealed much to me and I gave them up after 20 or so hours each. In 2004, after 5 years of EQ, I got into WOW closed beta and played that religiously until halfway into TBC or so. I started out as an undead rogue (kek, who didn't), but switched to a human mage as they opened RP PVP servers on the EU realms. Had a lot of fun raiding 40mans with my guild, but eventually got stuck gearing people as they kept leaking to other guilds. Frustrating. Aside from PVE content, I spent a lot of time sporadic PVPing - not going for ranks, but more enjoying the community and gameplay. I was a part of the two or three groups that kept working to rank 14s, and I've seen a lot of people go fucking insane during those last two ranks. I hope the title was worth it. WIth TBC, my desire for raiding was pretty much lost, and I spent most of the time PVPing or doing heroics. The pre-nerf heroics in early TBC were absolutely fantastic (before the weaked mobs and auto-epic bosses), and that's probably the best PVE gameplay I'd had in that game. I did end up doing some ten-man raids, but those were with friends and friends' guilds only, as I didn't have any interest in running or working with a guild at all. Throughout Wrath and Cata, my gameplay's been sporadic, with random time being subscribed or not. I did have a raid alliance going for early Wrath though, where my guild of social misfits banded up with some other friends from Vanilla to do 10man Naxx and Obsidian sanctum and, when it got released, Ulduar. I later powerlevelled a mage on another server to raid ICC10 with some other friends, but only kept that up for a few months. For Cata, I was active for the first couple months, but never bothered getting into the raiding game, and due to the queueing system brought forth in Wrath which rendered social networks more or less pointless, I couldn't be bothered doing the easymode Hardcore 5mans any more either. The challenge had been on a steady decline since vanilla, and while I did enjoy the revamped old-world zones while levelling some alts, the absolute nonexsiting challenge has driven me away. That and the collapse of neccessary social interaction. During WOW, I tried LOTRO, Warhammer Online and AION, but neither appealed to me much. LOTRO and Warhammer online was WOW without being WOW, which made playing the pretenders silly compared to playing the actual, and the art style and unfocused questlines of AION drove me away. I did play Vanguard though, which was made by the original EQ guys, and I really loved this game. It's a shame I never had much pals playing it though, as its gameplay was far more interesting than that of contemporary WOW-clones. | ||
467 Posts
Is the community today still active and the game still being updated? | ||
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